If PvE servers existed

  • I'm just curious, how many players would actually 100% switch to PvE servers if they actually got added but there was no progression involved? So basically more or less an RP server.

  • 26
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    questioncommunityjust for fungeneral
  • No progression? There is no progression in this game?
    Theres gold you dont need and doubloons you dont need and skins and commendations you dont need.

    Just stuff you can do and collect 🤷‍♂️

    Its only fun because the pirates try to steal all your fools gold you put time and effort in to collect.

    Would you really like to play in a sandbox without a bully destroying your sandcastle?

    Well yes sometimes when im tired or just want to do silly things but i collect silly skins i dont need for fun so i need to collect gold and dubs i dont need and finish silly commendations i dont really care about.🙆‍♂️

  • @ruigtand-nl I love PvP, I'm just curious how many players actually would go for 0 progression in order to sail or do whatever, would love a rough percentage.

  • @capt-soul-beard Honestly not that many. I think even with progression, players would soon tire of the game and either move on to something else or go back to playing pvpve.

    Take away a bulding's foundation and it won't stand for very long.

  • @luciansanchez82 I agree

  • @capt-soul-beard I'd occasionally use such servers to mess around with friends or show them the ropes, especially if they had some modifications to the game physics for fun (steerable cannonballs and other such goofiness). I'd also use them for content creation, but still the main game would be my go to the majority of time.

    Edit: And I am referring to private servers, not pure PvE servers as you mention which there is absolutely no reason for and would be a complete waste of resources for Rare.

  • rare said they would never add pve servers in a recent dev stream. why bother speculating?

    sidenote: there really isn't any progression on regular servers.

  • @capt-soul-beard said in If PvE servers existed:

    I'm just curious, how many players would actually 100% switch to PvE servers if they actually got added but there was no progression involved? So basically more or less an RP server.

    Xbox users would switch ^_^

  • @reapinglegion said in If PvE servers existed:

    @capt-soul-beard said in If PvE servers existed:

    I'm just curious, how many players would actually 100% switch to PvE servers if they actually got added but there was no progression involved? So basically more or less an RP server.

    Xbox users would switch ^_^

    We would?

  • Personally, I wouldn't transition; even though I'm not very "good" at pvp... mostly because the fear of intrusion keeps the mundane exciting.

    A few years ago, before me and the wife started Spawning; we ran a pvp Ark Survival Evolved server, and had an absolute blast... well, once the hype train, and therefore our server, started to die; we moved onto other things. About a year after that, we had a craving to play Ark again.. but no longer had the time to devote to upkeep on a pvp server (*ark was a persistent world where you could be raided while offline; so it required an absurd amount of time to sustain your progress) so we started playing over PVE servers....

    and it sucked.

    Every little required 'chore' became an absolute bore-fest SLOG, because their was never any fear of being disturbed... their was never any real Risk... their was no excitement...

    So, I imagine that SoT would get incredibly boring on a PvE server... every minuscule task would lose its weight.

  • I've said this before and will always keep saying it... PvE servers can work but there is a fair chance of the idea failing completely. They can even work while keeping progression of some kind like in the main servers BUT it is an idea that Rare would have to test for a long period of time in some kind of PTS server set-up and not something they should do in one normal cycle...

    And because of that, it is honestly not worth the resources to do, if you ask me.

  • @reapinglegion said in If PvE servers existed:

    @capt-soul-beard said in If PvE servers existed:

    I'm just curious, how many players would actually 100% switch to PvE servers if they actually got added but there was no progression involved? So basically more or less an RP server.

    Xbox users would switch ^_^

    Fishers to be exact lol

  • @reapinglegion said in If PvE servers existed:

    Xbox users would switch ^_^

    Not if you ask me, there's a handful of us xpotatoes who can stand up to even the best of PC players. Still doing mixed servers. ^_^

  • Pirat RP without PvP?

    "if PvE server existed"...
    The uncertainty about other players would be gone and RP would be very much limited!

  • @capt-soul-beard said in If PvE servers existed:

    I'm just curious, how many players would actually 100% switch to PvE servers if they actually got added but there was no progression involved? So basically more or less an RP server.

    The question is not who would switch 100% of the time. The problem with PvE servers is that people would use it to farm, while head to the joint world to PvP.

    Therefore we would no longer have a PvEvP server, we would have a PvE and a PvP server... the beauty of the seas is the mixed nature. Sometimes it is an harsh sea where everyone wants to fight and sometimes it is passive. In any case the choice of battle is on you; Fight, Flee or Negotiate... it is on how you respond. Keep in mind, even if you are good you will lose at times. This is a multiplayer game.

    Btw. RP servers are not the same as PvE servers. RP servers would still need PvP enabled as fighting, dueling, stealing and all that are important factors if you want to RP a pirate... if you want to RP a merchant it would work I guess.

  • If PVE servers existed then I would spend 90% of my time in them!

    I prefer PVE and always have but it would split the player base massively which is why my passive mode suggestion is the best option I think.

    Also no progression involved would be pointless and that’s why we play so if they have pve and you could not level up guilds or gold then why bother.

  • I wouldn't, I like the progression. :) But I would enjoy a PvE server. Just for those days when I'm really tired and I just wanna relax for 30 mins

  • I'm on PvE servers everytime I play. Where I collect recyclables and trash off the beaches undisturbed for hours.

    Up until that time when I spot a sail on the horizon, and I wait to see if other homeless beggers want my junk.

    Then my game switches to a pvp server.

    It's all automated.

  • @cotu42 said in If PvE servers existed:

    @capt-soul-beard said in If PvE servers existed:

    I'm just curious, how many players would actually 100% switch to PvE servers if they actually got added but there was no progression involved? So basically more or less an RP server.

    The question is not who would switch 100% of the time. The problem with PvE servers is that people would use it to farm, while head to the joint world to PvP.

    Not necessarily true! I for example would play on the regular server 90% of the time, and switch to the PvE server when I'm feeling tired or stressed and I just want to talk to my friends and relax.

  • @princes-lettuce why would you need to disable PvP to just chill?

    Just sail away.

    You do it 10%, others 90% the effect is that it is a menu choice instead of natural flow of a shared world. It is a PvEvP game.

  • @cotu42 said in If PvE servers existed:

    @princes-lettuce why would you need to disable PvP to just chill?

    Just sail away.

    Doesn't always do the trick. Some players will endlessly hunt you around the map. Even if you sink them, they'll come looking for you just because they think it's funny.

    It's not something I can't overcome, it's just not something I'm always in the mood for.

    Also, keep in mind, a lot of players are just not that good at the game. You could argue that they should just not play the game but I would disagree. The more the merrier. Just my point of view.

  • @princes-lettuce how you respond is on you. Some servers are more aggressive than others.

    #BeMorePirate, btw if they enjoy the game they should play it.

  • Well I would not 100 percent switch but yes would have fun having a server could invite friends to just when we want to goof around and not be bothered by others. For me the best part would be having the ability to invite more than three friends to your game. You could invite multiple friends who would get their own ships.

    I do not not think a server where there is no progression is meant to be switched to 100 percent anyways. I mean its more of a break than a complete switch in my opinion.

  • @princes-lettuce I think the real issue is that some people take being a virtual pirate a tad bit too serious. Yes this is a pirate game but there is nothing wrong with having a private server that you can just chill with your friends in. I mean you are correct, it is not always as easy as just sailing away. Myself and my friend were just goofing around last night for a few hours, not being serious at all and we had multiple ships chasing us, one chased us for a total of 30 minutes. Now we know how to steer and work the wind in our favor so no one ever got into attack range but still would be nice to not have to deal with that all the time.

    I will admit we did have fun toying with them and we even scuttled after the one chased us for so long just for kicks and yes we enjoyed hearing the two grown men whine about how we scuttled but yeah it would be nice to just chill in private, I agree

  • I would, just to play the tall tails in a chill more relaxed experience. Regardless of “progression.”

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questioncommunityjust for fungeneral
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