Adding filters

  • I think it's a great idea to add filters before entering Advanture, for example filter that you want your crew to be over rep 50, filter that you want to only do World events etc.

  • feedbackgeneral
  • You can also find someone in the Sea of Thieves official discord.

    There are tons of people there who want to do the same things as you, and can meet your requirements.

  • I think this would be fine, in particular if it was treated as a preference like Xbox Only servers where it will still place you quickly even if it can't find all your criteria in the pool - instead it fills as many boxes as it can. While there are means in place for people to do this to some degree already (Discords, Xbox LFG, etc), it would still be nice to have tools in game directly for this (and would likely make Open Crew a bit more viable for more people).

    I also don't feel, personally, that these kinds of tools should be relegated to outside systems that may or may not be onboarded by the player base when said player has already elected to onboard into your product. Sure, it saves you work, but that is a shortcut and having these tools wouldn't mean those others suddenly don't exist and can't be used by people. In fact, since there would be a difference in system placement versus personally curated crews via these systems they would both still hold value.

    I'd also be for basic level filters on the Pirate Generator. Not a fan of sliders like many out there, but I do think being able to set "Masculine or Feminine" and perhaps "Skintone" (which I suppose could technically be a slider for simplicity of design in presenting the various ones available/needed) would be suitable in that it gives players a modicum of control over the Gender and Ethnicity of their character. People shouldn't be so hung up on getting the "perfect" pirate, but being able to have that small degree of control would help a large swath of players who do get hung up on that more have a moderately better chance knowing that all the pirates they generate in a given batch will meet at least their base level criteria.

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