Balancing Emissaries

  • all this isue the game have had spawning skeletons ships mega and kraken right after each other is just braking the game for me I have been playing the game for the past two years and now I'm going to say you up. and spat the old faithful players in the face. I bought 3 copies of the game so me and my kids could play you lost my kids to this game it's to pap favoritism and now I say bye

  • Wow, did anyone think about how this just renders the current ledger completely void?
    The people who already amassed millions now can just sit back and relax for the next 30 days because
    no one will catch up to their numbers with this nerf...

    Just saying, "Wait for the next ledger" is the worst answer possible to this and doesn't adress the problem at hand.

  • Here's an idea....

    Instead of this stupid Emissary Ledger system we have currently where the best way to hit the top 25% is to find exploits and/or farm on alliance servers.
    How about instead making it a set goal to reach each month in order to obtain each reward?

    For example the gold hoards wants you to hand in 2 million gold worth of loot this month for their top tier reward.

    2 Million gold for tier 4 reward
    1 Million gold for tier 3 reward
    500K for gold for tier 2 reward
    250K for gold for tier 1 reward

    This can be changed within each company to incorporate different ideas not just gold, like the Order Of Souls Might want X amount of foul bounty skulls in order to progress through their Ledger system that month.

    This would give every player something to accomplish and push for each month rather than just the select few players who can play 24/7

  • @xultanis-dragon You are right with that one, I do know the team are actively investigating that issue as it isn't the intended behaviour at all.

  • Is the change in rep being applied retrospectively? I think those that have used this “exploit” are already level 75 or high up the rankings. The only thing this change will punish is the rest of us surely?

  • I dont even like having fun

  • @biueeyeddragon said in Balancing Emissaries:

    Here's an idea....

    Instead of this stupid Emissary Ledger system we have currently where the best way to hit the top 25% is to find exploits and/or farm on alliance servers.
    How about instead making it a set goal to reach each month in order to obtain each reward?

    For example the gold hoards wants you to hand in 2 million gold worth of loot this month for their top tier reward.

    2 Million gold for tier 4 reward
    1 Million gold for tier 3 reward
    500K for gold for tier 2 reward
    250K for gold for tier 1 reward

    This can be changed within each company to incorporate different ideas not just gold, like the Order Of Souls Might want X amount of foul bounty skulls in order to progress through their Ledger system that month.

    This would give every player something to accomplish and push for each month rather than just the select few players who can play 24/7

    It's not hard to get into the top 25% so far. I've only logged maybe 6 hours of play since the update dropped and I'm currently in the top tier in 2 different companies. People who grind 24/7 don't influence the tier cutoffs that much unless over 25% of people playing are doing that, which isn't happening.

  • @danqrl @Tecrano Hold up. It was insanely easy to get into the top tiers... and it didn't take a lot of time.

    I played with one of my characters last night that hadn't participated at all over the past week - the first time playing the update with this character. After 1 OoS turn-in (immediately after reaching Grade V), I was in the top tier for Order of Souls. That was after 30 minutes of gameplay. So, it doesn't appear that "smashing it out" in the first week had any impact on the ability of casual players to get high into the ledger.

  • @marc4815 how was it on reputation ?

  • @danqrl

    Actually what I think they should do is just delete the ledger for this month, give everyone the high reward in all factions, and then just restart the ledger next month.

  • @d3adst1ck

    I'm also in the top tier of two companies (Athena & Reapers bones) that being said this current system still heavy favours those who can sit and play for 24/7.
    It offers nothing whatsoever to the player base that either have school or jobs to attend.
    Every single day the goal posts are pushed further and further away, so if you cannot play for a week then good luck chasing after the people who can.
    Set targets are set targets no matter how you look at it. Some are hard, some are easy but all are fair.

  • @biueeyeddragon said in Balancing Emissaries:


    I'm also in the top tier of two companies (Athena & Reapers bones) that being said this current system still heavy favours those who can sit and play for 24/7.
    It offers nothing whatsoever to the player base that either have school or jobs to attend.
    Every single day the goal posts are pushed further and further away, so if you cannot play for a week then good luck chasing after the people who can.
    Set targets are set targets no matter how you look at it. Some are hard, some are easy but all are fair.

    The only thing playing 24/7 does is get you higher on the leaderboard. No matter how you change how the tiers are set, you aren't going to beat these people. Getting into the top tier for the rewards is all that matters and from the looks of things that isn't all that hard to do with the current playerbase.

  • @blu3s-65 They care about no one but FULL ON TOXIC PVP THEY HOPE ALL PVE LEAVE CHAPMAN HATES PVE

  • @entspeak Never claimed that it wasn't easy to get into the top ranks in the first week. Just like you I reached master tier in the first hours of playing.
    But what about the players who start playing reaper's now? If the current changes impact the emmissary values, then I would think that this wasn't fully thought through.

  • @musicmee

    I could be completely off on my assumption but if it helps I think the reason why its happening is because the Flag itself is considered a type of "quest" like when a crew puts a quest down on the table.

    When a ship sinks or is scuttle, the quest is still on the quest table and active.

    When the ship sinks or is scuttled with the flag, the de-spawning of the ship causes the flag to turn into loot. Which I think is still part of the quest line so to speak. The ship sink or leveling up is part of the quest line. When it sinks it just progresses to the next step which is to become a loot object.

    When a crew leave the game, the quest is basically canceled and removed just like it would be on the table of a ship. The quest is essentially canceled which removes the flag from the quest line and removes it from the game.

    Don't know if my insight is helpful for the dev team or not, they probably already know this but who knows.

  • @tecrano Has the currency change been that much? Gold value remains the same for everyone with regard to loot. The flags have been changed, and the Athena Loop has been closed, but turn-in gold value hasn't changed. And, as I understand it, the theory is that the ledger is based on gold value. If I can get into the top tier after one OoS run before dropping the flag, then the flag changes aren't going to impact anything with regard to the ledger.

  • @d3adst1ck

    "You aren't going to beat these people."

    That's my point.
    Why put us against these people in the first place? What does this offer over having a set target each month, apart from the fact if you hit the set target you're able to sleep easy knowing you've achieved your goal. Rather than be booted out of that bracket on the last day when the mad rush comes of everyone trying to advance up a tier.

  • I think the changes are fair, although I liked the way it was before, and it’s a shame the Emmy system is getting slightly nerfed.

    Wish I’d taken more advantage of the Reapers Bones and Athena progression now. RIP to less grinding, and hello to more grinding.

    Final point: it was the right thing to do. Damn you.

  • I can agree with most of this update but did you really have to reduce loot items back 75% on their rep for the Reapers? That's only gonna make the remaining player base that's not already maxed in it to work harder and grind alot more PvE in a company that's supposed to be PvP based. I was having fun just rolling around and sinking ships but now I'm gonna barely make much rep from doing that. The tryhards already maxed every company and this nerf will only affect casual players who play a few hours a night. This should have been released next month in the next update.

  • @biueeyeddragon said in Balancing Emissaries:


    "You aren't going to beat these people."

    That's my point.
    Why put us against these people in the first place?

    I already explained that you aren't up against the 24/7 players. You are only against those people if you want to be #1 overall. The tier cutoffs already show that there aren't enough of them to affect the feasibility of achieving the top tier through casual play.

  • Whoa! Reapers can now gain more from “Lower level Emissary Flags”?

    Well I can see them attacking any ship now regardless but that seems a little over kill. Now if they see a fresh spawn....

  • @burnbacon said in Balancing Emissaries:

    Whoa! Reapers can now gain more from “Lower level Emissary Flags”?

    Well I can see them attacking any ship now regardless but that seems a little over kill. Now if they see a fresh spawn....

    They get more relative to the last update. The highest grade flag is still worth more.

  • No I'm sorry this is too much I barely got anything for lowering my emissary surely you see this is to unfair?
    Please reconsider this change but also stay safe.

  • @d3adst1ck

    What advantage does this system have for the casual play?
    Why put the player base against each other instead of having just set targets?
    Yes it's easy to get into the top 25% currently but it's only been a week.
    What if you wasn't able to play this week? you'll need to try and play catch up chasing the top 25% spot without even knowing how much grinding you'll need to do for it by the end of it.

  • No I'm sorry this is too much you have just made 75 in companies impossible. This is unfair to your community after the great feedback we gave you about the emissary system.

    Please reconsider this change and stay safe.

  • Wait. @MikeTheMutinous this is something I didn't read about in the original update. The Emissary system is designed to force PVE/PVP interaction? None of your explanation in the original Emissary update even indicated it's fundamental design was to force interaction between two vastly different play styles that do not mesh well at all! No wonder the update has been a mess and there's been an increase in PVPers not even using an Emissary flag attacking random ships (those not even waving an Emissary flag at that) at their pleasure!

    This is honestly making SoT even more of a mess. I stopped playing after the Megalodon update because a: I had no one to play with anymore and b: I was too busy. I started once again with the Anniversary update sporadically as a way to hang with my brother, and then I had a crew and things were going great.

    But now I can't even do a single voyage without a ship coming up and sinking me, making alliances has become such a rare opportunity I can never be sure if I'll meet someone friendly, and I'm terrible at PVP. My entire crew is terrible at PVP. We get soundly wrecked every time and it is not fun for us to have hours worth of work lost because that ship that sunk us an hour ago has finally found us and are ready to sink us again.

    Hell a good chunk of the PVPers aren't even sinking for flags and loot. They're just doing it because. The amount of times I've watched my ship sink only for the PVPers ship to sail away and leave my loot? Or for someone to sink me because they want to do their quest at the island and would rather not risk it? Or just because I spawned in fresh at the outpost and they want the outpost to themselves?

    Rebalancing this update is much needed, then! Make sure the risk/reward for Emissary is actually appropriate to the risk level, and make sure the non-emissary's get appropriate to the risk level of just being a regular player too! More than that the idea that you could turn in regular loot to Reapers Bones honestly confused me as they seemed more about sinking Emissary ships than anything, so yeah the progression on that should've been lesser from the start!

    So it is good that you've dropped the rewards out, but I'm still afraid that your drop isn't going to be enough to let us players who have dropped our Emissary flags as we are done with that group for the day, or done with that voyage and want to just fish or something and find random things on islands, it's not going to stop us from being targeted with increased frequency.

    I finally hit Pirate Legend last week and I haven't been able to even enjoy it. I haven't been able to finish a single voyage because of PVPers seeking out random ships and just wrecking them. I've lost having fun, and I loved the update at the start. I just love it less since it's enforcing PVP/PVE interaction. Some of us really don't want that. Most of us probably.

    It's not fun for us.

  • @biueeyeddragon said in Balancing Emissaries:

    What advantage does this system have for the casual play?

    Compared to your idea I may only need to collect 400K to hit the top tier as opposed to 2M. Under the current system, the cutoffs are more flexible because they can change from month to month. What may be harder one month could be a cake walk the next once everyone moves on to a different emissary. The current system actually provides some incentive to play somewhat regularly and to keep using the emissary flags.

    Your idea forces players to grind more than the current feature and then once they hit the cutoff they quit raising that flag. It's actually LESS casual player friendly.

  • @entspeak I just hope you're right and the gold theory is correct.
    If it is then the current ledger is, of course, valid.

    Maybe we could get some insight/confirmation from Rare for this?

  • @d3adst1ck

    Try having a casual player hit 2 Million a month without using the emissary flag.
    Having a set target is definitely better in my mind than chasing a moving figure set forth by players who have the time to play 24/7.

  • @biueeyeddragon said in Balancing Emissaries:

    Having a set target is definitely better in my mind than chasing a moving figure set forth by players who have the time to play 24/7.

    The 24/7 players aren't setting this target. You are fundamentally misunderstanding how the tier system works.

  • When I get home from work I will be playing to see how much of a nerf was done. I have been really enjoying that it didn't seem like such a grind to earn some reputation, so I wasn't a big fan or nerfing the emissaries but we shall see.

  • @mikethemutinous I understand the need for balancing the Reapers, and it makes sense to do so if most of the rep gained is from doing normal voyages and just turning in at Reapers.

    However, I feel like a true balance to Reapers is the means on how you ACQUIRED the treasure in the first place. If you dig up/found treasure, by all means, have the amount of rep decreased. If you STOLE the treasure, then you are upholding the Reaper’s Creed and that should have no decrease in rep. I know the game can track stolen treasure, as there are several commendations and achievements based on it.

    Also, I don’t understand why Grade 5 emissary flags were reduced in rep and gold. Isn’t that technically the BEST treasure that the Reapers can possibly turn in from an emissary? To prove they are stealing from sought after enemy vessels? I feel like that change was a little unwarranted. The risk/reward of having a Grade 5 emissary flag up is that you are getting better rep/gold, while also drawing the eyes of Reapers.

    Right now, this kind of punished Reapers a little too much in my eyes. Reward them for PvP, the Broken Flags and Stolen loot should not have reduced rep gain.

  • My only gripe with this is lowering the value of Grave IV and V flags. While I understand that you had to lower PVE loot and normal loot, I honestly haven't a clue of why you would nerf flags when they are basically our only way of leveling up now.

  • wow the Reapers got nerfed hard, im glad i grinded it as hard as i did with friends, sad to see the high risk come with so little reward now.
    The server tends to gang up on you when you get high grade, and not everything is basicly worth 50% less rep? that makes me a bit sad :c
    but time will tell if it was a big deal or not i guess :D

  • I think you should of let it how it was. For a players like myself who play solo and dont have alot of time to play the game it was a good way to grind the levels but now its tedious and time consuming never gonna get any progress in this game now. Everytime a hot patch or update comes around it just caters to the players who play for like 16 hours a day. REVERT IT BACK SO WE CAN ACTUALLY GRIND AND PROGRESS.

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