New player seeking advice

  • I just started diving into this game today having purchased it on Steam and being really interested. I made a pirate and went thru the maiden voyage, exploring the island and learning the controls. I sailed out thru the shroud and reached the sea of thieves. I was following the tutorial/tool tips to buy my first voyage from the gold hoarder and started to head toward my ship with to "propose the voyage to my crew" and there was some other ship alongside mine blasting it to smitherines. Before I could even get to the ship it was destroyed and rolled upside down and the player on the ship was shooting me on shore. I thought, no big deal, just bad luck, I'll try I exited out, stepped away for a few minutes, came back and repeated the maiden voyage. Did the first island tutorial again (much faster) and got to the sea of thieves and AGAIN someone was destroying my ship from another ship at sea before I could even get to it. As a new player, this is very discouraging and I'm starting to feel like I've wasted my $40 buying this game. Can anyone point me to some helpful resources or guides for starting out as completely new to the game player on PC?? Thank you in advance.

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  • Once you complete the Maiden Voyage, you shouldn't need to go through it again to get into the main game. After the first completion, you should be able to simply go right into Adventure and start your first voyage from there.

    As far as tutorials, I do not have any handy or a lot of time to look at the moment. That said, what timezone are you in, and what is your general play time/duration?

    There are plenty of people around here willing to hop on and show you the ropes!

  • It seems a valuable lesson is in order here. Every scenario has the same thing in common, a boat approaches and you are caught completely off guard. This is probably one of the more important lessons to have here.

    Always be aware of your surroundings.

    Player ships do not appear out of nowhere, they have to come from somewhere. Always keep tabs on what ships are around you. If one happens to be an island over, keep tabs on it, because that will most likely be the one that will sail over and attack. Check on it every few minutes, because it takes 3-5ish minutes to sail over to your idle ship and attack. You should be on your ship before any fight begins, because its no secret when a ship approaches you, its hard to hide such an obvious object.

    Side note, when you park your ship, never leave it anchored. Til you get the habit of lifting sail to slow to a stop, always have anchor up. You have it up because if you do get caught, you will have an easier time rotating cannons or fleeing. Never have your ship parked at an angle that has you pointed at an obstacle. Make sure its pointed in a manner that will better suit an escape or attacking position.

  • @archangel-timmy Thank you for the response. My play time is sporadic because I work about 50 hrs a week, and its shift work so its early one week and late the next. I guess I will try out adventure mode when I get another chance to play! Cheers

  • @nabberwar Thanks Nabberwar, that all sounds like really good advice. Other than sailing thru the shroud during maiden voyage, I am yet to even sail my ship. It was just at the end of the dock on the island it started me on, and was destroyed or being destroyed by the time I got to the dock both times. I guess I just had bad luck. I'll keep your tips in mind if I make it as far as actually sailing my ship in the sea of thieves, lol.

  • I m a pretty experienced player and yesterday when I try to solo sloop, I had the same exact experience. I have sunk enough innocent people to laugh it off, but I can only imagine how demoralizing it can be for a new player. I m quite sorry u have this as your first experience.

    Quite frankly, when I first started playing this game. I join mostly galleon crews. Because there r more people u can play with, n sometimes u get lucky and get to play with some experienced players. Great thing about a galleon is even if u r all noobs, at least u will have the numbers. And most people won't come at a galleon unless they r really prepared.

    Good luck, if u have more questions feel free to ask.

  • Solo is tough. It's do-able. But you should consider it "hard mode". My advice is not to try to learn any new game on "hard mode".

    Try joining Random Crews, use voice chat, and explain that you are new and learning the game. About 1 time in 4 you will get a helpful and friendly crew. So don't hesitate to "server hop" until you find one that you like.

    I have played since launch. Even when you have the game mastered, Solo is still harder than with a crew. "Many hands make for light work".

  • Try getting one of your workmates to play the game with you. The game is balanced for crews that have at least 2 members.

  • @neavitteer

    I will start out with, welcome to the seas. Getting started can feel overwhelming there is a lot that will come at you and many pirates that will show no mercy.

    Going at it alone is going to be a tough time, so my first advise is to seek out a crew. The discord, crew recruitment forum section, looking for group or even open crews can help you on your way. This is a game where it is assuming you have a crew versus crew scenario and being a solo captain is for the stubborn and the experienced pirates. There are a bunch of groups that accept and even seek new players to join their ranks.

    If you are seeking for guides you can check out the forum section or
    Phuzzy Bond makes great youtube guides to follow

    Don't get discouraged, you will sink a lot at the start, be surprised and overwhelmed at times. The golden rule is to never sail around with more than you are willing to lose. Pay attention to the horizon as no pirates appear out of nowhere and above all just enjoy your journey. Once you get a feeling for the seas the gold will start flowing in... try figuring out where things went wrong and how you could improve to avoid that from happening again.

    Good luck and happy sailing.

  • @neavitteer

    In the beginning , i would suggest to find a few crewmates. Solo slooping is really hard when you are New and still need everything to discover...

    You can make a little post maybe on this Forum to see if an experienced Pirate wants to take you under his or her wing...Remember that you learn this game by stealing with yer eyes and ears ...Nobody is Perfect and even the biggest diehard Mc Clane Pirate loses his ship sometimes...

    You also had very bad luck by spawning in and immediatly being attacked ...But one golden rule , make sure to keep an eye out on the Horizon, because most Pirates don't care if you are new...Allthough there are others who are still sailing around who have a Heart towards New Pirates...

    So , if you really want to get in this game ,try to find a few crewmates and listen to what they are saying and see what they are doing...These are free lessons that are priceless in their meaning...

    And one last personal advice , don't get disheartened , this game is just like many other Multiplayer games : you have no clue where to start in this maze ,but once you start to see and feel the meaning of this game , then it will conquer yer heart and it will never leave...

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