• YOU SERIOUSLY NEED TO ADRESS THE LOADING TIMES FOR XBOX PLAYERS!!!!!!!!!! Firstly because after a xbox player dyes the time it takes for the ferry of the damned loads then the time it takes to load back into the game where your ship is takes so long and while you load in you can hear your ship being torn apart by what ever you are engaged with for a full 2 (TWO) MINUTES!! Before you are actually loaded on your ship.. by then your ship is lost and you are either swimming for a mermaid or waiting on the ferry again!.
    Secondly it is a extreme disadvantage when going against those playing on PC. They have drastically shorter load times.
    Also forget about try to tell me " it's your network speed." Or " its your service provider." Or " its due to your distance from our severs." Because I have done multiple tests about this. My networks are perfect and speeds are just fine. This is legitimately a game server problem.

  • 54
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    xbox one
  • Add on a solid state hard drive. A standard HDD is your issues with load times. A good SSD cuts those in half.

  • @tenkaar I've taken mermaids that took me 6 minutes to get back but I've also taken mermaids that were literally instant. As a solo player it's forced me to become a "cannon/naval" pirate because boarding someone and anchoring them with the intention of turning my ship around does not work if by the time I get back to my ship my boat is a lightyear away

  • @kommodoreyenser I already have it on a SSD

  • get a PC 2013 hardware will do that.

  • @cramp if you are volunteering to pay for a good one sure.

  • Had same loading time issues. Upgraded my Xbox to Xbox S and loading all but disappeared.
    Still had loading but wasn’t horrible, death to ferry use to be 45sec and another 30 ferry to ship. Now it’s 15 sec total.

    It’s not the game, mostly the equipment.

  • What Bacon said, its always the equipment. upgrade the Xbox or PC.

  • @tenkaar

    First lets address your believe that PC have some kind of super advantage. We do not. PC don't naturally come with SSD's. We have to buy one which you have access to. If you have one and you still taking longer than 5 seconds every time going from ferry to ship then its your SSD not the game.

    Also I want to point something out since you don't seem to know how respawn timer works.

    The amount of time going from death to ferry and then ferry to ship is the same across the board regardless of however long it took you to load in.

    You might be under the impression that the second you load into the ferry is when your timer starts, that is false.

    Example - numbers are made up to help you understand how it works.

    You die - you spend 20 seconds loading into the ferry - door opens 10 seconds later - you load onto your ship in 5 seconds. Total time spent is 35 seconds.

    SSD - you spend 5 seconds loading into the ferry - door opens 25 seconds later - you load into your ship in 5 seconds. Total time spent 35 seconds.

    The timer for the ferry door starts when your health reaches zero. Not when you load into the ferry.

    The only console that load times REALLY effects is XboX One Originals. The original release with the really old hard-drive. So again upgrade or stop your whining, because if you want to talk about unfair, then complain about the rest of the xbox one x players who have harddrives almost 3 times more power then you and even some of them have SSD's.

    Don't try to point the finger at PC players.

  • @tenkaar sagte in FIX THE XBOX LOADING TIMES:

    @kommodoreyenser I already have it on a SSD

    Connected with a USB 3.0 ?
    I'm on XBox One S, have SoT installed there and have no issues at all with loading times

  • @xultanis-dragon I fully well understand hiw a respawn timer works. If it only took the 35 seconds total to get from death back to the ship then I wouldn't be making this post at all. But taking anywhere from over a minute plus is ridiculous and needs addressing. REGARDLESS of what console or SSD anyone has. Peroid.

  • @tenkaar said in FIX THE XBOX LOADING TIMES:

    @xultanis-dragon I fully well understand hiw a respawn timer works. If it only took the 35 seconds total to get from death back to the ship then I wouldn't be making this post at all. But taking anywhere from over a minute plus is ridiculous and needs addressing. REGARDLESS of what console or SSD anyone has. Peroid.

    Are you 100% sure that the game file is definitely on your SSD? Not being condescending at all. One of my crew mates had the same issue but realised he reinstalled the game back on his internal HD. If that isn’t the issue I’d look into the product you have. Ever since getting the SSD it’s day and night the time difference. Not just for SOT but even destiny 2 I’ve spawned into games entire minutes before my friend.

  • @kakashi-lord yes I have many times swapped the game between the built-in drive and my ssd and have looked into to the ssd and Uninstalled and reinstalled.. this is a game issue Not my gear.

  • @tenkaar Don't play current gen games on 7 year old hardware, and load times won't take minutes.

  • @schwammlgott said in FIX THE XBOX LOADING TIMES:

    @tenkaar sagte in FIX THE XBOX LOADING TIMES:

    @kommodoreyenser I already have it on a SSD

    Connected with a USB 3.0 ?
    I'm on XBox One S, have SoT installed there and have no issues at all with loading times

    Ouch, yeah I just looked up the hardware specs for the Xbox one (haven't owned a console since the 360) and wow, if he is on the original xbox one, that is probably a problem. 8GB of DDR3 and 1.75MHz CPU clock is garbage in 2020. Can you upgrade RAM in consoles or is it built into the mobo?

  • @kommodoreyenser sagte in FIX THE XBOX LOADING TIMES:

    @schwammlgott said in FIX THE XBOX LOADING TIMES:

    @tenkaar sagte in FIX THE XBOX LOADING TIMES:

    @kommodoreyenser I already have it on a SSD

    Connected with a USB 3.0 ?
    I'm on XBox One S, have SoT installed there and have no issues at all with loading times

    Ouch, yeah I just looked up the hardware specs for the Xbox one (haven't owned a console since the 360) and wow, if he is on the original xbox one, that is probably a problem. 8GB of DDR3 and 1.75MHz CPU clock is garbage in 2020. Can you upgrade RAM in consoles or is it built into the mobo?

    No, can just upgrade to an external SSD

  • @schwammlgott said in FIX THE XBOX LOADING TIMES:

    @kommodoreyenser sagte in FIX THE XBOX LOADING TIMES:

    @schwammlgott said in FIX THE XBOX LOADING TIMES:

    @tenkaar sagte in FIX THE XBOX LOADING TIMES:

    @kommodoreyenser I already have it on a SSD

    Connected with a USB 3.0 ?
    I'm on XBox One S, have SoT installed there and have no issues at all with loading times

    Ouch, yeah I just looked up the hardware specs for the Xbox one (haven't owned a console since the 360) and wow, if he is on the original xbox one, that is probably a problem. 8GB of DDR3 and 1.75MHz CPU clock is garbage in 2020. Can you upgrade RAM in consoles or is it built into the mobo?

    No, can just upgrade to an external SSD

    Man, this is why I stopped buying consoles. At least with PCs when you upgrade, you can do pieces here and there, you don’t need a full new setup every 4-5 years. I had hoped with Microsoft they would be a bit upgradable but I guess they gotta make that money.

  • Here's your solution

  • @TenKaar

    We have a Xbox One S with external SSD and don't experience anything like the loading times like you say so it's a problem with your setup somewhere, not the game. Is your SSD USB3? If not, it needs to be.

  • @kommodoreyenser said in FIX THE XBOX LOADING TIMES:

    @schwammlgott said in FIX THE XBOX LOADING TIMES:

    @tenkaar sagte in FIX THE XBOX LOADING TIMES:

    @kommodoreyenser I already have it on a SSD

    Connected with a USB 3.0 ?
    I'm on XBox One S, have SoT installed there and have no issues at all with loading times

    Ouch, yeah I just looked up the hardware specs for the Xbox one (haven't owned a console since the 360) and wow, if he is on the original xbox one, that is probably a problem. 8GB of DDR3 and 1.75MHz CPU clock is garbage in 2020. Can you upgrade RAM in consoles or is it built into the mobo?

    No, having an original Xbox One is not an issue, that is as long as you play the game from an external SSD or 7200RPM drive. I have a day one console and have none of these loading issues many claim to have, loading in with less than 10 seconds the majority of the time with my external HD (faster when I play from the SSD).

  • @wagstr said in FIX THE XBOX LOADING TIMES:


    We have a Xbox One S with external SSD and don't experience anything like the loading times like you say so it's a problem with your setup somewhere, not the game. Is your SSD USB3? If not, it needs to be.

    If I'm not mistaken you can't make an external game drive without it being USB 3.0 to begin with, the formatter won't allow it. You can have a USB 2 media external but can't do it for game storage. I guess it is possible to do, just not common a way most people would do it (as in having a drive already formatted then stuck in a USB 2 external case or dock).

    So he has something wrong with his system, SSD drive, the USB cable or is running it from the internal without realizing it (may have copied without deleting)....or his story is a big exaggeration but we'll give him the benefit of doubt for now.

  • @tenkaar said in FIX THE XBOX LOADING TIMES:

    @kakashi-lord yes I have many times swapped the game between the built-in drive and my ssd and have looked into to the ssd and Uninstalled and reinstalled.. this is a game issue Not my gear.

    It is not a game issue, I have an old Day One edition console and am running it from an external 7200RPM drive (occasionally from a SSD) and NEVER have had such long load times since I have done this. If you aren't exaggerating, then there is definitely something wrong with your system or setup that has to be causing the issue. Whether your SSD may be having read issues or a bad cable, something is amiss there.

    One thing I did notice in this post though is you said you have swapped the game between drives many times, and that got me thinking. I'm wondering if perhaps the files you are swapping may have gotten fragmented and possibly this may be causing long load times. You don't hear much about this being an issue as much as you did in the earlier days of home computing, but it is the only other thing that would make sense. And if you have limited space on the SSD to begin with there may be a slim chance this is happening. And since there is no defrag tools on the Xbox, there really isn't a good way to do it without completely wiping a drive and reinstalling/downloading fresh. You could probably get away with deleting a large block then so a fresh install of the game (as I know bandwidth can be precious to some people, no sense in wasting it downloading the same game more than once if not necessary) but that may not remove enough fragmentation and there is no way to know...but will likely be good enough IF that was the issue. This is a long shot admittedly but it is the only other explanation outside of hardware issues that makes any kind of sense, as the game loads just fine from faster externals.

  • Hey, you just need to be patient. It takes me about 45 seconds to respawn, and about 3 minutes to load into the game. I’m using a VERY old tv (10 years old), and I play in a basement. The game is packed with many features so it will take a while.

  • @dlchief58 sagte in FIX THE XBOX LOADING TIMES:

    @wagstr said in FIX THE XBOX LOADING TIMES:


    We have a Xbox One S with external SSD and don't experience anything like the loading times like you say so it's a problem with your setup somewhere, not the game. Is your SSD USB3? If not, it needs to be.

    If I'm not mistaken you can't make an external game drive without it being USB 3.0 to begin with, the formatter won't allow it. You can have a USB 2 media external but can't do it for game storage. I guess it is possible to do, just not common a way most people would do it (as in having a drive already formatted then stuck in a USB 2 external case or dock).

    So he has something wrong with his system, SSD drive, the USB cable or is running it from the internal without realizing it (may have copied without deleting)....or his story is a big exaggeration but we'll give him the benefit of doubt for now.

    Are you sure it only works with USB 3.0? As far as I know it's just about the size of the external hard drive that matters...

  • I play on an original Xbox One with the game on an external SSD and my load times are usually just a few seconds. The OP has something wrong with their setup. It isn’t the game.

  • @tenkaar said in FIX THE XBOX LOADING TIMES:

    YOU SERIOUSLY NEED TO ADRESS THE LOADING TIMES FOR XBOX PLAYERS!!!!!!!!!! Firstly because after a xbox player dyes the time it takes for the ferry of the damned loads then the time it takes to load back into the game where your ship is takes so long and while you load in you can hear your ship being torn apart by what ever you are engaged with for a full 2 (TWO) MINUTES!! Before you are actually loaded on your ship.. by then your ship is lost and you are either swimming for a mermaid or waiting on the ferry again!.
    Secondly it is a extreme disadvantage when going against those playing on PC. They have drastically shorter load times.
    Also forget about try to tell me " it's your network speed." Or " its your service provider." Or " its due to your distance from our severs." Because I have done multiple tests about this. My networks are perfect and speeds are just fine. This is legitimately a game server problem.

    It isnt a game server problem, it's because your xbox sucks and is worse than a 2 year old walmart computer.

    Buy a PC with an SSD hard drive and your load times dissapear.

  • @dlchief58 At the risk of sounding like a complete tech dunce what exactly is an SSD? I think it stands for separate storage device, and if so how good is a 4TB seagate 3.0 usb interface and 4200 rpm in terms of loading times

  • @voidshipwrecks said in FIX THE XBOX LOADING TIMES:

    @dlchief58 At the risk of sounding like a complete tech dunce what exactly is an SSD? I think it stands for separate storage device, and if so how good is a 4TB seagate 3.0 usb interface and 4200 rpm in terms of loading times

    SSD stands for Solid State Drive. It is an electronic storage with no moving parts like a standard HDD (Hard Drive Disk) would have. Faster but more expensive.

    No it is not the same thing and that specific hard drive would be TERRIBLE for game use, especially for this game. Seems it has one of those "green" drives in them that is supposed too save on energy by having a slow RPMs (4200RPM on that one as you state)...which translated into slow load times. I had a couple of those "green" drives I tried to use (got them for free so figured I'd give them a shot). It took forever to copy files over onto it, then the drive was so slow that games would not load to play! I would expect the same results with that one - painfully slow load times if they even load.

    The stock drive in the Xbox is a 5400RPM drive, so is faster than the Seagate you mentioned. But to get faster load times you need a faster drive - either a 7200RPM drive or a SSD (solid State Drive). And it is getting harder to determine what drive is in an external case anymore as many don't list it, like WD (and it is random usually about what drives they use in times of speed/RPM - they just use whatever they have a surplus of anymore).

  • @dlchief58 In that case I think I'll stick with the game drive on my One S until I update to Series X

  • @TenKaar

    Regardless of which version of Xbox you are using, one of the biggest things that will effect your black screen times is using WiFi on your console and not hard wiring it to your Internet connection.
    I learned this when I used to play on the OG Xbox and switched a few years ago to the one X and load times were still appalling at times.
    After some investigations on various forums, I hard wired my console with a quality ethernet cable and this made a huge difference. Now it's not always perfect and I still get the occasional miserable black screen waiting times, and I'm sure an SSD would improve matters even more, but I wasn't prepared to waste money on one of those as I plan to upgrade to next gen shortly and it would become a wasteful purchase.

    Hope this helps..

  • @needsmokes said in FIX THE XBOX LOADING TIMES:


    Regardless of which version of Xbox you are using, one of the biggest things that will effect your black screen times is using WiFi on your console and not hard wiring it to your Internet connection.
    I learned this when I used to play on the OG Xbox and switched a few years ago to the one X and load times were still appalling at times.
    After some investigations on various forums, I hard wired my console with a quality ethernet cable and this made a huge difference. Now it's not always perfect and I still get the occasional miserable black screen waiting times, and I'm sure an SSD would improve matters even more, but I wasn't prepared to waste money on one of those as I plan to upgrade to next gen shortly and it would become a wasteful purchase.

    Hope this helps..

    Thanks for letting me know! I was hard-wired for years because I know how wireless can become unreliable at times, but was forced to go wireless recently when my network started acting up. I'm thinking about getting a new ethernet cable to see if that fixes the problem. Any suggestions on what kind I should get?

  • @galactic-geek

    Cat5e is good enough for almost anything nowadays. Unless you are going hundreds of feet, Cat5e is good enough. Anything more than that is overkill and just throwing away your money

    @NeedSmokes @Galactic-Geek

    Not trying to drudge up old arguments, just asking. Didn't we have a discussion about wifi and wired connections a long time ago like during the initial grand fight of load times in 2018.

    I thought it was discussed heavily that wifi was garbage to use in gaming.

  • @schwammlgott said in FIX THE XBOX LOADING TIMES:

    @dlchief58 sagte in FIX THE XBOX LOADING TIMES:

    @wagstr said in FIX THE XBOX LOADING TIMES:


    We have a Xbox One S with external SSD and don't experience anything like the loading times like you say so it's a problem with your setup somewhere, not the game. Is your SSD USB3? If not, it needs to be.

    If I'm not mistaken you can't make an external game drive without it being USB 3.0 to begin with, the formatter won't allow it. You can have a USB 2 media external but can't do it for game storage. I guess it is possible to do, just not common a way most people would do it (as in having a drive already formatted then stuck in a USB 2 external case or dock).

    So he has something wrong with his system, SSD drive, the USB cable or is running it from the internal without realizing it (may have copied without deleting)....or his story is a big exaggeration but we'll give him the benefit of doubt for now.

    Are you sure it only works with USB 3.0? As far as I know it's just about the size of the external hard drive that matters...

    I am pretty confident that is the case, I can check to be sure this weekend when I have time. But just my experience alone with "green" drives leads me to believe that a game wouldn't even load via USB 2 drive even if it were formatted and preloaded. I have tried to use a few of those low/variable speed "green" hard drives and they took forever to install or transfer anything and then would never load a game as it took too long (and this was in a USB 3 dock). I imagine it would be the same with a USB 2 drive, failing to load games due to the speed (or lack thereof).

    But I am pretty sure you can't use a USB 2 drive to store games since the requirement is USB 3 and tells you as much when formatting a new drive. It would be fine for media, just not for games.

  • @xultanis-dragon Wireless is garbage compared to a wired connection. Fewer things can interfere with the latter.

    I have already considered Cat6, 7, and 8 as a means of "future-proofing" and because I found those at reasonable prices for the length that I need. I'm just concerned about potential compatibility issues with my devices.

  • @galactic-geek

    So there are no compatibility issues when looking at cat really.

    5e, 6, and 7, pretty much do the same thing, just some work better at longer distances and handle more speed.

    The thing is that even with current ISP speeds and everything, if its for your home then 5e is more than adequate. You are going to see all these numbers for mhz and what not for cat6 and cat7 saying it works faster and what not, don't get suckered into that.

    The quality of cable you need is dependent on the speed your ISP provider gives you and the distance the cable is traveling.

    Since no one has over 1gig internet speeds or needs to run a cable the length of futball/football field then 5e is good enough.

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