please add Enderpearls like minecraft

  • i wish there were throwable resource items like blunderbombs that teleport you where they land, makes it possible to board the ships of other pirates and fight them without you being stuck in an animation where all they have to do is just sit there infront of the ladder and wait until you are stuck in it then they one-shotgun you

  • 25
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  • I feel like there could be a more piratey alternative to boarding ships, but your best bet for boarding right now is applying a lot of pressure so the crew can't watch ladders intensely.

    Why would an item that comes from a completely different universe make it's way into a piratical earthly world in the first place?

  • @nex-stargaze
    Well i am a noob and dont collect alot of mats so if i try to cannon fight people they will just destroy me with magic cannonballs and all the mats that they have
    so my only chance is to try to board them and try to kill them
    but everytime i try to jump on somebodys boat i am so excited to get up the ladder and start the fight its but its just always the same player sitting there with shotgun doing nothing but waiting for me to be stuck in animation then i get 1 shot

  • You can shoot yourself out of a cannon also you can use the cannons

  • makes it possible to board the ships of other pirates and fight them without you being stuck in an animation where all they have to do is just sit there infront of the ladder and wait until you are stuck in it then they one-shotgun you

    Use a Cannon to shoot yourself and land on the ship.

    and maybe, idk stop trying to climb ladders?

  • @burnbacon thats very difficult and laggy
    I tryed to do that alot but i always bump into their ship flags and bounce off
    or i actualy land on their boat but randomly get teleported off for no reason right after

  • @burnbacon Becoz the thing i love about the game right now is how the game depends on your vessel, your ship/vessel is mobile and the only way to get around you respawn on your vessel you can shoot with your vessel and put everrything on your vessel
    you can invade other peoples vessels i thought attacking people personally on their boat was going to be a big thing in the game but i realisd thats very not easy because all that happens is they one shot gun on the ladder and u cant get excited to battle invading other peoples vessel
    adding enderpearls or something similar will make battle/fights more fun

  • @ilovfamilyguy90 said in please add Enderpearls like minecraft:

    you can invade other peoples vessels i thought attacking people personally on their boat was going to be a big thing in the game but i realisd thats very not easy because all that happens is they one shot gun on the ladder and u cant get excited to battle invading other peoples vessel

    I don't think a lot of people are okay with hostile player pirates running around their boat killing them and manipulating their ship. Usually the best way to approach a board is with extreme pressure or the element of surprise of boarding through other means (deck shot, mast ladder grab, the rare and hard to pull off on sloop/brigantines harpoon board, the use of docking a rowboat, etc.)

  • I think being able to teleport at will would break this game and the game’s lore. Hit detection is already bad enough without your enemies being able to teleport.

  • if you give people a reason not to be constantly watching ladders they wont be. also saying well i dont collect alot of resources means i have to board people. no it means you need to collect more resources

  • I am shocked that they didn't add actual pearls as part of the Sunken Kingdom...

  • I'd sooner see a new equipment in the form of a grapple gun to fire a hook to an enemy ship and climb across

  • no that sounds extremely unfun

  • @ilovfamilyguy90 said in please add Enderpearls like minecraft:

    Well i am a noob and dont collect alot of mats so if i try to cannon fight people they will just destroy me with magic cannonballs and all the mats that they have
    so my only chance is to try to board them and try to kill them
    but everytime i try to jump on somebodys boat i am so excited to get up the ladder and start the fight its but its just always the same player sitting there with shotgun doing nothing but waiting for me to be stuck in animation then i get 1 shot

    You can slide down when they’re about to shoot so they waste the shot or let go and grab it before falling all the way. If someone is watching their ladder, repeatedly climbing straight up will not yield different results. You can also fire out of a cannon and land on their ship. Having a teleportation mechanic for boarding would be atrocious and extremely overpowered. Not only this, but it wouldn’t fit with the lore of the game.

  • @illbushido305 Ye sliding is placebo
    They could just stand where u cant shoot them and only move for one shotgun when uare stuck in animation
    only works against noobs

    Lol?? lore? blunderbombs are already in the game and cannot be more op than enderpearls, enderpearl are weaker than blunderbomb and blunderbomb is alrready in the game so how is it going to be more op than blunderbomb

  • @illbushido305 Why is everyone say land on their boat
    is it normal for a playerr to be able to do that
    i want to see a video of someone repeat landing on other boat consistenly
    its very hard and i want to see the person who actually can do that tell me tips and tricks becoz everyrone in this thread hasnt told me anything i dont know

  • @nex-stargaze Can u do all that?
    im sorry to even ask that but u say it like you regulary do that in every battle in the game

  • I don't think a lot of people are okay with hostile player pirates running around their boat killing them and manipulating their ship.

    Why not when they can do exactly the same to me

  • @ilovfamilyguy90 said in please add Enderpearls like minecraft:

    @illbushido305 Why is everyone say land on their boat
    is it normal for a playerr to be able to do that
    i want to see a video of someone repeat landing on other boat consistenly
    its very hard and i want to see the person who actually can do that tell me tips and tricks becoz everyrone in this thread hasnt told me anything i dont know

    Yes it’s normal and not extremely difficult to do. Yo can land on the deck or on the ladders and it’ll be an unexpected board.

  • @ilovfamilyguy90 said in please add Enderpearls like minecraft:

    @nex-stargaze Can u do all that?
    im sorry to even ask that but u say it like you regulary do that in every battle in the game

    They likely can as I can. Putting pressure on a crew is what you’re supposed to do if there’s a competent player making sure you can’t board.

  • option one:

    improve your ship manouvering and cannoning skills, how are you gonna sink a ship if it has no holes

    option two:

    go for a more sneaky approach, you know there are rowboats right ?

    option three:

    go for the cannon yourself onto ship approach

  • @illbushido305 I have been trying to it for hours
    and its not easy at all to perforrm
    if u know how to do it alot
    do u have any tips and tricks to getting the good angle for deck shot

  • I think something better would be ropes that you could swing on to board ships. That would be better than something that is complete phantasy.

  • I agree with adding more ways to board, but teleportation is not one of them. The ability to swing from ropes, grappling hooks so you can climb up the hull, even more ladders or nets to climb up would be the route I'd go.

  • If you're having trouble getting on the enemy ship because there's always someone watching the stairs, maybe it's because your enemies aren't distracted enough.
    Trying a board as a first step in a battle is not advisable, as the enemy will be able to watch the ladder quietly. There are many things that can be done first, such as hitting shots at the hull, destroying the masts, among others. This will keep enemies busy and ease your board. Besides being able to use blunderbombs to take down the enemy crew at sea, so no one will be watching the ladder. Either cause a fire at the top of the ladder so that the opponent is on fire while trying to watch your board, or it has to occupy itself to put out the fire.
    Is a landing on the ship after you've landed from the cannon a harder way? Yes. But it's not impossible. How do you do that? Training.
    There are some streamers that teach the basics of cannon shooting, just search the internet.
    Now, a means of teleporting to the enemy ship is totally OP, and in my opinion, no sense at all with the game. There are many ways to get on the enemy ship, just train and be creative. Remember, adapt your strategy to the enemy's strategy.

    And complaining to others who have opinions contrary to yours will only make them less inclined to help you. Respect to be respected

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