Custom Server Update Discussion

  • @itskingbertie I agree the PvP does need a lot of work. It is kind of a mess. I pretty much did the same thing you did on my way to PL. I would avoid any ship I seen on the horizon. It wasn't til afterwards that I would start some sessions with the full intentions of purposely interacting with other whether it ended up good or bad. I think that's when I fully started to enjoy the game. I do love some of the things you can get into when meeting others. I've met several really cool people I play with from all over the world. This is a very unique game that has such a range of outcomes. Every session is different and I love that.

    Glad I could be an ear for ya. Telling you to git gud wasn't gonna accomplish anything. As I said before we may not fully agree but it don't mean we can't discuss a topic in peace. My best friend IRL is my best friend because we can disagree with each other without any raised voices, negative comments or ill will towards each other. Sometimes we may not agree but we still make a choice and walk though the fire together. Either way we still found a way to have fun.

  • @itskingbertie Looks like you will have to settle for the possibility to chill at your pace at the cost of having to pause your gains and progression.

    Perfectly reasonable compromise 👌

  • @itskingbertie said in Custom Server Update Discussion:

    @venomous-sloth7 I was PL the PVP in this game is sloppy extremely poor, there is some things to learn.

    PL doesn't mean anything now. Saying you are a Pirate legend means nothing especially when you got it after the shrouded spoils like you did. Congrats, Agreed combat could be boosted but I'm okay with where it is now. I'm afraid if they try to make it better they are only going to make it worse.

    It generally just play with 3 PC people on a galleon and u don’t need to “learn” anything thus why is rather have a PVE server

    So this is just you being mad at PC players? You have opt out and if you are on xbox then I have no idea why you want PvE servers in the first place. Xbox servers are the most docile alliance loving hell there is. Its very uncommon to find a ship full of PC players, well that was before Steam. I was the only PC player on my crew for over a year, then 2 of them got PC's. The other 8 or so are still on xbox and they kill and sink people all the time. So the argument of "PC just wins against console" is an empty and tired argument. Its not true. Learn to play the game and get good at it.

    Why do players always use the "3 PC's on a galleon" argument anyways? Where are the hell were all these Galleons? I hunt ships in a Sloop begging to find Galleons but these guys are apparently being attacked by Galleons like dogs after squirrels. Most PvP ships aren't Galleons, they are sloops. This is why we know you guys are talking hot air. You guys always pick 4v1 Galleon scenario as if it gives credit to your story but it doesn't, it just lets us know its all smoke.

    • I’m glad u like the game and fair play for u I wouldn’t want the game u like to change other then the people on your preferred server to be other people who want to be on that server and people who want to play the same content without the worry of cheaters and grievers, not all players are bad who take part in PVP but for the most part it’s just a repetitive cycle of run or fight - no “ every interaction is different” I got to PL and have never had a friendly player approach me and maybe I have had a few but because of having to watch the horizon then go and cash in before they catch up I wouldn’t have known if they were so doesn’t this game go against its own principles?! And fair enough if you want risk and reward but risk and reward come form an actual risk not just a bunch of people on the server, having dedicated servers would mean that PVPVE would actually pose as a threat not just a chance for pros to prey on noobs and thus I feel PVE is needed, also it’s refreshing that ur not just a “get gud” guy and nice having some decent tone of message to tell me the same point “you need a threat to add to the games intentions of a shared world”

    I like how you believe that everyone plays like you do. You are afraid and cash in when you see a ship. Nothing wrong with that, in fact thats what you should be doing. If you don't have the confidence to protect your ship then yes, thats exactly what you should do. Cash in, but since you do it, that must mean everyone does? Including PvP'ers right? False. Most PvP ships have loot on them. We don't rob someone and then cash in right after. We hoard the loot. I know lots of us that do.

    Theres a difference between a PvP'er and PvE'er. PvP'ers believe and have confidence that they won't sink in a battle, so we don't RUSH to turn in like you do.

    Also you haven't even played the game all that much. All your player encounters? What encounters?

    You talk as if you have a ton of experience in the game yet you don't. Had it for 3 years but your stats point to rookie pirate. I have run into lots of different types of pirates. Kind pirates, funny pirates, PvP pirates, whiny pirates. I've played body guard a few times for a pop and kid before. There are other stories on the forums of players having crazy interactions or adventures. However you seem to have none of that.

    Would PvE servers effect MY experience? Yes it would. Would it effect the game? Yes it would.

    PvE servers would split the player base. The game thrives on all kinds of different players. How can their be all kinds if all the PvE'ers run to a single server? Kind of goes against the vision of the game.

    Rare is doing an amazing thing with the private servers. It'll help players who want to create events, content creators, and players who just want to sail around and have fun.

    Whats funny is thats exactly what PvE'ers have always complained about -

    "I just want to sail around and enjoy the game. Fish, kill the meg." - You get exactly that. You can do whatever you want. Just no progression.

    Does having no progression really effect your game play? Its just cosmetics :)

  • @xultanis-dragon Brigs and Sloops are usually the aggressors I find. Also how do people even know for sure how many PC'ers are on a galleon? Some console players really love to hate on PC'ers and act like we ruin their gaming lives, its like opt out cross play then lol.

  • @combatxkitty because like I’ve never met such groups or had any trouble. I have played hundreds of hours and seem to be lucky and only really encounter a few of the spawning camp issues but even recently it feels like they may have fixed a it behind the scenes- I did enjoy SOTs content but could not stand the player base I did try to enjoy it and get past the constant being pestered by players and would of welcomed a friendly player but I guess all people have different experiences and u seem to have had loads of friendly ones on here and I literally haven’t had one, compared to me having had no issues with players on RDO never seen any kkk or hate groups for posse names and yeah u get characters making girls cus they weird but I imagine There is a lot of female avatars on here with a creepy dude behind it.

  • @combatxkitty I guess it just shows how different peoples experiences can be on games - you have said all the problems You experienced on RDO when I have played hundreds of hours and never ran into a player with any hate speech or KKK as they posse nor have I ever had any problems with the player base - you also spoke about how you have had loads of friendly interactions on here where I have never met a friendly player on the game just been chased and messaged by people which after making it to PL found no more joy in this community and left. The game itself was pretty nice visuals and what not but the sheer fact of tall tales being able to be ruined by players and then not even being able to sell your shroudbreaker was the last straw on devs promoting greifing - people literally just ruining your game cus that’s what all the bored players had left for fun - and thus I left I’m just trying my luck at promoting a valid game mode that would encourage players to come back and play - the main aspect for he game is PVPVE but yet they have a PVP game mode why not a PVE one too?

  • The only kind of PVE Only mode I would accept is a Story Mode with its own separate progression system (in other words, doesn't mix in with Adventure).

    At least that way the issue of PVE can be solved somewhat.

  • @xultanis-dragon literally your post is get gud looool, no relevant points at all?

  • @combatxkitty for most of the game opt out was controller and mouse and keyboard meaning the advantages PC players had was 100% still there I haven’t been on to see if it literally Xbox or PC opt out nowadays but if it is that is a huge step in the right direction

  • @bloodybil I mean fair enough, but I’m not Going to pay For something you can get for free and still have progression with just finding a discord group and do it that way - all these players act live PVE will kill the game whilst being ignorant to the fact they already exist and for most players they either find themselves enjoying combat or the risk of the servers and becoming one of you- leaving due to the toxicness of the split in community or using the discord/LFG to make alliance servers which in essence means this game is already dead according to you lot?! Of course u still have the constant flow of new players who will unknowingly go into PVPVE servers but I wonder how many players would stay if they didn’t have to join a discord to enjoy the game or have to set a server everyone they did- I imagine they is a large amount of the players who tried it and left that would come back to a paid server

  • @foxywiththemoxy this is a good idea - someone made a great post before the mods shut it down due to it Being PVE server advocate - which detailed all the possibilities it had which has would be awesome

  • @venomous-sloth7 it’s a shame I never ran into you on the seas maybe I might of had a friendly interaction and experiences the range of outcomes a game session on sea of thieves has - maybe I’m just really unfortunate on this game and literally only met really childish people in terms of messaging me and being really toxic cus they didn’t get to sink me - I’m glad you were on the forums as I got to listen to someone who isnt just an a pc player who’s argument is to defend their console like it isn’t highly powered to the generic Xbox and at the end of the day actually be honest with the mess this game is in atm - u found fun and enjoy it I guess it’s a win for rare and that’s what matters to them so I guess I’ll hopefully see you on another game on the near future :)

  • @bloodybil said in Custom Server Update Discussion:

    @itskingbertie Looks like you will have to settle for the possibility to chill at your pace at the cost of having to pause your gains and progression.

    Perfectly reasonable compromise 👌

    The only thing wrong with this is, this server would be fine until you run into the ghost shark for the first time ever and never get the stat for it - that would personally annoy me the rest is yeah cosmetic so wouldn’t bother me (because I got my red and gold ship already lol)

  • @itskingbertie no risk no reward.

    You ain't getting private PvE servers with gains.


  • @xultanis-dragon Agree on that, i was about to kick your a$$

  • @itskingbertie Everything in Sea of Thieves is balanced with PvP in mind. Everything. All the PvE is intended to be played with the perpetual threat of other players. That's the risk vs. reward factor. There will never be PvE servers. Rare has made this clear. This game is not designed for it. There is nothing stopping you or anybody else from enjoying the PvE aspects of the game, but you must accept the fact that other pirates might come after you and learn to react accordingly. Sea of Thieves is a game of skill. You don't have to be good at PvP to be good at the game (I'm not). But you do have to develop skills to cope with other ships on the seas. That's a huge part of the game. Take it away and the game loses its primary challenge. Why should you reap the rewards of PvE with the main challenge of the game removed? You might as well demand they remove skellies, too. You're asking for a big fat easy button. It's never going to happen.

  • @genuine-heather spot on comment.

    Most PvE advocates only really want it to circumvent the risk to grind easier rewards and progression.

    Otherwise what's the issue?

    Custom servers will allow you to "chill" as so many of them like to claim.

    I hope the custom servers eventually open up for public use for every player.

    I'd love to have a server that I can invite more than 3 friends to, and instead populate it with a couple dozen of them, just to play the game for sport really.

    The rep gold and other progression really doesn't matter to me in that particular scenario

    The LULZ are worth the trade off.

  • @troubled-cells said in Custom Server Update Discussion:

    @itskingbertie no risk no reward.

    You ain't getting private PvE servers with gains.


    All my points are valid and You have no come back to them so just had to resort to this Message as a way of tryna stay in the argument

  • @genuine-heather actually if u read the topic and arguments I’d rather have skele returned back to oringal when they landed a huge % of shots and megs and krakens were harder before there were nerfed as most of the fan base have gotten use to just picking on new and bad players for they gold - making a PVE server would actually be made to be harder and the normal PVPVE would be a annoyed that they don’t have an easy grind anymore - in attacking players to gain their loot and not having to play the content and do it them self’s - this were the people complaining the skeles were too hard as they had gotten use to fighting newbies and no skill fights - adding PVE server would make the normal server harder as no noobs on it for all the “pros” to farm and thus that’s why they all advocate for PVPVE to continue to push away most players :)

  • Awesome! Only thing we need now is an in-game camera mode

  • @troubled-cells also you don’t want PVE clearly from your comment because you have done most of the content/ all of it and now only have fun in attacking players? Having players go to PVE servers means u won’t have easy prey anymore and this ruin your ego of being this big skilled pirate?! Or does that touch a nerve and ur gunna say how it’s a core mechanism of the game and who the devs are never gunna do this and that even thou the actual addition of this is against what the devs said just like the last update was the second time they are going against they own word of no AI ships on the seas ever ?! :)

  • I hope i can one day host an RPvP Server and have crews who RP and parlay and such and have a pirate code ingame!
    They are rivals, but with much respect and such.

    the hardest part would be to find players willing to stick to a RPirate Code ingame :D

  • I just wanted to thank the developers for finally putting such a demanded topic in their update schedule. For me, as i always said, is completely fine that there is no progression nor gold to amass, there is a lot of fun to be had with this modality so really thanks from the deep of my heart!

  • @itskingbertie said in Custom Server Update Discussion:

    @troubled-cells said in Custom Server Update Discussion:

    @itskingbertie no risk no reward.

    You ain't getting private PvE servers with gains.


    All my points are valid and You have no come back to them so just had to resort to this Message as a way of tryna stay in the argument

    Your points would be valid, if you weren't trying to circumvent the PvP element for reward and progression gains, so.your points arent valid.

    Answer me this, why should you get the same gains as somebody who is willing to risk more than yourself, against other players?

    It's pure delusion mate.

  • @itskingbertie said in Custom Server Update Discussion:

    @troubled-cells also you don’t want PVE clearly from your comment because you have done most of the content/ all of it and now only have fun in attacking players? Having players go to PVE servers means u won’t have easy prey anymore and this ruin your ego of being this big skilled pirate?! Or does that touch a nerve and ur gunna say how it’s a core mechanism of the game and who the devs are never gunna do this and that even thou the actual addition of this is against what the devs said just like the last update was the second time they are going against they own word of no AI ships on the seas ever ?! :)

    That's a very presumptuous statement, go look at my achievements buddy, and you will clearly see I have not exhausted all of this games content.

    Do your research.

    I'm not against PvE, just the idea that you should get rewards and progression, that's wrong, just as it would be for groups of players cheesing PvP comendations in private servers.

    If you bothered to check my posts, in actually excited for custom servers so I can PvPvE all of my friends whilst they are in other crews within the same server, why ? Because it's fun.

    It just ain't cricket bwudda

  • @itskingbertie said in Custom Server Update Discussion:

    for most of the game opt out was controller and mouse and keyboard

    No it hasn't. You are straight up lying. When crossplay opt-out was introduced it was Console vs PC, not Controller vs K+M.

    I haven’t been on to see if it literally Xbox or PC opt out

    So you're admitting that you're complaining about something you know nothing about? Smart.

    I did enjoy SOTs content but could not stand the player base

    Why did you buy an online shared world game if you didn't want unfriendly player interactions? Not everyone will act the way you want.

    leaving due to the toxicness of the split in community

    Sinking people and stealing treasure is not toxic.

    how it’s a core mechanism of the game

    It IS a core mechanic of the game. The game is based of these encounters with other crews. I QUOTE: "where pirates can roam, discover, fight and loot in a shared pirate paradise!"

  • @TriplePlayed It's great that there's no progression, otherwise players would just be able to play easy mode without ever being attacked by pirates.

  • @bloodredtyrant said in Custom Server Update Discussion:

    @TriplePlayed It's great that there's no progression, otherwise players would just be able to play easy mode without ever being attacked by pirates.

    Absolutely, the devs nailed it on this one and have a solid compromise that is actually fair for everyone. People can relax a bit and/or warm up for a normal session to get some loot if they feel like it. People can chill and play with their kids without having outside toxic-griefer-trolls-meanies ruining their fun. They can invite their whole circle of friends, family and pets and make a super fleet to do whatever they desire.

    Now, if only the pure PVErs could put a rest with the:
    "Never say never!"
    "Devs change their mind all the time"
    "Other companies have made 180 turns of some things, this can still happen"
    "The demands will keep coming"
    "The game will still need a PVE mode"

    And accept gracefully that their demands will not be met 100% the way they want, as well as accept the very clear and obvious stand of the devs on the matter, instead of going in absolute denial mode, that would be great.

  • @itskingbertie

    You haven't made any points. You thought the Mod's closed your thread because you were making sense. I read that thread, just a bunch of nonsense and salt.

    We've all seen a lot of players, especially in the forums, that have ended up agreeing that they were mistaken about how important PvE servers are. They argued for PvE servers, actually learned how to play the game, GOT GUD, and then came back and now they say "I used to be for PvE servers but after really playing the game and learning how to PvP, just having PvE would be boring"

    Your stats are rookie stats. 4m meters sailed is rookie nowadays. You use the Pirate Legend title when you got it last August in a time period where most players got pirate legend in a week or 2 from grinding forts.

    You are a troll, a salty player, or both.

    The new players you speak of are from steam, and if you haven't noticed they are still playing. Its a breath of fresh air in this game because before I would attack someone and they would just leave the server, I would hoard all that loot but no one would attack. I see ships on the horizon and they turn right towards me. Its like how it was back when the game first came out, its awesome.

    You can sit there and tell yourself you make a lot of sense, but it doesn't. You only care about PvE and you are biased against PvP. So no.

    SIDE NOTE Attacking people is not toxic or greifing. Its part of the game. I've run into more toxic PvE'ers then I have players who attack me lol.

    I've even told the ships, "hey I'll let you keep your stuff, I'm talking half your supplies". They get mad, angry, and try to attack me. I sink them and when I do, "you are an expletive, sinking someone who was minding their own business". Then they just keep going with the expletives. I was going to let them go, they attacked when they didnt need to.

    Toxic PvE'ers man.

  • @needsmokes Why would they do that. The whole point of these new servers is that you can setup custom pvp game modes now with your friends if you want. Just should get no progression at all. I think giving people a way to duel their friends and practice ship battles is a great idea to help people get better while they don't have to worry about losing any progress. Hopefully it should make people better players overall.

  • @cptnpotbeard

    So people can use these servers to practice PVP etc.. And these servers will be available to hire from the emporium?

    Sounds like a slippery slope towards a pay to win mentality to me.

    PVE servers with full access to gold and commendations will be next.
    It's coming.. The financial gains of selling servers will be too great to ignore for much longer. Wait n see.

  • @needsmokes

    I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you aren't trolling.

    How is practicing PvP any different on private servers, vs just PvPing in adventure or Arena?? If you want to practice PvP you get on a ship and you go attack other ships. What is the difference??

  • @needsmokes said in Custom Server Update Discussion:

    Sounds like a slippery slope towards a pay to win mentality to me.

    If there is no progression to be had, what do you win exactly?

  • Since these custom servers aren't going to have progress, then all cosmetics and content from the pirate emporium should be available. This will allow for content creators to have full access to interesting costumes for better videos. The server owner should also be able to control weather, time-of-day, and world events. Someone mentioned camera controls, and that gets a second vote from me.

  • The point is from such servers? Why pay for the north on which there is nothing? You can’t earn gold, you cannot donate things. Thanks, I don’t need such a game! You are not allowed to play normally on a regular server, because you are alone, and there are two or four of them you can’t do anything, because there are simply more of them, and the weapon in the game is nothing. Besides the sword. Why is it different in other games? Not with this game, I clearly have no way!

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