Raising the CAP to 75...

  • Is there something to be gained or earned by getting to level 75 in 3 factions? Is there anything on the road map that will happen for Pirates that are Max level in at least 3 factions or maybe all of them?

  • 9
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  • Nothing to gain except for the faction ship sets

  • @kommodoreyenser sagte in Raising the CAP to 75...:

    Nothing to gain except for the faction ship sets

    ...and the achievements and titles for each one...

  • @schwammlgott said in Raising the CAP to 75...:

    @kommodoreyenser sagte in Raising the CAP to 75...:

    Nothing to gain except for the faction ship sets

    ...and the achievements and titles for each one...

    When you already have like 150 titles, you start to forget that haha

  • @kommodoreyenser said in Raising the CAP to 75...:

    When you already have like 150 titles, you start to forget that haha

    I never even notice titles any longer. I think I left mine at the one for delivering chickens, because I know that would inspire fear and awe amongst other pirates.

  • @kommodoreyenser said in Raising the CAP to 75...:

    @schwammlgott said in Raising the CAP to 75...:

    @kommodoreyenser sagte in Raising the CAP to 75...:

    Nothing to gain except for the faction ship sets

    ...and the achievements and titles for each one...

    When you already have like 150 titles, you start to forget that haha

    Only 150, you must be slacking. :)

  • @ecaiiaw You get a ship set from the Trading companies.

  • @doctorfork sagte in Raising the CAP to 75...:

    @kommodoreyenser said in Raising the CAP to 75...:

    When you already have like 150 titles, you start to forget that haha

    I never even notice titles any longer. I think I left mine at the one for delivering chickens, because I know that would inspire fear and awe amongst other pirates.

    I've since christmas the "Geschenkgeber", I guess "giftgiver"...the time limited one for the gifts...but everyone thinks so far, I give them my treasure voluntary...😎

  • @ecaiiaw No. Just some bad cosmetics.

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