People using the shroud breaker as an escape

  • Two days in a row me and my buddy should have sunk two brigs but they used the shroud breaker as an escape plane. Last night me and buddy should have stolen a FOTD but after we legs then they run into the shroud until we left with the key cause they couldn’t sink a sloop I was just hoping rare if you could help me with this

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  • @tsl-st0rm this has been a tactic since the introduction of tall tales. If you don’t come prepared, be prepared to be disappointed. Tools not rules is the popular motto when it comes to limiting tactical options in this game.

    What is stopping you from having the shroud breaker as well?

  • @tsl-st0rm was man! Coolest steal ever on a Fotd was chasing them into the shroud and fighting there! Soo much fun

  • The problem is the saved tall tales.
    Now players don’t have to go to Morrows peak.
    They just go to their save and attach anytime they are in trouble. So have yours ready anytime to chase players into the Red Sea.

  • @tsl-st0rm Obtain the shroudbreaker. I am surprised you let it happen twice.

  • @tsl-st0rm

    I have saved the shores of gold checkpoint for that very reason. Now I can either flee or continue the chase. All you have to do is complete the 4 shores of gold medallion vaults and get the final key to get the checkpoint. It can be done solo

  • @tsl-st0rm said in People using the shroud breaker as an escape:

    Two days in a row me and my buddy should have sunk two brigs but they used the shroud breaker as an escape plane. Last night me and buddy should have stolen a FOTD but after we legs then they run into the shroud until we left with the key cause they couldn’t sink a sloop I was just hoping rare if you could help me with this

    They outsmarted you, next time equip it yourself before going to attack them

  • lol what

    Players adapted to your methods of attacking and stealing their loot and you're here asking for help from rare? lollllll

  • Learn to use the tools you have.

    I've used the shroud breaker once recently. A fellow sloop decided they wanted us and proceeded to attempt it over a 5 hour period. I love the sailing aspect of the game so when a ship wants to annoy me I am only too willing to oblige in annoying them and nothing gets little sweat lords more annoyed than running away. I sailed around the entire map while my friend made merchant deliveries. I would drop him off at an island with a rowboat close to our pick up point. He'd pick up and deliver the goods while I went all over the map keeping the sweaty peeps occupied. After we were done we then went and sat up at the Shores fishing until they left.

    Have also saved a FoTD key before as another crew thought if they couldn't have it no one should and ditched it in the shroud. That was before the checkpoints became a thing too.

    Never thought to use the saved checkpoints for it as I completed all of mine well before it became a thing. But know what I'll be investing in next time I'm on!

  • All i can say brother is next time have the save ready we had fun making you chase us while we waited for our galleon friend to come back us up was a grand time. You almost had the chest too just lost the key pvp battle. Youll get it next time we believe in you. =)

  • @febutterfly83 said:

    Never thought to use the saved checkpoints for it as I completed all of mine well before it became a thing. But know what I'll be investing in next time I'm on!

    I know, right!? 😅

  • @tsl-st0rm
    The shroudbreaker was not your problem on fotd steal yes we took you up there but for the most part we were at the fotd.
    The reason you didnt sink us was well you couldnt catch us... The shroudbreaker was only about 5 mins of your trip trailing behind us. We went in and came right back out to return to fotd. What really got you was trying to fight a brig and gally combined. The reason we retreated initially was to buy time to fight of a potential return of the original brig doing the fort and you at the same time. We realized as you did when you had to face down 2 ships that 2 v 1 tends to favor the 2... Anyway thanks for playing it was a lot of fun.

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