It's about time to alter respawning

  • Even though it has become part of the game over the years and technically there is nothing wrong with it, spawnkilling is getting little bit out of hand.

    Lets be real here, sloop has only about 3 different spawn points, which means, whoever knows about them all, can easily guarantee, that you'll get blunderbuss into the face, right as you come back from the dead.

    I believe adding approximately 1 sec spawn protection wouldn't be a bad idea at all, its not a dealbreaker, but at the same time, it can provide time needed to orient and take matters into one's own hands.

    I see no problems with implementing this into the game, I feel like it can't be taken an advantage of.

    What you think?

  • 40
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  • @mystic-nefro They tried to implement 'invulnerability' after spawning about a year ago (in the arena) and it was terrible. Granted they did an absolutely terrible job of doing it but nonetheless it didn't work out.

  • I am of the stance where you only try and retake your ship if you think you can.

    Afterall, imagine the frustration of being a solo on a crewed enemy ship? Protection would make it impossible to defeat a ship when outnumbered. Divide and Conquer is all the solo slooper has.
    Even tho the game is catered to groups, solo is still a legitimate play style too.
    I think a better strategy is the following...

    Give yourself 3 lives.
    If you can't retake your ship after 3 trips to the ferry then accept the loss, scuttle and move on.

    It's better for your own wellbeing and besides if you are quick enough you can enact your revenge.

    There have been times I got boarded by a full galleon crew. I didn't even try to respawn. It would just of been pointless for me. I accept that I lost my ship the moment more then 3 of them. got on board.

    Alternatively if you are in a crew... Spawn together at the same time. You have a much better chance to retake your ship when you all appear together and not one by one.

    The game doesn't need any more things added to it in this regard. We have a choice to not be spawn killed, invulnerability isn't the solution to this. Scuttling is.

  • @octopus-lime Arena is a comletely different story tho, I'd understand it couldn't work there.

  • @mystic-nefro Not really in this application, but like I said they made some terrible design decision when they introduced it and they didn't really seem to listen to the community. At one point I think it was 20 seconds of invulnerability where you couldn't deal damage but you could still run around and repair/bail water. It was a hot mess.

  • I agree with @daringclarky here really..

    Either a 3 second protection combined with a 3 second inability to attack just to allow you to jump off ship or whatever or a completely random spawn point on or around ship is the only reasonable alternative, but he's fairly nailed it.. especially if you're solo..

    Edit: Maybe stop the ability to revive your crew onboard another player ship so they would respawn onboard their own after a trip to the ferry??

  • @daringclarky I've been playing this game for some time now, you don't have to tell me when to scuttle, I can tell when my ship can be taken back or not.

    Point is, you aren't gonna be so eager to scuttle when there is a big pile of loot on your ship, ofc I wouldn't try to take back fresh spawned ship from someone I visibly cannot defeat.

    What you are saying is that it makes more sense to you to be spawnkilled and scuttle, rather than give player fair chance to defend themselves from exploitable respawn features and that just doesn't make sense to me :))

  • @mystic-nefro said in It's about time to alter respawning:

    What you are saying is that it makes more sense to you to be spawnkilled and scuttle, rather than give player fair chance to defend themselves from exploitable respawn features and that just doesn't make sense to me :))

    You had a fair chance to defend your ship...until they boarded it.

    Changing this would mean boarders would have an unfair disadvantage in keeping possession of your ship.

    It would make the entire thing just more tedious and frustrating.

    Scuttling is there to save you from spawn killing.
    If you enable the attackers to board your ship though thats on you, not poor game design.

  • @mystic-nefro sagte in It's about time to alter respawning:

    What you are saying is that it makes more sense to you to be spawnkilled and scuttle, rather than give player fair chance to defend themselves from exploitable respawn features and that just doesn't make sense to me :))

    Well you let them board you, it's super easy to defend against boarders. If you let their ship get close, let them on your ship and let them kill you, you deserve to get your loot stolen. You had plenty of chances to avoid that outcome. Just live with the loss and maybe try to get it back before they sell it.

  • @insaiity You guys are completely delusional, its not even funny anymore, do you seriously get defeated whenever someone boards you or what?

    From what you are saying, I understand, that being boarded is endgame for you hahahaha, no way out. Its only another part of the combat jesus...
    Its literally the exactly same thing, if you said something like: yea, this dude just shot himslef on the same island, I'm doing voyage at, I have no other choice than to cancel. lol

    How long have you been playing the game for real, because I wanted serious answers, not trolls.

  • @mystic-nefro no thanks!
    three seconds is easily enough time to kill someone on your boat and id rather be fighting someone who can actually die and kill me than something that cant die and can still kill me...

  • @daringclarky
    Being boarded =/= defeat omg, what part don't you understand?

    Ok ok, I get it, you are not good at PvP, so whenever someone boards you, its game over for you, its fine, but I was talking about using this temporary protection to fix lack of sloop spawn points.

  • @seedeathmore I agree, 3 secs is too much, lets say 1 sec to prevent IK.

  • @mystic-nefro its easy to counter being spawn camped, people don't seem to understand that a player can move and jump before they actually appear on an enemy's screen, trust me... as a competitive pvp player on this game i know this.

    Also, pipe down buddy, the mods here dont take attitude very lightly, just a heads up.

  • @mystic-nefro sagte in It's about time to alter respawning:

    @insaiity You guys are completely delusional, its not even funny anymore, do you seriously get defeated whenever someone boards you or what?

    From what you are saying, I understand, that being boarded is endgame for you hahahaha, no way out. Its only another part of the combat jesus...
    Its literally the exactly same thing, if you said something like: yea, this dude just shot himslef on the same island, I'm doing voyage at, I have no other choice than to cancel. lol

    How long have you been playing the game for real, because I wanted serious answers, not trolls.

    I've been playing since release and I am almost maxed in everything. Also almost done with all arena commendations.

    What my main point is that I'm trying to get across is that you already had a lot of chances to avoid the scenario of getting "spawncamped". You complain about it not being fair yet you could have avoided it completely if you were a better pirate and there are also tactics to deal with it when it happens, like spawning together.

    If the enemy crew is your equal then getting you ship back under you control can be difficult but doable. If the enemy crew is better than you, you just won't be able to retake your ship.

    The enemy succeeded in catching up to you, boarding you and killing you. They already prove that they are the better pirates in doing so. You f'ed up 3 times. How many extra chances do you need to finally be able to best them?

  • @seedeathmore Yeah, no, any skilled player can delete you, no matter the jumping, trust me as even more competitive pvp player, than you are on this game I know this...

    You are not mod, so pipe down, so far I'm only defending my argument from trolls. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  • @mystic-nefro said in It's about time to alter respawning:

    Being boarded =/= defeat omg, what part don't you understand?

    Ok ok, I get it, you are not good at PvP, so whenever someone boards you, its game over for you, its fine, but I was talking about using this temporary protection to fix lack of sloop spawn points.

    I understand your idea perfectly, You want a safety blanket.

    Im really good at pvp mate. Probably better than you. Thats why i think its fine as it is.
    Sounds like you’re the noob needing “protection” invulnerability.

    I think scuttling is there to stop spawn killing.
    Nothing more is needed.

    If you need invulnerability to get yourself ready, in position etc or ready for taking back your ship then you’re simply the one asking for a safety blanket. A “second” chance.

    Sail with a crew for that “second chance” , not rely on Joe Neate to wave his Nerfing wand.

    The current system is fine.
    Its been tested before and it was a failure so it wont change back.
    Accept it, its not changing.

  • @daringclarky Ofc buddy, I definitely trust you. Isn't it funny how every Seafarer becomes top skilled PvP killer, when it comes to these debates hahahah.

    I think your logic about scuttling everytime you get boarded speaks for itself. I won't be answering to your comments, because you are clearly not providing any logical arguments so far.

  • @insaiity Yeah yeah, and I have Legendary Hunter of the Shrouded Ghost title, I get it, you've just started playing and you are trying to sound like this top PvP beast.

    Show me where exactly did I complain about spawnkilling being unfair...

    As Ive already said, I've been playing this game for about 2 years, I know this game, I udnerstand how almost everything works here, I can analyze the situation, why I lost.

    This way I can clearly see that you just don't have this mindset yet and are struggling with simple things like spawnkilling, I never said I had problem with spawnkilling, but since its just a popular phenomenon here, I offered a possible solution.

    Only kid crying here about being helpless when boarded is you and your friend, not me.

    Once you get over the simple things in PvP, like how not to ALT F4 when you see enemy pirate on your ship, you can write me on discord and say:
    Hey, sorry I was this unexperienced, lying newbie, I finally realized what you were talking about and I'm sorry.

    You are welcome kiddo. :)

  • @mystic-nefro said in It's about time to alter respawning:

    @daringclarky Ofc buddy, I definitely trust you. Isn't it funny how every Seafarer becomes top skilled PvP killer, when it comes to these debates hahahah.

    I think your logic about scuttling everytime you get boarded speaks for itself. I won't be answering to your comments, because you are clearly not providing any logical arguments so far.

    My forum rank is not my in game rank. Did you think it was? Been playing over a year 😂😂

    My logic is not to scuttle every time i get boarded.
    Clearly you didnt read it properly.

    I give myself 3 lives. If i cant retake it i dont waste any more of my own time.

    You sound like a noob. Going by your attitude and lack of understanding i am almost certain this is the case. So good, im glad if you dont respond. You seem as though you dont take criticism well so thats probably for the best.

  • @mystic-nefro okay if you say so, you are probably part of the deathly rogues...
    stop being so toxic and trying to big yourself up, you are beginning to make a mockery of yourself tbh.
    Cant wait to see you competing in sea of champions and NAL, PvP beast.

  • @mystic-nefro sagte in It's about time to alter respawning:

    @insaiity Yeah yeah, and I have Legendary Hunter of the Shrouded Ghost title, I get it, you've just started playing and you are trying to sound like this top PvP beast.

    Show me where exactly did I complain about spawnkilling being unfair...

    As Ive already said, I've been playing this game for about 2 years, I know this game, I udnerstand how almost everything works here, I can analyze the situation, why I lost.

    This way I can clearly see that you just don't have this mindset yet and are struggling with simple things like spawnkilling, I never said I had problem with spawnkilling, but since its just a popular phenomenon here, I offered a possible solution.

    Only kid crying here about being helpless when boarded is you and your friend, not me.

    Once you get over the simple things in PvP, like how not to ALT F4 when you see enemy pirate on your ship, you can write me on discord and say:
    Hey, sorry I was this unexperienced, lying newbie, I finally realized what you were talking about and I'm sorry.

    You are welcome kiddo. :)

    Damn you sound riled up.

    If you don't believe me it's fine. I can live with that.

    (...) give player fair chance to defend themselves from exploitable respawn features (...)

    Here is you complaining.

    No actually I never actively get spawncamped, because I don't even let the fight get to this point. I always sink them or rather I spawncamp them.

    The only times a spawncamp has happened to me was in arena when I was afk and loaded into a game. But when I came back I simply killed the camper and continued to play.

    Like I said, if you are better or evenly matched there is no problem in taking back your boat.
    It's only a problem if you are worse, but then you would have lost the fight anyways.

    Yes, you offered a solution. It was just not a good one. It is like @DaringClarky said, you just want a safety blanket.
    Just prevent the other pirates to even get you into a spawncamp situation. I already said that and you seem to either ignore that or fail to accept the fact that you already f'ed up quite a lot before something like a spawncamp can happen.

    And from what I can read in your responses you seem to not have a problem getting out of a spawncamp, so where is the problem? Right, there is none, exactly.

  • @mystic-nefro said in It's about time to alter respawning:

    @insaiity You guys are completely delusional, its not even funny anymore, do you seriously get defeated whenever someone boards you or what?

    From what you are saying, I understand, that being boarded is endgame for you hahahaha, no way out. Its only another part of the combat jesus...
    Its literally the exactly same thing, if you said something like: yea, this dude just shot himslef on the same island, I'm doing voyage at, I have no other choice than to cancel. lol

    How long have you been playing the game for real, because I wanted serious answers, not trolls.

    From this point onward you became the troll dude..

    You started a thread and ended it with "What do you think?" and then proceeded to abuse anyone who questioned it.

    Your Marauder/Seafarer title is the amount of time you spent posting on a forum, not how good at PvP you are for one..

    @DaringClarky wasn't really referring to 1v1, he meant a solo slooper getting boarded by a crew who are reviving each other.. It happens and it's often game over at that point..

  • @seedeathmore Ironic, I'm the only guy in this discussion who isn't bragging about being this top PvP skilled player and being able to clap everyone in combat like your close friends do, yet you write this comment, I see you only came here to back up your bois and be toxic. Get out of here matey, you are drunk...

  • @insaiity Please stop, you are making fraud of yourself, If you consider saying "give player fair chance to defend themselves from exploitable respawn features" a complaining, then any other your comment must be considered as total post traumatic experience.

    But It's ok, I get it, you can't PvP, thats why you insta scuttle, as soon as someone boards you, thats fine, its your very smart strategy I see. You are welcome to add me on the game app, I'll gladly compare my achievements with yours, to prove that you are just way too inexperienced to know something logical about this topic.

    Also you are always welcome for some arena whooping, any time, I'll make you feel like a skeleton npc. :)

  • @octopus-lime

    @mystic-nefro Not really in this application, but like I said they made some terrible design decision when they introduced it and they didn't really seem to listen to the community. At one point I think it was 20 seconds of invulnerability where you couldn't deal damage but you could still run around and repair/bail water. It was a hot mess.

    Started at 30 seconds then went to 5 seconds. However, even when it was at 30 seconds, Rare stated that in most cases it wasn't enough to reclaim a boat. So, even when it was at its most extreme version, it couldn't accomplish what it set out to do.

  • @mystic-nefro

    @insaiity You guys are completely delusional, its not even funny anymore, do you seriously get defeated whenever someone boards you or what?

    There isn't really delusion here, it isn't just about boarding making you instantly lose. There is a list of failures that happened that lead to that defeat. In most cases it isn't an entire team boarding, usually just one person. So here begins a list of failures:

    1. You failed to spot a person getting on your ship. This implies you ignored all the signs. The mermaids, rowboats, cannon-boards, and even the really obvious dash from their ship to your ladder. There is just a giant derelict of duty here.

    2. That most likely single boarder swept your entire crew. One person shouldn't be able to wipe an entire crew, this is a failure on your part. It is also key to note that a person who is boarding is extremely vulnerable when on ladder. There is little that can be done on their part to avoid getting blasted by bullets or swiped by a sword. I mean, they can't physically fight back in that case, so what is the excuse for not killing them?

    3. You employ no strategy to reclaim your ship, high chance you are doing what every noob does in this situation, spawn as soon as door opens. This isn't good to do in this case. Spawn in groups, if its just one boarder, why trickle in and fight him one at a time? Double, triple, or even quadruple up on them be smart about it.

    The game prides itself on an equal playing field, every individual pirate has the same tools at their disposal. Spawn protections give you an unfair advantage that your opponent doesn't have. Boardings just don't come out of nowhere, you failed in many other departments if you are at a point of getting camped. This isn't me bragging or anything, but my crew rarely gets camped. We watch for boarders and will usually have guns trained on them as soon as they grab our ladder. If we do get wiped, we spawn in a group and tackle the threat with numbers. We implore strategy that you seem to avoid or at the very least neglect to do. So no to spawn protections, it failed immensely and the grand majority hated it. For those reasons is why we don't have it anymore.

  • @nabberwar said in It's about time to alter respawning:


    @insaiity You guys are completely delusional, its not even funny anymore, do you seriously get defeated whenever someone boards you or what?

    There isn't really delusion here, it isn't just about boarding making you instantly lose. There is a list of failures that happened that lead to that defeat. In most cases it isn't an entire team boarding, usually just one person. So here begins a list of failures:

    1. You failed to spot a person getting on your ship. This implies you ignored all the signs. The mermaids, rowboats, cannon-boards, and even the really obvious dash from their ship to your ladder. There is just a giant derelict of duty here.

    2. That most likely single boarder swept your entire crew. One person shouldn't be able to wipe an entire crew, this is a failure on your part. It is also key to note that a person who is boarding is extremely vulnerable when on ladder. There is little that can be done on their part to avoid getting blasted by bullets or swiped by a sword. I mean, they can't physically fight back in that case, so what is the excuse for not killing them?

    3. You employ no strategy to reclaim your ship, high chance you are doing what every noob does in this situation, spawn as soon as door opens. This isn't good to do in this case. Spawn in groups, if its just one boarder, why trickle in and fight him one at a time? Double, triple, or even quadruple up on them be smart about it.

    The game prides itself on an equal playing field, every individual pirate has the same tools at their disposal. Spawn protections give you an unfair advantage that your opponent doesn't have. Boardings just don't come out of nowhere, you failed in many other departments if you are at a point of getting camped. This isn't me bragging or anything, but my crew rarely gets camped. We watch for boarders and will usually have guns trained on them as soon as they grab our ladder. If we do get wiped, we spawn in a group and tackle the threat with numbers. We implore strategy that you seem to avoid or at the very least neglect to do. So no to spawn protections, it failed immensely and the grand majority hated it. For those reasons is why we don't have it anymore.

    I agree 100%.

  • @nabberwar

    1. Do you think players can only access your ship from ladders? please. They can:
    • Jump/Sword lunge to your ship while ships crash together
    • Cannon themselves on your ship(or catch interactable part of the ship midair)
    • Quickly attach rowboat while being inside
    • Sword lunge to your ship from another ship
    • Sword lunge to your ship from the island
    • Lunge from the higher ground to leap into your ship from the water
    • You can accidentally harpoon enemy player
      Dude you can literally get on the ship just by jumping at the front and grabbing harpoon midair.

    Problem with your vision guys is that you only see this simple, predictable approach to board ships. Skilled players won't wait on the ladder so you can blunderbuss them.

    Also, I never said any of this has ever been my problem, I was just merely offering solution to the problem, that I'm often encountering at the forum. Unfortunately some trolls take it as a bait.

    1. Again, I never had this problem, If you are not playing solo sloop and 1 player can board you---kill your full crew, then problem is with you, not the game. I've mentioned rest of your point in 1.

    2. And again, never experienced this, If you can't take back your ship with 2+ players, than you should scuttle, like madlad @DaringClarky and his boyfriend @insaiity. No questions asked. And thats pretty it, If you are not competent enough in PvP like, these guys, who ---as you can read above--- aren't able to retake their ship after being boarded, then you SHOULD scuttle. I'm fortunately not that kind of player.

    3. Dude I'm literally talking about that 1 sec window when you respawn and you are most vulnerable without chance to defend yourself. (We've tested it many times in arena, you can be killed before you are able to equip any kind of item)

    I mean, seriously, whats wrong with giving player that 1 sec protection? Or do you find it appropriate in any game to have a feature of instakilling your opponent from start, mechanically, being impossible to survive? Sorry, but saying you shouldn't have let the player board you in the first place is cheap answer.

  • Try setting your ship on fire.
    Sounds silly, but once it is ablaze, it makes life much harder for those wishing to spawn kill you, it also continuously reduces their health meaning you spawn back 100% and them, not so much, and they are more pre occupied than just stood waiting for you to come back.
    I have found arson eliviates many of a pirates life's little problems.

  • @mystic-nefro said in It's about time to alter respawning:


    1. Do you think players can only access your ship from ladders? please. They can:
    • Jump/Sword lunge to your ship while ships crash together
    • Cannon themselves on your ship(or catch interactable part of the ship midair)
    • Quickly attach rowboat while being inside
    • Sword lunge to your ship from another ship
    • Sword lunge to your ship from the island
    • Lunge from the higher ground to leap into your ship from the water
    • You can accidentally harpoon enemy player
      Dude you can literally get on the ship just by jumping at the front and grabbing harpoon midair.

    Problem with your vision guys is that you only see this simple, predictable approach to board ships. Skilled players won't wait on the ladder so you can blunderbuss them.

    Also, I never said any of this has ever been my problem, I was just merely offering solution to the problem, that I'm often encountering at the forum. Unfortunately some trolls take it as a bait.

    1. Again, I never had this problem, If you are not playing solo sloop and 1 player can board you---kill your full crew, then problem is with you, not the game. I've mentioned rest of your point in 1.

    2. And again, never experienced this, If you can't take back your ship with 2+ players, than you should scuttle, like madlad @DaringClarky and his boyfriend @insaiity. No questions asked. And thats pretty it, If you are not competent enough in PvP like, these guys, who ---as you can read above--- aren't able to retake their ship after being boarded, then you SHOULD scuttle. I'm fortunately not that kind of player.

    3. Dude I'm literally talking about that 1 sec window when you respawn and you are most vulnerable without chance to defend yourself. (We've tested it many times in arena, you can be killed before you are able to equip any kind of item)

    I mean, seriously, whats wrong with giving player that 1 sec protection? Or do you find it appropriate in any game to have a feature of instakilling your opponent from start, mechanically, being impossible to survive? Sorry, but saying you shouldn't have let the player board you in the first place is cheap answer.

    1 second protection...would it make a difference though?
    Really? It wouldnt do much. To be killed every time as soon as you spawn is an exaggeration. I know this because i play the same game as you.

    Any longer than 1 second would be a safety blanket.

    You’re saying im incompetent at pvp yet asking for a pvp invulnerability shield?? How does that work? 😂

    I want less player hand holding and you want invulnerability.

    If you think im incompetent at Pvp then im happy for you to back it up. We can settle this on the waves if you want.

    Going off your conduct here and your general logic about the situation i dont think you’d last 5 minutes going toe to toe with me in a sloop. But id be willing to see if i can be proved wrong.

  • @mystic-nefro

    Do you think players can only access your ship from ladders?

    I'm well aware of other strategies, I didn't feel like writing an essay to cover them all. Smash and boards can happen, but they are a horrible approach to board considering it gives zero advantages that your opponent doesn't get as well. They may get a boarding chance, but so does the person getting rammed. Both ships get holes, the only time it may be effective is if you outnumber them from the start. High chance after a board you are left with two ships most likely dead in the water with a hole or two because both crews boarded each other and hit anchor. Its not a good strategy by no means.

    Cannon boards, while possible, aren't reliable. It goes back to what I was saying before, that is one person who now has a job to sweep an entire crew. That isn't something that should happen, one person shouldn't be able to sweep your entire crew so easily.

    The Rowboat play you describe relies on the crew being so absolutely oblivious I'm surprised you even mention it. What crew won't spot such an eyesore coming up to their ship? It also only works on stationary ships, so if the ship is moving this strategy will fail immensely

    You talk of sword lunging, but that is extremely telegraphed and can be seen a mile away. You might say that they won't see it coming, that its a stealth approach. I will disagree, because mermaids will always be present even if you are trying to pull a sneak play like this. Good crews watch for mermaids, this isn't really complicated, mermaids are easy to spot. I am even chuckling how you meantion dolphin diving like its this reliable tool. Yes, I am aware that from high points you can manipulate physics to launch yourself from the water. However, here is the big problem with that, its unreliable because most of the islands aren't remotely tall enough to facilitate this. It also relies on players not spotting your mermaid.

    Accidentally harpooning players? What big dumb dumb does this? If I am going to harpoon some person, its intentional. If my crew member and another player is fighing, why am I harpooning to begin with? I just won't take the shot, its that simple. If we are going to latch onto someone it will be done with full intention. Hell, my crew does this on purpose, we pierce them and then blender them with swords. Its rather humerous. You even talking about grabbing objects while flying through the air, again, this is telegraphed. Cannons are loud, its quite obvious someone is flying through the air. First, you will hear them firing the cannon. Second, you will see them because cannonballs look completely different than a person. No trail equals person.

    Also, I never said any of this has ever been my problem, I was just merely offering solution to the problem, that I'm often encountering at the forum. Unfortunately some trolls take it as a bait.

    I don't get spawn-camped, you don't get spawn-camped. This demonstrates to me how much of a non-problem this is, if we can prevent it why can't others?

    Dude I'm literally talking about that 1 sec window when you respawn and you are most vulnerable without chance to defend yourself. (We've tested it many times in arena, you can be killed before you are able to equip any kind of item)

    I mean, seriously, whats wrong with giving player that 1 sec protection?

    As I and @Octopus-Lime stated, this was already tried and it failed spectacularly. Your gripe isn't with me or the other people disagreeing with you, its with Rare themselves who stated why they gave up on spawn protections. If you want, I can pm you the link to the full statement on why they stopped it. Your privy to that information since I can't link it here.

  • @needsmokes

    Sounds silly, but once it is ablaze, it makes life much harder for those wishing to spawn kill you, it also continuously reduces their health meaning you spawn back 100% and them, not so much, and they are more pre occupied than just stood waiting for you to come back.
    I have found arson to eliviate many of a pirates life's little problems.

    Not to be just a contrarian here, but I don't agree. Speaking as the boarder in this situation, I am now in an advantaged position, because I have access to something you don't, your food barrel. I can freely top off my health, meanwhile you will certainly spawn with full health, but you have no means of keeping it there unless you spawn in with what food you had before dying.

    I was able to fully control a galleon through this way, they had meat, so I was essentially this flaming god they couldn't put down. I had the best food at my disposal and passive regeneration to the point of their ship was fully engulfed. The only person in control of their ship was me.

  • @daringclarky [mod edit] I was willing to admit, that 3 sec shield was a bit too much, so I said 1 sec would be fine to be protected from the insta kill. Calling one second respawn protection a safety blanket is something, [mod edit] it just doesn't make sense, [mod edit] so I'll pretend you didn't say that. [mod edit]

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