Sea of Thieves Game Idea, Jörmungandr

  • I have been playing sea of thieves for around a month now and realized the times i have encountered the megalodon and kraken have not been hard enough so I thought instead of changing the special creatures that have already been in the game for years might as well a new mythological creature that the Sea of thieves creators and designers could add. So I was scrolling on tiktok and game across the
    Jörmungandr (YOUR-man-GAHN-der) which is basically a giant water serpent that roamed the waters in Norse Mythology from c. 790- c. 1100 CE. The Jörmungandr close the relates to the Pokémon gyarados which might be more familiar to. This sea creature has powers such as supernatural durability, super speed, supernatural stamina, and super strength. The Jörmungandr enemy is the god of thunder, the sky, and agriculture, Thor. Instead of the traditional way of finding the other sea monsters through encountering them while sailing, you would either summon the creature using some sort of special item or bait, or have a very small chance to fish it up. This creature summon process should be similar to the fort of the damned. Once the creature and been summoned or fished up, a cloud related to the creature would appear in the sky. The loot pool would consist of new hunter's call related trinkets similar to the gold hoarders vault key and lots of meat and fish that the creature has eaten. The meat would be a giant chunk of the creature you would have to around like a chest (two hands). The meat could be split up and eaten but, the value of the meat chunk would decrease every time a piece is take out. The fish that that drop would consist of all types of fish but, rarer the fish the rarer it is to be dropped. This creature would make Hunter's Call more enjoy to the players that already have level 50 in the hunter's call company. This would make the hunter's call max level go from 50 to 75.

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  • @seminoles110 Pirates have been requesting new monsters since Day 1, and since then (in addition to the Megs you have already mentioned), we got skeleton ships, ghost ships, phantoms, sirens, and ocean crawlers - and that's about it. It's been 5 years! That's an average of about 1 per year!

    Keep your fingers crossed, but don't expect anything from it.

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