Trouble whit the Lost Sands Aventure...

  • I just don't seem too able to do the "Smuggle a Relic Cache"... when I arrive at Twin Groves the compass points toward a empty place!?!
    What can I do?
    Will someone help me out… this is the only deed left to win the “Victor of Golden Sands” title.

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  • you need to approach Twin Groves on a rowboat, not your ship. The smuggler won't appear otherwise.

  • @bad-angel6009 Make sure you use only the adventure rowboat to get to Twin Grooves (the rowboat should touch the island and your ship shouldn't be nearby).

    The smuggler will appear from the bushes only under these conditions.

  • The only time I had trouble was when was another crew was trying to do it or someone brought the ship over instead of rowing

  • You need to leave the ship at Reaper's hideout, and literally row the row boat out to twin groves for it to work

  • You need to leave the ship at Reaper's hideout, and literally row the row boat out to twin groves for it to work

  • Follow the compass to the rowie .

    Row row row yer boat

  • The ship needs to be about half a square away on the map. You can still use it to transport the rowboat but you need to leave it at least that far away when you go to the island.

  • I also had a trouble to have it appear even thought i used the row boat to Twin Groves and left my ship really far away. I noticed that I had to really put the row boat on the beach spot really close to where the smuggler should be located (at first I put the row boat on the left island of Twin Groves and it wouldn't appear).

  • It is super unreliable for me too. I did it once for myself and it took me forever to figure out i was using the wrong rowboat from the island. I tried to do it a second time with my daughter and i was careful to follow the compass but it was leading me to an empty spot on the hideout. Waited for a respawn and tried to find another rowboat to drop it on the same spot my compass was telling me but to no avail. Really not sure i like this adventure i wasted more time trying to do it than anything else

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