More To Explore

  • I feel like the sea is always crowded. Expanding the sea with more islands or maybe towns will help make it feel less crowded. It's annoying that I have to constantly watch out for other players because Shoot first ask questions later. If I want to do that I will go to Arena. The point for Adventure mode is sail with other players to go on adventures, but no one does it the proper way like it should. Another reason is more voyages to do as well.

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  • @electricfied038 the point to adventure mode is adventure it wouldn't be much of an adventure if you knew what was gonna happen aka which players are hostile or not its part of it

  • Isn't it funny, some complain that they never see anyone on the seas for hours and some feels like it's the other way around.

  • The point in adventure is people are free to play it how they want... I never do voyages. Sometimes I'll do forts and fleets but 90% of my playtime now is sinking other players.

    That's just part of the game

  • @electricfied038

  • I think the towns should definitely get expanded and I think Rare should make the taverns more interesting by adding mini games such as challenge a friend to throw knives at a target and see who is more accurate and some sort of card game should be added.

  • It's not the game that can change anything. We lack the players who do a little RP before they shoot and we also lack to have players who understand and accept the sandbox PvP style of the game.
    Shoot first ask questions later is all fine although i also like to have some nasty pirates who ask questions first (roleplay) and attack after they insulted my properly like a pirate ;-)

    Bild Text

    The game is alles fine, but the online gaming crowd lacks cool players playing together, roleplaying, making fun, dont take it all so serious and care for their fellow players, but also dont get what this game is.

    1. MP
    2. PvPvE
    3. A sandbox style game
  • @bugaboo-bill said in More To Explore:

    It's not the game that can change anything. We lack the players who do a little RP before they shoot and we also lack to have players who understand and accept the sandbox PvP style of the game.
    Shoot first ask questions later is all fine although i also like to have some nasty pirates who ask questions first (roleplay) and attack after they insulted my properly like a pirate ;-)

    Bild Text

    The game is alles fine, but the online gaming crowd lacks cool players playing together, roleplaying, making fun, dont take it all so serious and care for their fellow players, but also dont get what this game is.

    1. MP
    2. PvPvE
    3. A sandbox style game

    I get what you saying and that's fine if people don't want to Role-play then go ahead and stay. I am saying there are different communities out there that if there are some sort of role-playing servers just like GTA V FiveM. Role-players would hop on like in a heart beat. People are thinking that I don't care about Sea of Thieves that's where I am getting from if so that is not true at all, if it was I wouldn't send feedback, I am big fan of Sea of Thieves and the point sending feedback is to help it grow bigger and better over time. I really do hope you understand what I am saying. I tried explaining in my other topics but no one can take a hint apparently. I will say I could do a better job but still should took the hint compared to the replies like in my Role-playing servers in Sea of Thieves topic

  • @bugaboo-bill But tho what you said is what I been saying all this time, I am glad you have taken my hint unlike anyone else. Doing that would be more immersive and won't anger a lot of people because there was interaction people had fun with it therefor it suspended the anger keeping people like Role-players to stay. Those players who lack RP and shoots at first sight that we never met will just anger people and turn them off. Rare does not want that. To help balance bring out Role-playing servers Rare doesn't have to control it. They can hand them to real RP communities like I know a guy I will not name who will do a great job running a RP server. That will keep players aka RP players in the game while you got the non RP players in the normal game (Classic Sea of Thieves) I love to call it. It'll keep a good balance. A risk Rare can take

  • @electricfied038

    I know i know, you are right and i have the same opinion more or less, but we cannot change other people or how they play / game it.
    I'm 43 and my experience is: you cannot change others.
    Or very hardly, but for sure not how they aproach a game.
    Most people i say dont even play the game, they game the system.
    Tons of games tell stories and let you take over the role of one or more protagonist, there is often rich lore and all this, but people just game it. They often dont read the texts etc...
    I know someone who is a "dedicated roleplayer" he plays rpg's, Pen and Paper and even LARPs, but he is not interested in the Plot, he's allways and only min maxing and performing. That's the way he has fun.
    I believe these sort of people who cannot play, cannot do senseless stuff and allways need to optimized, improve, perform and rule are those who destroy not only the way of playing games and spoil it for many others who only wanted to play and treat it not like a serious professional sports competition.

    But remember Adenauer.
    "take the people like they are, we have no others."

    I'm completely desperated about RP in online games.
    The way i RP is lost for over 20 years for me, when players of my p&p group started min maxing and stopped roleplaying.

    Today roleplaying means you level a character and improve his skills.
    These so called Roleplay elements took over in the 90ies and when some began to make roleplaying an exel science and people say.
    Just one more Ork to kill to level up.
    That's the moment i quit RP, because it has nothing to do with RP and the lore and environment created by GM's, Devs or whoever is just a Background scenery.
    They want it, but they never appreciated it.
    There is absolutely no online RPG where the majority of players contribute to the world and lore.
    The majority is allways and only min maxing, performing, gaming the system.

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