Whale hunting

  • So i was thinking of a way to expand the Hunters call faction. Currently the only way to level up is to bring them food and gems, and that's it... But, if there was some sort of voyage or world event that whould prove more of a challange or just a fun activity i'
    d suggest adding whale hunting. You set of with your ship and search for whalefins or splashing water and then there is a battle simular to the megaladon but instead of it attacking its runs so you need to use the harpoons to kill it.

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  • @sirwillybottom

    Rare has taken a stance of not introducing whales into the game for this particular reason. They don't want imply or promote even the smallest acceptance of whale hunting.

    Sorry won't happen.

  • @xultanis-dragon said in Whale hunting:

    They don't want imply or promote even the smallest acceptance of whale hunting.

    I never liked this argument. Doesn't this also mean that Rare endorses piracy and murder? Since it's in their game and all.

    I think most players can separate what's in the game to what's in real life.

  • @sirwillybottom
    I have always wondered why HC does not have bait voyages. The mission would be like bring me 2 of X fish and this piece of loot on Y island and I will make some bait. Then take the bait to this spot and summon a meg.

  • @glennyatta that whould be interesting indeed. You chould for example get a box or a barrel wich is bait for a certain type of meg or kraken.

  • @xultanis-dragon On the other hand, in the game we drink grog, kill, steal, insult.
    Lack of power and king, for example, if you add a soldier to the game, then you automatically become a smuggler and poacher (several pigs and chickens)

  • @mferr11

    Some players can compartmentalize, others players can't, but at the end of the day its Rare's game and its dependent on what they believe is okay and not okay.

    The murder thing aside there is no "blood" in this game and players aren't dead forever, they can come back from the ferry in this world which apparently is an actual thing since the introduction of the most recent Halloween event where the stories talked about players intentionally dying and picking up the flame from the ferry and coming back with it.

    Honestly this is one of the worst types of debates to get into because you'd be surprised how personal some people take it and believe that real life morality dictates in game morality.

    I'm with you that it shouldn't matter when it comes to gaming but I know how the world is and I know human beings and humans are animals that are idiots. Real world shouldn't be in gaming but again I also don't like whaling. However, the creation of the world and its rules I leave to the creators. If Rare has a valid reason for it and they stick to their guns, I'm with Rare.


    Lack of power and king, for example, if you add a soldier to the game, then you automatically become a smuggler and poacher (several pigs and chickens)

    Rare draws some lines in what type of insults you can use. The grog they are okay with because the characters are adults and adults drink, the killing, no one is actually dead in this game and its part of the lore.

    The king would have to control the territories first off so even if there was a king in the game, there are no territories that he controls. The soldier's jurisdiction only goes as far as the country he follows has influence. Its why an NYPD officer from America can't arrest someone in Russia for breaking a New York law while in Russia.

    Don't bring real world into the discussion because at the end of the day the gods of Sea of Thieves is Rare. They dictate what they want to allow in their world and what they don't. They said they don't want to promote whaling in any way shape or form.

    Its not our place to say "oh well you promote this and that because of this and that then right??" - Don't do that. Thats just poor form and immature. I know you aren't trying to be and are just trying to make a point but its a bad point and has no validity to the argument as again I will mention

    SoT World - Rare is God they get to do what they want.

    SIDE NOTE This is an extreme stretch I'm taking so take it with a grain of salt but like you guys, just trying to make a point.

    I can take from your lack of actual participation in trying to stop the drug cartels that you guys are okay with their actions?? Murder, selling drugs, human trafficking, and everything else right?? I mean the fact that you don't actively try to do anything to stop it means you guys condone it??

    Again, extreme stretch and I don't mean to insinuate anything.

  • @xultanis-dragon said in Whale hunting:

    the killing, no one is actually dead in this game and its part of the lore.

    Also player only kill skeletons, online player interaction is not covered by ESRP and thus not rated.

  • We don't have whale hunting for the same reason we don't pull up dolphins, or turtles, when fishing.

    It just isn't any fun.

    But crabs?

  • @barnabas-seadog
    Where is the Hunters call crab island world boss?

  • Sharks are on the endangered species list so should rare stop promoting the killing of sharks?

  • @mferr11 I agree completely. We’re allowed to kill pigs, snakes, each other, etc. not to mention Steal from each other. Seems contradictory to allow the killing of Animal A, but not Animal B. I’ve heard the Devs argument on this topic and I understand the reasoning. But still we can kill other animals. So don’t make much sense IMO.

  • @firebombdon said in Whale hunting:

    @mferr11 I agree completely. We’re allowed to kill pigs, snakes, each other, etc. not to mention Steal from each other. Seems contradictory to allow the killing of Animal A, but not Animal B. I’ve heard the Devs argument on this topic and I understand the reasoning. But still we can kill other animals. So don’t make much sense IMO.

    Virtue signaling is rarely consistent it's just a calculated marketing scheme which is why companies typically only peek their heads out on issues when they are as safe as possible to do so

    In this case it's the smart PR choice. There is no real need to add it and it doesn't bring anything significant to the game but it would generate unnecessary controversy

  • @firebombdon

    It makes sense to them and thats all that is required. They are the gods of their creation, they set the rules.

    Hey while we are at it, how about we allow players to kill pets. I mean cats and dogs should be allowed to be murdered if we are allowed to kill pigs and chickens right??

    A player is petting their dog and I shoot a cannon into them and the dog dies. I mean its the same thing right?? I should get cat meat or dog meat from it or even cat fur or dog fur.

    Come on people lets not pretend that we judge animals equally. We as a society eat chicken but frown on a society that eats dogs. Don't bring real life into this and don't bring morality into the game.

    You want a reason?? Rare doesn't want it. They created the world, its their decision.

  • Just make it a man eating whale 🐳 with 4 glowing eyes 👀 so the hippie liberal Whale Warriors don’t get their undies in a bunch.

    Cause chasing down and hunting and killing a huge Big arss whale 🐋 from one side of the map to the other all while fending off other players and ships and what not would be epic!

    Like a giant swimming, attacking, FOTD! Be able to drag like 4 ships that have it Harpooned.

    That would be cool!

  • You'd obviously need multiple types of hunter's call voyages, even if whale hunting were introduced.

    The best way to implement this would be to make the beginning voyages "mermaid cleansing" quests. Sending the player to one or more specific islands to cleanse the cursed mermaid statues in the water around the island, and return the gems to them.

    The whale hunting voyage should be special, and only unlocked once hitting level 40 or above.

    The whale in question should be dangerous and causing mass extinction within fish species of the area. It should be an extraordinarily large sperm whale, in reference to the most well-known sailing novel.

    The fight could use a modified version of the megalodon AI, with some bonus attacks kinda like what they did with skeleton lords compared to ashen lords.

    Rewards would be up to the devs, though I'd expect it to be a mix of random loot ingested by the whale and a special type, most likely consisting of a treasure lost by the hunter's call or a previous ship, felled by the beast.

  • @sirwillybottom said in Whale hunting:

    So i was thinking of a way to expand the Hunters call faction. Currently the only way to level up is to bring them food and gems, and that's it... But, if there was some sort of voyage or world event that whould prove more of a challange or just a fun activity i'
    d suggest adding whale hunting. You set of with your ship and search for whalefins or splashing water and then there is a battle simular to the megaladon but instead of it attacking its runs so you need to use the harpoons to kill it.

    nice idea a lot of people have asked for this maybe they'll add it this year idk

  • AC Black Flag did it, sure it got some flak for it, but all together the players enjoyed it; just because they're loud doesn't mean they're many (referring to the media, etc.). None the less it would be a good addition to the game. Be it optional or not.

  • @mferr11 Praise to you mother Mferr11 Whale lord My guy!

  • We already hunt the whales...these ones are just able to feast on yer innards if'n ye fail. This is a perfectly happy compromise.

    I agree whole-heartedly with more and bigger things to hunt for HC, but this is a pointless hair-splitting argument. Even if you want a "raid level" hunt...just ask for a bigger shark that does all the ish you just asked for...only it can also fight back.

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