Possible supply hack?

  • So my crew and I where a reaper 5 gally and we just finished getting an ashen windson our ship when a solo sloop in baby whites attacked. It was a surprising tough fight but we managed to sink him, nothing fishy so far other then a probable server hopper having chain shots for days. Things only got fishy when we where sailing from kraken’s fall to reapers to go sell, all he had was a flag and I was boarded when he sunk so we set sails fairly quickly, he was already at reapers & angled his broad side at us before we reached shark tooth. We got there, and after a long fight (we only had about 50 cannonballs going into the fight) we sunk him again. Now the fishy part. He was indiscriminately using chain shots during the second fight, probably around 20 I wasn’t in a black screen for, and managed to fine cannonball after cannonball after cannonball, as well as 2 anchor balls, a ballestball, a sleep ball & a few other green curse balls that missed. When I was boarded on his ship, right before he sunk I checked some of his barrels, 3 pineapple (that I took) I think 10 mangoes, and over 500 cannonballs, and 38 chain-shots (he belled before I checked the bottom cannonball barrel. That’s not all… he managed to back spawn & get a survival crate into the sell room on reapers. Now I saw him eat at least 2 pineapples well I was boarding him, and managed to have another 3 (that I saw him eat) on the hideout itself, as well as my crew mate going “he just keeps eating bloody pineapples” well I was grabbing more ammo. He definitely didn’t have enough time to do the tall tale 5 exploit I still haven’t figured out how to do, and even still that wouldn’t explain the pineapples. Basically, does anyone know how he managed to get 500+ cannonballs, 50+ chains (including the ones I witnessed shot) and probably upwards of 10 pineapples? I’m jokingly called the quartermaster of my crew because I’m always the one stocking up the ship, getting on an hour before everybody else sailing from fort to fort stocking up at times. My personal record is 1,000+ cannonballs, 120ish chains, idk how much wood, and 12/13 pineapples with some meg and a lucky kraken (was one of the first sunken ship barrels I looted and it managed to remain uneaten through the whole run)… now that was on a gally that I ran for about 40 hours (make mistake of saying I get off when I sink, and it never sunk, eventually I just hade to go to sleep), so how did this man get about half that & 3 storage crates, one with 100 wood, within about 10 minutes, not even because he was at reapers waiting within probably 2 or 3 minutes. And we had already sold on that server before and besides him, where the only reapers to make it to the hideout since our last sell (we took the other reapers flag’s first lol) so it wasn’t just waiting there for him on the dock or something. I messaged him and his response was “luck, gg”

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  • @octyrex
    He could have spawned on an outpost where another crew left some nice storage crates.

  • @lem0n-curry I thought about that since I posted, it’s the only “legit” thing I could think of. I played before S2 so I remember how much more commonish the practice was, I often leave my supplies on the dock in a storage crate when I get off, I call it “donating to the sea gods” so ik how juicy those can be, but if he got it through those means, those crates would have at least double any donation I’ve seen/given. On top of that, he made it to reapers before we could even make it 2 squares, and we had some wind (no billow or anything) so I feel like even spawning at shipwreck or snake island would have been too far. Even if he Spond at Golden Sands and had a Beamreach all the way to reapers, I don’t think he would’ve made it there that quickly, golden sands being the only outpost close enough for him to have beaten us there and had time to raise reapers and get in position (also he raised reapers at reapers, if he spawned at an outpost I’d think he would have raised at the outpost, or at least I would)
    Plus golden sands feels a bit far from krakens fall for him to spawn after his first sink. But ya finding the supplies on the dock at an outpost is the only legit thing I could imagine

  • You haven't seen my donations then when I do this. I routinely leave every type of CCB in multiples, a minimum of 198 cannonballs (2x 99 stacks), and typically 50+ each of Chainshot, Blunderbombs, and Firebombs. I then close it out with whatever the best foods I have and can fit. And that is assuming I don't leave more than one crate in which case I'm usually doing a full supply dump and those can be insane for me at times. So it is not impossible that they stumbled on to something like that by chance.

    Otherwise they may have gotten a really good spawn location. Sometimes the available supplies in barrels can be astounding on the islands/Outposts. Not always, but sometimes. Get one of those and you could be rolling out with around what you've described pretty quickly.

    Anyways, I'm not aware of any supply hacks available for this game, so I'd be hard pressed to assume that this was a hack based on what they had available.

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