How to Improve loot render distance.

  • Is there any way to improve the distance you can see loot? Particularly from sunken player ships.

    I was testing with graphical settings and increasing "model detail" does have an impact. If you put it in the lowest setting, and walk away from an item, until you stop seeing its shine, and then you increase it, then you can see the shine from the loot from farther away.

    I also saw someone mentioning changing the value of sg.ViewDistanceQuality=3 in GameUserSettings.ini. Anyone knows about this? If so, what is the highest value?

    Are there any other settings or changes in files one can do to improve LOOT/shine render distance?

    More than once have I sunk someone after a lot of work, only to be 2 drops of water from sinking myself and having to repair and stuff. And by the time I am able to save my own hide I lost track of the loot.

    "Drop your anchor, lower your sails, make a mark in the map". I know all those tips, but some times you just dont have time, or your mark is off... even more so if you sink them from a distance by long range shooting and/or boarding.

    In this last case I was solo slooping vs a brig who had just done a fort, we both got caught in the kraken, I managed to sink them, do repairs and finish krakken. It was only 2 more tentacles so I dont think their loot sank. But by then I was a bit at a loss about where the loot was. I had made a mark in the map when they sunk but it clearly wasnt good enough.

    It would be really cool if a sunken player ship spawned some seagulls or something.

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  • Totally agree.

    Seagulls should spawn right above where the loot floats up. It's consistent with Skeleton Ships and even some Ghost ones, as well as flotsam and sunken ships. Player ships should also follow suit.

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