Sword combat needs changing

  • The sword was changed last update and i think it is extremly over powered and i believe it needs re ballancing. I know there are others who agree but don't come across many other PVP players on the forums.
    The main issue i have with the sword is the combination of the range, stun and the new damage values. I feel like these things all combined make the sword extremly over powered.
    I recently decided to tame a break from the game hoping that some changes are made. I think that the stun caused when being hit by the sword should be completly removed and maybe also add a slow down to movement speed for missed sword swings. I feel like this would improve things quite a lot.

    At the moment if you get hit once with a sword you are stunned making it extremly difficult to evade the next attack or even heal. The main problem with this at the moment is that a player who has no skill at all and is running forward aimlessly spamming attack can ruin the chances of even the best players in the game. It just makes the combat annoying and i feel like skill should be a huge part in a game where everyone has the same weapons with no damage changes or weapon improvements available.

    There also seems to be something very wrong with the range. Ive noticed if i get hit by that first strike the strikes that follow seem to land from a much greater distance. I got hit once in the air while jumping off the back of a galleon and the attacker still managed to land 2 more sword strikes on me while i was falling to the water. I have also seen this happening to a lot of SoT streamers.
    Please make some changes so i can come back and enjoy PVP again.

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  • I dont think sword swings are that hard to avoid. Best defense against a sword is using a sword and blocking. IMO whats OP is the Blunderbuss with one shot kills and knock back. Either you kill your enemy or knock them off the ship in one shot. That's OP.

  • The range of the sword could use some tweaking, but other than that I’d say it’s actually pretty balanced. The last buff to the sword just made it relevant in pvp. One bluderbuss shot can eliminate a slashing opponent if you can hit your shot. If you’re a skilled double gunner, 2 quick shots should do the trick. That’s all assuming you can land the shots, but the hit reg is another topic lol.

  • @boomtownboss i think both blunder and sword need nerfing tbh but im here to talk about the sword. Its the stun that completly ruins the buff for me. The sword was already good enough and people who were good with it had no trouble getting kills. It needed improving slightly but just throwing 5 damage per swing on the thing just seems lazy. Feedback was given about it way before it was actually released by quite a lot of people but it stayed as it was and was never even tweaked.

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