Change Pirate Without Losing Progress

  • Ok this is long overdue. I'm sure everyone has wanted to change their pirate at some point in their Sea of Thieves career, but the fact of losing progress completely detours anyone from doing it. I am a big fan of stories in games. I have had my character for over a year now and I am ready for a change, but that would mean losing a years worth of progress. I recall hearing in a developer update or something along those lines that there would be a way to change character without losing progress after the mega update, but here we are and I don't hear a thing about it. Even if it would cost money or in-game gold then I am totally down. I really just want to start a new journey without losing everything I worked towards for over a year.

  • 14
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  • We don't need a hourly thread about this.

  • @itz-majman

    Why are there so many people like you that have to be so negative towards people's ideas? You would have to have no brain to believe that we shouldn't be able to change our pirate. Quit being so negative and try backing up people's ideas instead of shooting them down.

  • I really wish this would happen, I'm too far into this game to delete my pirate and start over, with nearly full game completion. This should be a basic option in all free roam games like this one. I would be super grateful if rare would add this. Maybe they could implement it in the form of a purchasable potion for around 1000000 gold, id even be fine with buying a reroll for around $5 but that would be very controversial. I can't hide anywhere on a ship and my character appearance really makes the game worse for me

  • @nagthenaggy

    We don't need the forum filled with the same suggestions, if you only took the time to browse the forum for a minute you would have seen multiple threads saying the exact same thing as yours.

    I do want the ability to change my pirate but seeing people make a new thread about it every hour wont help the cause.

  • @itz-majman
    It actually would help because Rare would see how requested it is. If you don't request something then the word will never get out. It's common sense. The more people requesting it will tell Rare how important it is to the community.

  • @nagthenaggy

    You don't think they have seen the hundreds of threads asking about this? rather common on the subreddit aswell.

    They have already adressed this aswell which you would know if you were active in the community, theres plans to add this and most likely it will be part of the Emporium when they decide it's time.

  • @itz-majman
    I know they confirmed this but it was ages ago, before the Anniversary update. I'm here to remind them.

  • @nagthenaggy

    What a hero.

  • @itz-majman no need for sarcasm. if one topic was never repeated, rare wouldn't know what the people want. Its important the highly requested features outweigh the non highly requested

  • @a-double-deagle

    I do believe Rare already knows some people want to have the ability to change their apperance after 10 daily threads asking the same exact thing for over 6 months, don't you think?

  • @itz-majman then why didn't they do it, the mega update was the perfect time.

  • @a-double-deagle

    Because the whole idea is that everyone should look different, they even said before launch that you wouldn't have the ability to change your character if you aren't happy with it and still people complain since they ignored that they said to begin with.

    I do believe if they add this feature it would make more and more people look the same so im hoping they only gives everyone MAX 1 time to change. Maybe even have it in the emporium to gain some extra revenue.

  • @itz-majman I completely agree, one time or a microtransaction is totally fine. Maybe make it cost a crazy amount, so people think twice before choosing. Not everyone would look the same, use other games as examples. GTA 5 is a great example, with full customization to the point of even choosing your relatives, yet not everyone looks the same. I'm fine with another reroll with the same randomized system, which would ensure that not everyone would look the same

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