More extensive ship damage

  • Sails should be able to be torn by cannonballs and the rails should be able to be broken and you should be able to put holes in the ship deck that a player could get stuck in and you should be able to knock cannons back so you would have to push them back into place.

  • 39
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  • @mcgarnaglewolf Eeh, idunno man, at one point, it's too much realism. And these things start feeling tedious, instead of cool.

    I think the ship damage is extended enough.. It's a fantasy game, a cartoony one, it doesn't need to be as realistic as possible.

    Personally, i would like to be able to patch up level 3 holes, by plugging them with crewmates... With the head and arm section inside the ship, and the legs outside in the water. xD

    Used only for comedic purposes, or when you run out of planks, rofl. Of course, the crew that are plugged into the holes can still equip their weapons and tools, so if an enemy show up, or gets close, they can swing their sword at them or shoot their guns at them. xD

  • @sweltering-nick I get what you are saying but I guess if your rail of ur deck were blasted off you could get some planks out of it, then some epic ship v ship battles could last longer

  • @mcgarnaglewolf all good ideas but i doubt the devs would have time to optomise pvp to that lvl

  • @Sweltering-Nick just think, if the pvp was that tedius it would actually counter effect the tediousness. boat fights would end fairly quickly, instead of spending 30 mins forcing a battle of attrition, boats might actually sink in a matter of minutes, cause they are busy pushing the cannons back, they are stuck in the deck, or they are busy repairing holes in the sails. what i mean is, people wouldnt be able to run for hours, they would have to fight so that they can start on repairs, or they wold get cought up in the fight anyways kinda deal.

  • @d4m0r3d

    boat fights would end fairly quickly

    they already end in 20 seconds, what do you mean? xD

    instead of spending 30 mins forcing a battle of attrition

    If you're spending 30 minutes in a ship fight, you may have to consider the possibility that you are doing it wrong. ._.

    what i mean is, people wouldnt be able to run for hours

    Yet again, consider the possibility, that you might be approaching the situation incorrectly. o_.

    You are not entitled to having easier targets, you know... If you can't catch up, do something else, look for a new target, or pretend to run away and come back from a different position next time, etc etc... Don't just continue to try doing what obviously isn't working. -.-'

    I've had to give up chases too, you don't see me whining about it.

    What he is suggesting isn't to make combat more fun, it's to make combat impossible... Once your sail gets damaged, your speed is clapped, this snowballs into MORE ship damage, cus, yo ship ain't fast enough, resulting in masts broken, capstan broken, helm broken, making you utterly stationary, and without enough manpower to repair it all to get a chance to fight back...

    There's only 4 people on a galleon, how are they all going to RAISE THE MAST, CHANGE THE SAILS, REPAIR THE CAPSTAN, REPAIR THE DECK, GET OUT OF HOLES IN THE DECK, PUSH THE CANNONS BACK AFTER FIRING EACH BLOODY SHOT, KILL BOARDERS, REPAIR THE HULL, BAIL WATER, etc etc simultaneously?!?!? Are you freaking crazy dude? xD

    And even after that, do you have ANY IDEA how many planks you need to fix all this?! Farming planks is going to be impossibly tedious, because no matter how many you have, even the maximum your plank barrel can hold, it wont last 5 minutes being attacked by another ship due to the immensely varied ways your ship could take damage! Each cannonball that hits you, eats 5 planks worth of damage!!!

    This isn't combat, this is tedious boredom! xD
    At this point, it's literally more cost-efficient, resource-wise, and time-wise, to scuttle your ship, the second another player hits your ship... -.-'

    It's Sea of Thieves, not Sea of Ship Repairs! xD

    It's too much work divided by 4-3-2 people on each ship respectively.

    You can't even engage in the combat, because there's too much damage to fix in order to do even be ABLE to do that... The first one that lands a cannonball, wins... This is what we call scripted events, not combat. xD

  • @sweltering-nick im talking boat fights, not fights where you board the other boat. if your boat fights are ending in 30 seconds your region is clearly just inferior at gaming. no offence but my region knows how to repair a boat, so it really does become a battle of attrition, its about who runs out of planks

  • @sweltering-nick also mate, "You are not entitled to having easier targets" you realise the boats work the same, if they added what the OP suggests YOUR BOAT 2 WOULD HAVE THESE THINGS woaaaaahhhhhh i know right my dude. therefor guess what my guy, ready... ready... you would not be entitled to easier targets, but more challenging fights that are not about attrition but skill. holy moly bro can you believe this my guy dude, holy moly indeed, this is an amazing realisation. i hope this helped you comprehend.

    "There's only 4 people on a galleon, how are they all going to RAISE THE MAST, CHANGE THE SAILS, REPAIR THE CAPSTAN, REPAIR THE DECK, GET OUT OF HOLES IN THE DECK, PUSH THE CANNONS BACK AFTER FIRING EACH BLOODY SHOT, KILL BOARDERS, REPAIR THE HULL, BAIL WATER, etc etc simultaneously?!?!? Are you freaking crazy dude? xD" holy poo my guy it sounds like you just gave an argument about how the OP would balance combat. that's crazy my guy dude, holy moly.

    "Farming planks is going to be impossibly tedious" willlllll it though, i mean will it. i mean planks be literally everywhere, in the water, on ya boat, on the islands. you really dont even have to try to farm planks, just sail and pick up any barrels you see in the sea with your harpoon and before too long, you will have tooo many to count.

    "Each cannonball that hits you, eats 5 planks worth of damage" woah my guy dude person, i didn't see this in the post, when did they add cannonballs that do damage to more than one spot, i have only ever seen a cannonball do one thing of damage, did they suddenly give them the ability to bounce, that's insane. i do agree with you on this point, that's ridiculous i mean bouncing cannonballs. don't these people know those things are made out of metal.

    "The first one that lands a cannonball, wins... " if we look at the combat system rn, we can see that this is not true lol, your sails can fall, yes, your anchor can break, yes, and your helm can break yes, how often do they though?? rarely. and even when they are injured, tell me, does that mean you lose the fight. lol nooopee. currently, we can mess with peoples sails, but do they, nopee because its a difficult target, or because they don't want to make them unable to move, idk. point is, its more skill-based combat, and you are definitely over exaggerating.

    i did write this post to be comedic as i felt it was the best way to respond to your funny post, but some stuff i say could be wrong. this is just entertaining to me

  • @d4m0r3d said in More extensive ship damage:

    @sweltering-nick im talking boat fights, not fights where you board the other boat. if your boat fights are ending in 30 seconds your region is clearly just inferior at gaming. no offence but my region knows how to repair a boat, so it really does become a battle of attrition, its about who runs out of planks

    You realise there's no distinction between ship fights, and boarding tactics, right?

    if they added what the OP suggests YOUR BOAT 2 WOULD HAVE THESE THINGS woaaaaahhhhhh i know right my dude.

    Finish reading my post before making walls of text arguing points i've already debunked.

    And don't doublepost, edit your comments.

  • @sweltering-nick "You realise there's no distinction between ship fights, and boarding tactics, right?" you do realise their is right? when i specifically said ship fights i meant ship fights. now in a regular pvp fight, just a crew v crew battle where you board the other shipm either way in this situation, the new changes wouldnt matter, because the goal in these battles is to put holes in the lower deck, then kill them. so idk why you would care about these types of battles. i specifically said ship battles as in when a ship battles another ship, in a ship only battle. when i say this i mean you do not board the enemy player. (yes these battles do happen when you find crews who know how to watch ladders) when 2 good crews come up against eachother, lets say they have no gunpowder kegs, cause no one does nowadays, the battles become ship battles/ battles of attrition.

    "Finish reading my post before making walls of text arguing points i've already debunked." would not at all say you debunked it. lol literally in this situation where their is too much to repair to fight, this is when boarding comes into play, like i said these battles stop battles of attrition, now you can focus on boarding, because they will either be too busy fixing things, or they too will be trying to board you. anyways, thats even if it gets to that point, however in a battle like i said, this opens the game up to more skill based fights. not all ships would even damage these areas of the boat, like we see rn with anchors helms and sails, no one goes for them. anyways players will have many different target points, not all players are going to go for the same things, not all players are going to be able to hit the exact same things, its completely stupid of you to think this way, if anything that more alligns with how combat used to be, their is only one target and therefore whoever hits the first cannon wins, because they already have done more damage to the enemy target than the enemy has to them. idk if i explained everything, tell me if i didnt.

    edit* i feel like this is the way people reacted when they put the new boat destructability in insider version of the game, but i mean look at it now, no one even goes for those target points, i feel like the only thing from the OP that would be targeted is cannons

  • @d4m0r3d

    you do realise their is right? when i specifically said ship fights i meant ship fights.


    Boarding people is literally part of ship fights. Therefore, there's no distinction between them.

    Have a good day, i'm going to go get some sleep before my insomnia changes its mind. :P

  • @sweltering-nick lol "when i specifically said ship fights i meant ship fights" i get that players can fight, but i wasnt talking about that aspect. like i mentioned it is possible to fight without having people board you, i feel you have given up your argument about this aspect because i explained clearly in the last post and you are unable to debunk it. either way it seems this isnt going anywhere lol but it was an interesting discusion, good day to you sir.

  • @mcgarnaglewolf

    While I am not entirely against new damage models I am somewhat concerned with balancing. Pushing back cannons on a sloop sounds horrible since you can make the ship useless with one action.

  • @sweltering-nick

    You state that ship battles lasting longer is the bad way? Personally this is exactly how I play when solo and if I am on the ball, you can only board me by landing on deck with the cannon. I won't let you anywhere near my ladders. Yes boarding is a powerful tool in ship battles, but it isn't as strong against crews that are not oblivious on how to defend their ladders, watch the water and adjust course properly.

    Picking on less skilled crews and being able to sink them quickly shouldn't be the standard for battle. Whether you take the fight or not is up to you, but judgements about balance should be when the people are at similar levels.

    On the OP topic, it sounds like many things that will just feel tedious work rather than fun gameplay. I don't think that they are all bad ideas, but would be very careful about adding these type of elements.

  • @belyaevfox u only have to push them back when they are hit

  • @mcgarnaglewolf

    u only have to push them back when they are hit

    Suppose you have a sloop with 2 players that are being attack by a bigger ship. Sloop gets hit. One player starts repairing and the other one steers. Now the cannon is disabled due to a lucky shot by the enemy. This leads to either repairs or steering being neglected.

    It could work, but it seems a bit hard to balance.

  • @cotu42 said in More extensive ship damage:


    You state that ship battles lasting longer is the bad way? Personally this is exactly how I play when solo and if I am on the ball, you can only board me by landing on deck with the cannon. I won't let you anywhere near my ladders. Yes boarding is a powerful tool in ship battles, but it isn't as strong against crews that are not oblivious on how to defend their ladders, watch the water and adjust course properly.

    Picking on less skilled crews and being able to sink them quickly shouldn't be the standard for battle. Whether you take the fight or not is up to you, but judgements about balance should be when the people are at similar levels.

    On the OP topic, it sounds like many things that will just feel tedious work rather than fun gameplay. I don't think that they are all bad ideas, but would be very careful about adding these type of elements.

    That's just it, they're not less skilled...

    Look, i've been going up against ships of decent Pirate Legends too, they do NOT take nonsense from me trying to climb the ladder... They make it hard, but it's never impossible. ._.

    So, thing is, this hasn't stopped me from boarding them... If they wont let me board this time, i just have to wait a few seconds and try again after they think i'm gone.

    It's all about psychology bro... Well, i suppose cold-reading is a more accurate term.

    There's been a few times where even that hasn't worked, in which case, i ask my crewmates to shoot their cannons at the top of the ladder... Boom, i have WIDE opening to climb the ladder now. :P

    The point is, if i want to get on your ship, there's honestly nothing you can do to stop me, you can delay me, but you can't really stop me... The best thing you can do, is out-swashbuckle me, to kill me after i've already boarded. : /

    My ship fights usually don't last longer than 5 minutes max... I'm far from a perfect gamer, i've had to give up fights because they take too long and waste too many resources.

    But the average ship fight duration, is about 20 seconds, the time it takes for me to keg them, board them, and kill them. : /

  • @sweltering-nick less skilled maybe was the wrong phrasing, as it is also about risk taking, judgement of ones own abilities and playing towards your own strengths and prefrences, which can result in a more head on fighting style, being good at this is also skill based.

    The time spans that you discribe are only things I achieve when I out class the other crew by a significant margin. Like if you can cannon on board each time, good on you that is extremely skilled play and I need more practice to get there. However, the majority of players have to use the ladder. If you are on the defensive end and you manage to not contest people on the ladder... to me that is low skill, as to me it is a basic aspect of the game.

    If you would humor me with this question: Is your ship that easy to board, 'cause imagine facing your own crew, would you dispose of them on average in 20 seconds?

    You also have the other aspect of battle that many forget next to the CQC, the ability to create a ship on ship battle. Which is more stable, yet prolonged battles in comparison and where resource management and prep come into play at times. It is also a more defensive style, requiring less FPS elements and focuses on sailing, choices, timings at a more macro level.

    Since I tend to meet people and see what happens... I tend to fight that way. This also can wear down your opponents which has some very nice outcomes, if you want to continue playing:

    1. They sink you and attack you next time just as hard, but at least you drained their resources. Aka they just kind of keep doing the same, no real impact.
    2. They sink you, but the next time they see you on the seas... they go like mmmmh nah or even ally up with you.
    3. They give up and stop bothering you cause... OMG this is taking forever!
    4. You sink them and feel good, they stop bothering you by force.
    5. You negotiate a truce while circling them in battle, since it is going to take a while you can have a chat. Which to be honest is the best part of this fighting style.

    There is some logic behind the madness of this style and you better step up your game and not make any critical mistakes, 'cause as a solo or lesser skilled pvp crew:

    • Boarded = 1 chance for redemption or death.
    • Knocked off your ship... pray to the mermaids.

    That is if you are playing against any crew that has any idea of what they are doing, as I have defeated galleons coming to contest us by myself with a simple; board, slaughter and hit a rock. Though amazing, these wins I usually contribute on mistakes made on their end, rather than me being the best.

    Don't get me wrong, in a crew my preference is a combination of the two. I test out if I out class them, get a feeling of who I am fighting and adapt. I am an average gamer, I might be on a PC but I am not a PvP god. However, I am very good at pacing the combat in this game and fighting on my terms and strengths. When I am on the seas, my ship is sacred: it is my home, it is part of the crew and is your anchor in the world.

  • @cotu42

    less skilled maybe was the wrong phrasing, as it is also about risk taking, judgement of ones own abilities and playing towards your own strengths and prefrences, which can result in a more head on fighting style, being good at this is also skill based.

    In all honesty, i don't really think about my own actions, or my own capabilities, my entire focus is dedicated to analyzing openings, and taking advantage of them. xD

    I take risks like Crazy, i don't care if i die, lol. So, i have a reckless play-style i guess... Which i imagine is riddled with weaknesses, if someone has the mind to notice them, they can easily take advantage of that. : /

    The time spans that you discribe are only things I achieve when I out class the other crew by a significant margin.

    Very true... But my point is, ship fights are balanced, because in the cases where crews of similar skill (high skill, people who know how to get things done) are matched against eachother, fights last around 5 minutes... And i'd say that is long enough, wouldn't you? Short and sweet, perfectly acceptable.

    The 30 minutes coin flip that is casuals having ship fights with eachother, isn't really a reliable model to balance the game after, imho. :P

    Like if you can cannon on board each time, good on you that is extremely skilled play and I need more practice to get there.

    I actually did that once, i was solo slooping, chasing after a duo sloop that kept running away from me... So i decided "why not? here goes nothing!" and set my ship to turn gently to starboard, went down, aimed my cannon, climbed into the cannon, and shot myself towards them, it was a very long shot.

    I landed on the TIP of the sloop, you know that plank bit in front? xD

    And i only landed that, thanks to a timely lag spike right before i was about to land in the water.

    Much luck, very wow. :D

    However, the majority of players have to use the ladder. If you are on the defensive end and you manage to not contest people on the ladder... to me that is low skill, as to me it is a basic aspect of the game.

    True, but, there are exceptions to this though...

    If i set off a... mega keg on them, they will need all hands on deck bailing water and repairing as fast as possible, meaning, there's not enough manpower to watch the ladders reliably.

    Strategy is a skill too. ;3

    If you would humor me with this question: Is your ship that easy to board, 'cause imagine facing your own crew, would you dispose of them on average in 20 seconds?

    I don't know... I intend to find out once private servers are a thing, i do want to duel my crewmate! I duo sloop, my galleon/brigantine crew has retired, so... xD

    If he adjusts his strategy to use his strengths, it's very likely that i will lose.

    Way back, i used to be the skilled one on the ship, but he wanted practice, so we swapped roles... I've been the helmsman ever since, so i guess i'm out of practice, and he's gotten more than enough practice to catch up to me.

    I believe his aim with cannons would be superior, and i think, he would use that to his advantage, first he will shoot 3-4 holes, then he will use cursed cannonballs to drop my anchor or raise my sails, and proceed to do a sail-by kegging... Wouldn't even use the ladder, just sail by, and jump on board from his own crows nest.

    After the keg explodes, it's CQC time, of which, tbvh, either of us can win... The point being, i think my usual crewmate would have the advantage.

    Who knows, he might surprise me with something completely unexpected instead. : /

    If he wins the CQC, that's 30-40 seconds, maybe? If not, the fight may drag on 3-5 minutes. :)

    Since I tend to meet people and see what happens... I tend to fight that way. This also can wear down your opponents which has some very nice outcomes, if you want to continue playing:

    Those sound nice, but, around my region, people usually don't talk.

    I mostly just mind my own business, and then people try to attack us. Then i give them a couple of peace-offerings, a gunpoweder keg, and an angry pirate... And usually, that's enough to come to an understanding. xD

    If people want to talk though, me and my crewmate usually have civil conversations... Just sayin', doesn't really happen that much. :)

    Though amazing, these wins I usually contribute on mistakes made on their end, rather than me being the best.

    True, most of the player one encounters in this game are casuals who have yet to learn from mistakes. :P

    When I am on the seas, my ship is sacred: it is my home, it is part of the crew and is your anchor in the world.

    Now you're just making me homesick. :P

  • @sweltering-nick don't get me wrong, I like to try and talk... I am met often with silence, the talking can also pan out either way. For some reason people get annoyed with you if you keep sailing circles around them and thread the line between defeat and survival. Since like I said; my fight style is when solo, the long and wear you down strategy. As yes, strategy is a skill.

    Battles can last from a couple of mins to hours, based on how you play and I am patient, if I am alone and have the time. For me fighting the 30 to literally 2 hours isn't a coin flip, as it actually provides me more often with a positive outcome. I can keep it on the move if I am actually doing a voyage and move the fight to where I want to be or just mess with them cause I don't have anything else really to do at the point of engagement - the circling around taking pod shots till they get annoyed and do something they shouldn't have or leave.

    I don't think our approach is that different, but my goal usually is also not to necessarily sink the other - while yours is to fight it out and move on to the next objective. I am just out doing my thing and claim my area on the seas based on what I want to do. After that I see who shows up and who doesn't. Based on their actions I will have one of the following responses:

    • Want to fight, we will do it on my terms.
    • Want to ally, we will do it by my code.
    • Want to have a truce, also my code applies.
    • Want to avoid me and sit at the other island, all good ... if you sit there long enough I might have a look though.

    The question on the seas is how will you respond to those sails on the horizon. Mine is simple, I am here and my ship has a radius that I claim as mine. In that radius, we live by my code and if you don't like it feel free to challenge me or leave. That is the pirate way and all that matters is who is still floating at the end.

  • @cotu42

    Battles can last from a couple of mins to hours, based on how you play and I am patient

    ... Well if that's the way you WANT to play, then it's a choice, not a matter of gameplay imbalance. : /

    More power to you if you like playing that way. :3

    I don't think our approach is that different, but my goal usually is also not to necessarily sink the other - while yours is to fight it out and move on to the next objective.

    Kinda... More like, our objective is to overcome any obstacle that appears... We take things as they come, really. :D

    Admittedly, we do not drag the fights out, for the sake of savouring the experience. :P

    I will have one of the following responses:

    Me and my crewmate don't care, if someone wants to dock on the other side of the island, we cool, if they wanna talk, we talk, if they wanna check out our ship, maybe steal supplies, you can do so, but one of our crew will have to supervise to make sure you don't attempt to sink us or steal treasure, but at the first sign of hostility, or stealing our treasure, our response is:

    • U sink naow. ;3

    And the hostiles be all like:

    That is the pirate way and all that matters is who is still floating at the end.

    Very true. :3

  • @mcgarnaglewolf said in More extensive ship damage:

    Sails should be able to be torn by cannonballs and the rails should be able to be broken and you should be able to put holes in the ship deck that a player could get stuck in and you should be able to knock cannons back so you would have to push them back into place.

    The problem with adding different types of damage is an issue. The game would have to increase crew counts for each ship to keep all that damage manageable.

    So I was in a situation where my sloop got out positioned by another crew. It was completely my fault because I was being a little salty baby from getting sunk earlier. This was in Arena. We sank that ship 3 times already but they kept spawning RIGHT next to us. Just kept coming back and following us all over the place, we get sandwiched between all the other ships now because they all turned in but we couldn't because we had moe and curly on our behinds.

    We ended up sinking. I got salty because they trashed talk.

    I went in for the attack, positioned poorly, got wrecked by cannon balls. They boarded and we just couldn't kill them. This was before me fixing my 300 to 600 lag spikes every 3 to 5 seconds. So I hate that going.

    I finally kill them. We try to keep the boat from sinking and the mast is destroyed, the anchor is down, the wheel is gone.

    With all the repairs we were TRYING to do, we didn't make it in time. They respawned and got back on cannons and we were back were we started. Now heres the thing.

    Again now complaining about how that all turned out. That whole situation was my fault to begin with. I should have taken a pause and stopped being a salty baby and I would have NEVER done the bad and the stupid things.

    But the point is this -

    After we finally killed them and got into a safe situation to try and repair and get away. There was just too much damage to repair before they respawned and continued cannon fire.

    Now maybe if I prioritized better I could have made it out. MAYBE, it is possible, I could have definitely done better in that situation and I should have, but if the amount of different types of damage that can happen to the ship increase, then it makes fights all the more one sided once a side gains the advantage and the momentum.

    Especially with different ship sizes and cannon amounts. Bigger ships will have the greater chance for the momentum push.

    Once the other side has it, its pretty much over, there is no turning it around after that.

    So in the end they would have to increase crew number JUST to make it balanced, which would then make the game imbalanced towards other mechanics.

    Hope this all makes sense.

  • @xultanis-dragon @Mcgarnaglewolf @D4m0R3d @CotU42

    Looks like OP got his wish! Even more extended ship damage, lol!

  • @sweltering-nick looks amazing

  • @sweltering-nick ayeee dude when i seen this i was sooo excited. like cmon bruh you telling me this doesnt look awsome? im a solo slooper and those grenades will probs punish sloops the most but ohh maaa gawwwd do they look cool or what.

  • @belyaevfox if cannon is disabled, then the ship didnt take a hit, and the guy doesnt need to repair, so instead of repairing hes pushing the cannon back in place. like i said earlier, cannon balls dont bounce

  • the only problem i have with this is it would add another resource you would need to find to repair the sails its already annoying enough when you finish a battle either pvp or pve and are low on planks/cannonballs to just run into another one straight away

  • Look, i've been going up against ships of decent Pirate Legends too, they do NOT take nonsense from me trying to climb the ladder... They make it hard, but it's never impossible. ._.

    i think these PL you talk of are not as good as you think, i solo sloop, and i cannot recall someone getting on my ship EVER!! while i am on it. and that is one man watching 2 ladders. the only way i could see a crew getting on my ship is by cannoning onto it, or maybe they have 4 pirates on the ladder, but usually, i get them from the side, so all 4 should be shot off with just one blunderbuss shot. maybe im over exaggerating but i do not recall someone getting on my ship while im on it, now have people boarded my ship while i was dead, yes, but that was because i went and attacked them. woah your a keg man, i havent seen anyone who uses kegs in years, literally every ship i board, none have kegs, damn i wish i would run into you on the seas.

  • @sweltering-nick im reading all this huge amounts of writing rn, but i will just say this rn, you mention that the average fight lasts 20 seconds. if fights only last 20 seconds, then this extra ship damage does not matter, in these 20 second fights you mention, they might get 5 cannon shots off before you kill them yea. that aint much to repair, and i doubt they did too much dmg to anything the OP mentions. furthermore, if you are so heavy on boarding, then these changes really would hardly make a difference, cause lets play the cenario, you board you kill, and guess what they didnt do much dmg to your ship. these changes, like cotu says will really only effect high skill players, players who make it difficult to keg them, players who make it difficult to board them, players who know how to repair. i dont see how you could disagree with what im saying rn.

    ok so im reading more and more, and you say 5 mins is long enough for fights, and yea i kinda agree with you but i also believe that these kind of fights are less skilled, and while i say this, thinking about the OP suggestions, would they really prolong fights? or would they end them faster?? i guess it depends, i think it would highlight the skill gaps, as in say a tier 4 player vs a teir 5 player, that fight might end quicker than normal because of the changes, however a teir 5 v teir 5 would actually last longer, than what we get now.

    honestly i dont know if we can properly predict how these changes would affect pvp, we can look at the destructable ship stuff they already added, and i mean that really didnt change much, so im not sure that the stuff the OP suggests would change much either

    sounds like me and you have similar play styles, only i cant be bothered to get kegs

  • @xultanis-dragon true, but i think that kinda issue would only happen in arena, but yea idk what they would be able to do to counter that, its just how that mode is, maybe it would just be better to sink

  • Using fire on another ship to prevent them from using their cannons/sails/wheel/capstan or as a distraction? Yes please!

    Don't burn the fish! 🔥🔥🔥

  • @d4m0r3d In my example, the sloop was already hit. Also: I think it takes longer to walk from the cannon to a repair location on the bottom of a sloop then it takes to shoot for a cannon.

  • @d4m0r3d It looks cool, but im worried about how repairs will work, i hope it's just "pour buckets of water at it" and not "apply plank to burned area". xD

  • @sweltering-nick LOL could you imagine having to apply wooden planks to burning wood to repair it. if it worked that way it would crack me the f up. lol yea nah it would probs work with water, at least i hope it would. and im actually sooo happy this got added in, i remember a discussion about this happening when they announced arena mode. its just so cool to see it actually in the game i guess

  • @d4m0r3d The effects of the fire, and the visuals of the firebomb are so pretty, i might become a pyromaniac. :D

    In my defense, my name IS Sweltering Nick, i guess it's time to live up to my name, lol!

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