Is attacking alliance servers considered harrassment?

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  • The more personal and coordinated something is towards another or group the more it can be seen/enforced as harassment and targeting.

    People are allowed to toss each other servers and be hostile but I would stay clear of anything that is personal or that can be reasonably viewed as personal/targeting to avoid issues.

    No matter the context, if people submit evidence that can be interpreted as harassment/targeting individuals/groups it may lead to enforcement, which means an individual looking to stay out of trouble is served by considering how their actions/words can be interpreted in a potential reporting scenario.

  • @thorumsu if you're worried. Do it on a smurf account

  • @captain-coel, Is attacking alliance servers considered harrassment? içinde yazdı:

    @thorumsu if you're worried. Do it on a smurf account

    Good idea actually

  • @captain-coel said:

    @thorumsu if you're worried. Do it on a smurf account

    Ehhh here's the thing. If he gets banned on his alt & he continues to play on his main, it is considered ban evasion.

    That's actually the reason I've been apprehensive about attempting this myself. I've had the same ideas as OP, and heard the same rumors.

    Idk. It seems logically inconsistent to say that you can attack an organic alliance, but if it's the type of alliance that Rare frowns upon anyway, then it's considered harassment.

    Like even if I don't say a word, no RODLing, no bucketing, no spawncamping, only sinking for loot... it's still harassment? Doesn't seem right.

    If anything Rare should encourage people to dismantle these cheese servers lol.

  • @thorumsu said in Is attacking alliance servers considered harrassment?:

    Good idea actually

    From memory every case that is somewhat or entirely public when it comes to enforcement for targeting/harassment/toxicity appeared to me to be a clear case of an individual playing with fire and getting burned.

    This doesn't mean that discretion or enforcement is perfect but from what I have personally examined (when there is public context available) it's the people that are doing what they think they should be allowed to do and pushing those lines and playing with that fire that get themselves into trouble.

    If you have to question your actions or try to find a way to get as close to a line as possible, imo that's on a path to trouble.

    It doesn't come down to what we as individuals think we should be able to do or how we like to dance on lines as pirates it's how what we do can be interpreted as when evidence is submitted against us.

  • @theblackbellamy said in Is attacking alliance servers considered harrassment?:

    @captain-coel said:

    @thorumsu if you're worried. Do it on a smurf account

    Ehhh here's the thing. If he gets banned on his alt & he continues to play on his main, it is considered ban evasion.

    That's actually the reason I've been apprehensive about attempting this myself. I've had the same ideas as OP, and heard the same rumors.

    Idk. It seems logically inconsistent to say that you can attack an organic alliance, but if it's the type of alliance that Rare frowns upon anyway, then it's considered harassment.

    Like even if I don't say a word, no RODLing, no bucketing, no spawncamping, only sinking for loot... it's still harassment? Doesn't seem right.

    If anything Rare should encourage people to dismantle these cheese servers lol.

    Why did you bring up RODLing?

  • @wolfmanbush said:

    If you have to question your actions or try to find a way to get as close to a line as possible, imo that's on a path to trouble.

    I get what you're saying, but I think the only reason he is questioning this action is because of the rumors surrounding it.

    Otherwise, there shouldn't be a reason to question anything. If it's okay for me to lie to another player before making an organic alliance, it absolutely should be okay to lie prior to spiking a server.

    I'm suspecting that the only reason we have any concerns is because of the disinformation coming from those groups, in order to deter players like me.

  • @personalc0ffee said:

    Why did you bring up RODLing?

    Because I know folks who have been yellowed for RODL spam. Perhaps I should have specified spam. But my proposal was, what if I made zero communication?

  • @theblackbellamy said in Is attacking alliance servers considered harrassment?:

    @personalc0ffee said:

    Why did you bring up RODLing?

    Because I know folks who have been yellowed for RODL spam. Perhaps I should have specified spam. But my proposal was, what if I made zero communication?

    Interesting and I did get your point. I was just seeking confirmation but yes probably should have specified that.

    Imagine being banned with zero communication for playing the game.

    I don't think we've had an official declaration on whether it is OK or not to invade an alliance server's discord and take down their servers.

    I feel like that is too close to the no harassment but also not.

  • Is attacking alliance servers considered harrassment?

    alt text

  • @theblackbellamy said in Is attacking alliance servers considered harrassment?:

    @wolfmanbush said:

    If you have to question your actions or try to find a way to get as close to a line as possible, imo that's on a path to trouble.

    I get what you're saying, but I think the only reason he is questioning this action is because of the rumors surrounding it.

    Otherwise, there shouldn't be a reason to question anything. If it's okay for me to lie to another player before making an organic alliance, it absolutely should be okay to lie prior to spiking a server.

    I'm suspecting that the only reason we have any concerns is because of the disinformation coming from those groups, in order to deter players like me.

    I think with the information given this is a reasonable way to look at it.

    My goal when taking into account specific parts of what was provided was to offer a perspective that encouraged reflection and awareness so that a person that wants to stay out of trouble can perhaps achieve that goal.

    I think perspectives like yours being included also provide useful information so that the op can figure out what they consider to be right for them.

    It also allows me a chance dive in a bit more to say that I don't think op or people in the op's boots should play in fear, just mindful of their decisions so they can play without worry.

    There are too many random scenarios and unknowns for me to say go for it as general advice.

  • @thorumsu said in Is attacking alliance servers considered harrassment?:

    So... I am too tempted to join a requiem server and betray them for like 2 months now. Not because I am mad about them or anything (They just ruin the game for themselves). It just looks so fun when watching Noobface.

    Now, I heard some rumours. Apparently, joining a discord server only to sink them is considered harrassment and can give you a yellowbeard. Noobface is the Greatest example but he kinda impersonated someone and all so...

    Or can they just mass report to give people instant redbeards? I heard rumours about that too. Normally I would not care but I can't afford to lose my triumphant sea dog set and sudds jacket.

    Also don't forget to input your inb4lock as posts that have the phrase "Alliance server" in them gets locked for some reason.

    I would not consider it harassment as long as you are just playing the game and not griefing, being toxic or harassing them verbally - or stating your intent is to drive anyone from the server/game. They have no right to dictate how you can play on public servers like they think they do. In fact, I bet you could get some of them banned depending upon their reaction to betrayal and being attacked in a PvPvE game. They have no right to dictate terms on servers they neither own nor rent, these are public servers open to all...despite what a lot of them think.

    Targeting other players does not apply to attacking random person on a specific server. That terminology applies to targeting SPECIFIC people or specific groups of people, which can get you in trouble.

    They would require proof of you being "harassing" in order for Rare to take any definitive action, and as long as you are playing above board, not being verbally abusive, or make it look as though you are specifically targeting a certain player or group based on outside factors (sex, race, orientation, etc.) then they really wouldn't have a leg to stand on. But be ready with your own recording in case THEY get verbally abusive or harassing, as it will likely happen at some point (and they all may team up on you in order to force YOU from the server, which in itself is against the code of conduct and a reportable offense - if you can get them on tape admitting as much).

    Remember, bottom line is they have no right to dictate how someone plays on the Sea of Thieves servers since they are all public - Discord offers no special rights despite what a lot of those people believe. As long as you play respectful and do not actually harass (I'd avoid spawncamping too, just to be safe on that), they wouldn't have a leg to stand on in reporting you. Rare and Microsoft are aware of false mass reporting tactics so just because they do it doesn't mean it is effective, especially of you've done nothing wrong and they have no proof to the contrary. And you might get some to do toxic things themselves to earn themselves a timeout from the game, wouldn't that be ironic.

  • @thorumsu

    Is it harassment?

    Probably not.

    Will I think less of you?


  • it kind of reminds me of the old 'its not what is said, so much as who said it' situation.
    whether it is deemed as harassment will likely depend upon who is doing the reporting. it is a risk, for certain.

  • It is not harresment, instead is a breach of rules decided by those who organize these alliances. The moment you subscribe to join their alliance servers, you accept these rules. How you intend to breach these rules and your behavior during this time is highly monitored.

  • @metal-ravage said in Is attacking alliance servers considered harrassment?:

    It is not harresment, instead is a breach of rules decided by those who organize these alliances. The moment you subscribe to join their alliance servers, you accept these rules. How you intend to breach these rules and your behavior during this time is highly monitored.

    Good news the rules of an alliance server (should) mean nothing to Rare or the game as a whole.

  • Unfortunately, it would be seen as harassment if it was provable that you targeted that alliance with the intent of ruining their enjoyment of the game.

    Community Code of Conduct:

    [NEVER] Harass, bully, intimidate, threaten or encourage others to do harm. None of these behaviours will be tolerated. Any activity you engage in that is solely designed to target and upset another player or crew constitutes bullying. Repeated activity designed to ruin the experience of another player or crew constitutes harassment.

    [NEVER} Advertise, spam, troll or engage in witch hunts. No form of advertising is appropriate. Any form of spamming should be avoided. Trolling, baiting and witch hunts are also unacceptable.

    It's a bit of a grey area and it would really come down to how the enforcement team interpret the rules as they exist. There are guidelines about keeping it "on the seas", meaning in-game, and this could potentially break those as well.

    The Pirate Code

    Article 3 Disputes Are Settled upon the Waves
    None shall quarrel or overly dissent against another crew, but let every engagement be settled by sword, pistol and good seamanship.

    What it comes down to though is that you have signposted your intent here, so you have no recourse if they do report you.

  • @thorumsu

    While Rare doesn't specifically say you that can't infiltrate an alliance server, most alliance servers will mass report your Xbox account and get you banned that way. The Alliance servers will have hundreds of their members report your account, and when Microsoft sees an account getting hundreds of reports an hour they'll automatically ban your account.

  • @ammo-pouches said in Is attacking alliance servers considered harrassment?:


    While Rare doesn't specifically say you that can't infiltrate an alliance server, most alliance servers will mass report your Xbox account and get you banned that way. The Alliance servers will have hundreds of their members report your account, and when Microsoft sees an account getting hundreds of reports an hour they'll automatically ban your account.

    Entering in these scenarios does potentially increase risk and escalation. The risk being it's not a random scenario on a random server which minimizes issues.

    but reporting still requires evidence. As far as I know mass reporting as a weapon doesn't work and those that review the reports are aware of the strategy.

    There would be a significant amount of bans if it worked.

  • @wolfmanbush People have gotten banned simply from mass reports. While I don't think Rare automatically bans you, Microsoft and Xbox will if you get enough reports in a certain amount of time. Because more than likely if someone gets reported for cheating 300 times in an hour, chances are that they're probably cheating. It's possible that this is not the case and that every single person who has gotten banned from infiltrating an alliance server actually had their account manually reviewed. But if that was the case then people should've gotten the ban lifted once Rare sees that they've had no previous altercations, and that somehow they suddenly get 300+ reports within an hour for "toxic behavior".

    Alliance servers have also sent out message to the people in their discord encouraging their members to mass report someone who has infiltrated the server, and they show step by step examples on how to do just that. So certain alliance servers definitely believe that mass reporting works, which makes me and everyone else who has been banned believe that mass reporting is real and it works.

  • @kommodoreyenser said in Is attacking alliance servers considered harrassment?:

    @metal-ravage said in Is attacking alliance servers considered harrassment?:

    It is not harresment, instead is a breach of rules decided by those who organize these alliances. The moment you subscribe to join their alliance servers, you accept these rules. How you intend to breach these rules and your behavior during this time is highly monitored.

    Good news the rules of an alliance server (should) mean nothing to Rare or the game as a whole.

    Indeed, yet mass reporting seem to work.

  • From what I see, the rumors stem from the effects of mass reporting. There's no way that Rare would ban people for taking down alliance servers.
    If we were to get a concrete answer, I would totally spend free time spiking alliance servers on alt accounts (to avoid blacklisting) with you fine pirates. After Golden Sands is rebuilt, that is.

  • @realstyli said:

    Unfortunately, it would be seen as harassment if it was provable that you targeted that alliance with the intent of ruining their enjoyment of the game... What it comes down to though is that you have signposted your intent here, so you have no recourse if they do report you.

    A bit of a stretch there.

    OP said he wanted to betray the alliance because he thought "it looked so fun," not explicitly to ruin their fun. OP didn't seem intent on harassing them over discord either, so he wouldn't be violating Article 3. Betraying them, sinking them, killing them, stealing their loot - this all happens in-game. If OP leaves the discord prior to any PvP, there's no way to interact other than "upon the waves."

    Anyway, I opened a support ticket & I'll share the response I get, unless an employee chimes in here before then. If it is true that folks can get banned simply for infiltrating and betraying an organized alliance, then Rare would be indirectly strengthening something that goes directly against their vision.

  • @thorumsu Just mind the language and blast these peasants!

    Betraying your alliance is part of the game design, check the Cursed Sails gameplay Trailer, even Rare made it clear that alliances are dangerous.

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