Capture a Code (UNOFFICIAL) Community Competition. Your Best 'It’s not about the Glory, it’s about the Fishing' Screenshot. [RESULTS]

  • Ahoy and thank you for more excellent screenshots!

    This weeks winner certainly made me laugh!

    Congratulations @romulove1295

    And your Fishrate Lord!

  • 12
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  • Congrats @romulove1295 !

  • Congrats!

  • Makes me think of super mario sunshine on gamecube

  • That cursed…

  • Just good to see the winner go to a person not requiring more than a crew to take this perfect photo. Well done, and cheers for the Capstan! If you ever have any more pics, and this goes for anyone, I think I'm handing in my hat on this photo contest stuff for now. I'm just too tired and old to be doing forum photos for a ship part that I'll probably never see on my own ship before it's too late. As of so far this year our family has been a bit plagued with bad luck, and this is one thing I can put a stop to for at least now. If anyone would like to use my Gamertag for any photos that they use but can't win the Capstan, think of ol' o T00L o if ya don't mind. Cheers to all! ✌️❤️🍻😪
    Here's the icing on the cake, I've been pirating since day one, even before that, and I got - 1 friends in these forums... Lol look for yourself! 🤣

  • @wolfmanbush It really does, doesn't it.

  • The Fishrate Lord used SPLASH!
    a critical hit!

    @lizalaroo Thanks man, I'm very, very happy!

  • @wolfmanbush said in Capture a Code (UNOFFICIAL) Community Competition. Your Best 'It’s not about the Glory, it’s about the Fishing' Screenshot. [RESULTS]:

    Makes me think of super mario sunshine on gamecube

    Haha, so good!

  • @o-t00l-o

    Personally, I feel like you should never give up! My brother won the capstan because of a one in a million chance that a skeleton crossed his path while he was performing a holding a skull emote. It made him look like he had a skeleton in a headlock. It’s all about how creative you can be!

    Not everyone has a large crew or a lot of different emotes. You don’t need that to win. I have seen so many creative pictures. Yes I’m upset that I couldn’t win a capstan but this weeks winner was creative and I believe he beat me fail and square.

    My advice to you is never give up and find a way to be as creative as you can!

  • @coffeelight5545 The curious thing is that my initial idea was to fish in the maiden voyage and the photo would be something like "the first fishing we never forget", but then an idea led to another idea that made me get this screenshot

  • @coffeelight5545
    I appreciate you taking the time to write this, but I've posted so many photos on here, and Twitter that I just get tired of losing over and over. I'm sure I'll be back one day, just getting kinda butt hurt I guess because I've had the complete Set of The Obsidian stuff for so long, just want it to hurry up and be finished so I can move in to other things. Between actually playing, remembering to screenshot stuff, and the daily rat race, it's hard to juggle. We'll see what happens down the road. Thanks for the comments. ✌️🍻❤️

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