I've been on sitting on a loading screen for about 10 minutes.

  • It's not the first loading screen. This is after I chose to find an open crew, it did the normal loading screen, then I got the black screen with the green wheel spinning in the bottom right. I can hear my crews voices. I can hear the cannons going off and everything. But this loading screen won't go away.

    I have a good internet connection and no problems with any other multiplayer games.

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  • @blackiechanxxxx, is this your first session? Have you tried closing the game and opening it again?

  • @dislex-fx it's my first adventure session in a few months, but I joined an arena session earlier with no problem.

    I've closed the game and was able to join a session now.

  • I've had this problem before, it gets fixed if you die. You can message your crew mates via the recent players list, or maybe use a mic and let em know. That being said, it's surprisingly hard to kill a crew mate.

  • This can happen when you load into a ship with a lot going on (primarily, a battle against other players). The rest of your crew can rescue you from "load screen limbo" by voting to brig you, but otherwise your only option is to quit out and try again.

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