Strange Audio Noise

  • Just today I heard a very strange music. After testing it a bit I found out it’s whenever I take my spyglass and zoom in on a skeleton ship. When I do that a audio starts that I have never heard anywhere else in the game.
    Anyone else having this???!

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  • Does it sound like a intense sound? Similar to how a Skeleton ship spawns?

    Ive been getting this weird sound every so often. Randomly.

  • @burnbacon
    Kinda, not super intense, almost sounds like music from a western movie. It last only like 4 seconds

  • @burnbacon Me too. I swear I've heard some strange sound/music a few times, but I have no idea what it is, and nothing happens after I hear it. I know for sure I heard it once at Reapers, and I thought I heard something similar at Marauders Arch if I remember correctly. I want to say I've heard it maybe 3 times?

  • @ringwraith123 I looked at a skelleon and heard some western style music and was immediately reminded of this thread. I kept looking at other things and the skelleon repeatedly. It would only happen looking at the ship and nothing else. My experience is pretty much the same as yours. So odd they would add that.

  • I’ve noticed it a few times. Someone suggested maybe it was a crew in the server voting for a gilded voyage, but we also noticed that the sound was player based, ie I could hear it but none of my crew could.

  • It's definitely a thing, I caught it the other day and repeatedly looked at the ship to make sure I kept getting the music and I did. I believe it's just an effect, sort of like the music that plays when you line all your sails in the wind. I thought it was really cool though!

  • there is a post on Twitter from Andrew Preston:

  • @testakleze
    Yeah you and I had the exact same experience. I wonder if this is a bug or intentional addition that Rare added

  • @ringwraith123 said in Strange Audio Noise:

    Yeah you and I had the exact same experience. I wonder if this is a bug or intentional addition that Rare added

    The post above yours by @triheadedmonkey seems to confirm it's intentional 👍

  • Yep, this is intentional. Only the case if you use the spyglass though, not EoR ADS.

  • Im getting this sound, when i use my spyglass to watch a skeletonship. I ve recorded a clip too! but im at work at the moment. Could post it later if someone is interested

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