More Natural Hazards

    1. Maelström-Enhanced storm of middle area with an eye in the middle pulling the ships inside, causing increasing damage by getting closer. Any ship that would reach the middle of it would receive massive damage.

    2. Heavy rain-Enhanced storm of great area, without lightning strikes, very quickly filling the ship with water.

    3. Light rain-Common storm of small area without lightning strikes, slowly filling the ship with water.

    4. Crushing waves-Medium area of significantly larger waves with a slower occurrence that can push the ship to other direction. (Possibly pushing players themselves into the sea If they are not careful)

    5. Stronger wind and Water currents-Rarely encountered sea occurrences that could either speed/slow your ship a lot.

    It would be cool to see at least few of these things making it into the game. Some may say its unnecessary, but I think that we've really conquered the sea bit too much lately and we are hardly ever truly endangered by the current sea hazards.

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  • @mystic-nefro

    The storm is something you rarely see used or even noticed, it provides little more than a stormfish producer and the source of the white Flame of Fate. Occasionally it rolls over someone on a quest or might even be used as a visual block to escape other players, but it does little else. A bigger variety of weather systems would benefit the game, and these are a good start, at the very least, or even all of it if it still isn't intended to be the focus. Perhaps the heavy rain could surround the storm sometimes, making it have a larger area of effect but not being quite as powerful, which seems to me like the reason why the current one isn't bigger. The waves should be a part of the storm and heavy rain, though.

  • @ultmateragnarok I was thinking about the big waves being a part of the maelstrom and heavy rain, but it would be too brutal for new players for example.

  • @mystic-nefro

    So here's an idea based upon what you've pointed out:

    I agree coming across a maelstrom first thing for a new player could be a bit off-putting.

    So the idea is to put some emphasis around the difficulty levels of the different regions.

    Have the storm able to produce certain enhancements such as maelstroms, hail, ash, whatever the devs could think of, that are only able to appear in certain regions.

    i.e. give the maeltrom a certain chance to spawn within the storm while it's within The Wilds, ect.

    I think this would be a good way to implement some new storm variations as well as some thrilling new challenges.

  • @mystic-nefro

    Any sailor with some common sense wouldn't sail into a storm like that, and if they do, it'll teach them much of the mechanics. The signs of approach, the effects it has on your ship, what it can do to the crew, etc. Learning from failure (or a narrow escape) is how the game is meant to be, after all.

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