So, Rare, you have succesfully killed Arena.

  • It's painfully obvious that the Arena player base is constantly decreasing as a result of the actions and inactions of Rare. Now it takes me up to an hour to load into an Arena match only for the competition to be completely incompetent crews.

    The problems are plentiful, and the solutions are nowhere to be found and Rare doesn't seem to care from our point of view.

    Problem 1: Combat is Completely Broken & Never Has Been Worse
    We have been dealing with game-breaking combat bugs for months and Rare does nothing to even acknowledge this is a problem. I've already made a thread on this a month ago, and it got 60 upvotes and nothing has been done. I know dozens of dedicated, high-quality players who have completely quit. These are the players that make YouTube videos, stream on twitch & mixer, and put the most time into the game. They are quitting because are the ones affected most by clunky, broken combat that basically eliminates any form of a skill gap. This problem is especially frustrating in Arena where PVP action is constant.

    At the time I was upset we would have to wait a month for the monthly updates to get any sort of hotfix to these game-breaking bugs, but now a month has gone by and nothing has been done. Why should I keep playing?

    Problem 2: ZERO Motivation After 240 Wins
    This problem is SO easily fixed by Rare, and the fact that they haven't shows an large level of incompetence or lack of thought/care. Once you hit 240 wins you can no longer track how many wins you have, you have no statistics on your wins/losses which in most games is enough alone to motivate players to play and improve. Instead, for anything after 240 wins you get absolutely nothing. This problem is so easily fixed. All Rare would need to do at a bare minimum is release 2-3 cosmetics at milestones like 500, 1000 and 2000 wins and it would keep people playing Arena for ages. For a game that is motivated by cosmetics and commodations, Arena is lacking heavily in both. But no, we get unlimited doubloons (free Arena Master) and a pirate emporium where they are going to sell cosmetics that look very similar to the Arena cosmetics to kill any last remaining reason to play Arena and make a quick buck before they seemingly finish driving Arena into the ground.

    Also, I shouldn't have to say this, but was this really the right time to add in opt-out?

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  • First I should say.....
    I've never played Arena and likely never will either. Since it was announced the idea never appealled to me and really why would you even bother knowing how broken toe to toe combat is in adventure?

    Slightly off topic....
    Imagine how good Adventure could be if the energy put into Arena was invested there instead.

  • @tart-tee

    I've already made a thread on this a month ago, and it got 60 upvotes and nothing has been done.

    You have no idea how this process actually works, do you?

    It's being worked on. That doesn't mean there's an instant fix.

    I will not read your post beyond this point, assuming your post continues this attitude.

  • @sweltering-nick said in So, Rare, you have succesfully killed Arena.:


    I've already made a thread on this a month ago, and it got 60 upvotes and nothing has been done.

    You have no idea how this process actually works, do you?

    It's being worked on. That doesn't mean there's an instant fix.

    I will not read your post beyond this point, assuming your post continues this attitude.

    Good, take a hike buddy. I know exactly how it works, the playerbase quits. If you actually read the post you'd know Rare introduced these bugs themselves, so they can just as easily revert them.

  • @tart-tee said in So, Rare, you have succesfully killed Arena.:

    @sweltering-nick said in So, Rare, you have succesfully killed Arena.:


    I've already made a thread on this a month ago, and it got 60 upvotes and nothing has been done.

    You have no idea how this process actually works, do you?

    It's being worked on. That doesn't mean there's an instant fix.

    I will not read your post beyond this point, assuming your post continues this attitude.

    Good, take a hike buddy. I know exactly how it works, the playerbase quits. If you actually read the post you'd know Rare introduced these bugs themselves, so they can just as easily revert them.

  • @sweltering-nick You wanna post about code of conduct but you commented first? You said you weren't going to read further but continue to comment, if you have no worthwhile opinions then why are you still here? You said you were going to leave so do so.

  • I played lots yesterday on the console opt out servers. Had no issues matchmaking or finding a session when I wanted.
    Arena has never been better.

  • @needsmokes Makes sense, it took me an hour and a half to find a lobby on PC. Still, the playerbase is declining, I've played Arena daily since launch, even before opt-out we were experiencing all-time lows.

  • @needsmokes said in So, Rare, you have succesfully killed Arena.:

    I played lots yesterday on the console opt out servers. Had no issues matchmaking or finding a session when I wanted.
    Arena has never been better.

    Thats fine for Console players, but thats only half the community, there is a wide variety of PC players out there, I can't find a server in my region, I search for 10 minutes, then get jammed on a server with 250 ping.

  • @xitswebbyx said in So, Rare, you have succesfully killed Arena.:

    @sweltering-nick You wanna post about code of conduct but you commented first? You said you weren't going to read further but continue to comment, if you have no worthwhile opinions then why are you still here? You said you were going to leave so do so.

    I didn't read further...

    I never said i was leaving...

    Dude was trying to pick a fight, so instead i linked the forums rules.

    What are you talking about? o_.

  • @sweltering-nick You were the one picking the fight, you tried belittling him, he defended himself. You're the one that keeps going

  • Agree on most of it.

    You should be able to keep track of your statistics after you hit the required commendation. But don't make new ones or add rewards that exceed existing commendation. Just add new cosmetics behind commendations we already have.
    It a big grind as it is. Don't make it worse.

  • Problem 3: crossplay options have emptied the servers even more.

    Problem 4: sloop arena should have been implemented long time ago. Open crews are a nightmare.

    The result is that what is supossed to be a fast game, ends up being a 1h session which by the time you're finished one game, the crew needs to go.

  • This will be popular with some...
    And unpopular with others....
    Just my opinion ( I'm only one.. so what do I know ), how I see things.

    So, Rare, you have succesfully killed Arena

    Good.... If that is the case.

    Maybe we can get back to developing the main game.. rather than this distraction.
    Anything that takes away from this, is not the game.. & not what we all bought into back when it was first launched. Never wanted it.

    I'm glad that the "Arena" has it's own fan base.
    I'm not one, never have been. Nor I'm I here to persuade others to my point of view, think people have already made up their minds.
    Each to their own, not here to deny others their pleasure. But should it happen...this pirate for one shall not shed one saltwater-tear over it.

    Having said all that.. I realise it probably isn't going anywhere, I'm realistic.
    Hopefully in the long run "Arena" won't continue to strip resources and stifle main game development.
    Guess it's best to wait and see, it does worry me greatly the current path we find ourselves on.

  • @xitswebbyx said in So, Rare, you have succesfully killed Arena.:

    @sweltering-nick You were the one picking the fight, you tried belittling him, he defended himself. You're the one that keeps going

    No, i let him know that his attitude wasn't appropriate for the forums, and as long he's like that, i won't be giving his post or opinions any attention.

    If he wants attention, he should probably calm down, and use logic and reason to express his points, not anger, ignorance and entitlement.

    My interactions with him ended with the link to the forum rules... So no, it didn't "keep going". You're the one that keeps going... Please stop strawmanning.

  • Never played a game in arena. I was going to try it after opt-out released, but then all the posts about pc players accessing the Xbox pool by joining Xbox friends started popping up. Basically, pc players can sneak into the Xbox pool thru the fire escape door, and prey on an unsuspecting disadvantaged playerbase, while theoretically facing even fewer pc players. Well done Rare, at least you got mtx up and running, lol.

    You are correct @Tart-Tee, this was not the best time to introduce opt out. The best time was 18 months ago on release, or 15 months ago when the banhammer was working overtime on these forums, or 6 months ago when arena dropped. Take your pick...

    Crossplay rant out of the way, i do agree with problem 1&2, but considering that things like crossplay and 'wet sloop footsteps' weren't addressed for so long, i wouldn't hold my breath.

  • @tart-tee

    The two biggest things keeping me from playing Arena right now:

    1. Combat bugs - unreliable ADS and sword blocking. It's still an issue. (I don't even know what sword combat is right now...)

    2. Lack of other ship types

    While I understand where you're coming from about there being no motivation after hitting 240 wins, I will say that there's probably less than 0.5% of people who have actually reached that point in Arena progression.

    They will most likely add more ways to play Arena, but the critical things like more ship types, combat fixes, and player retention for the current Arena gameplay need to be in place first.

    The Arena is currently in the same state now that Adventure was in around launch. I can't help but think that it just needed more time in the oven...

  • Combat needs some major tweaking. Still get hit through blocking which is my biggest complaint.

    Arena kind of reminds me of another studio making a huge mistake of getting away from what makes them unique. Stick to what you where doing and not jumping the bandwagon of the competitive scene.

    Battlefield V made the same mistake with Firestorm mode. Now their game is a hot mess.

  • Your post has been edited as it goes against the Forum Rules and Pirate Code.


    Be respectful. Sea of Thieves is a game for everyone regardless of age, gender, race, sexuality, nationality, creed or disability. Treat everyone with respect. Diversity only enriches this larger-than-life pirate community of ours and makes Sea of Thieves’ world a far more interesting one to explore. When we all play, everyone wins.

    Name calling, personal attacks and using derogatory language against Community Members, Rare Employees, Global Moderators or Deckhands is not acceptable. Using such language will result in a warning, then temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action is persistent or increasingly aggressive, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    Please read and abide by the Forum Rules and Pirate Code in future.

    Thank you.

  • As a general note to all, please avoid engaging in personal arguments and derailing the topic of the thread. It is fine to debate the content of the post, and the viewpoints therein, but disrespecting any of your fellow pirates personally is against the pirate code, and our forum rules.

  • Honestly if they want it to be a pvp gamemode and advertise it as such just remove the chest part of it. I say this because we have all been in the lobby with the ship that fights no one the whole time and goes for the chests and wins. It is highly annoying because they are just pveing the whole time while being in a pvp gamemode. The most likely way that rare could take this comment if they even see it. Is make there an arena with and without chest so its just straight up pvp. That's what I expected from arena and was sold short. Thank you for reading I did not come here to start a fight just post my opion and attempt to add a solution to the ever declining pvp player base.

  • Are there sloops in Arena, yet? Because I will not even bother with open crew galleons. That is, and has always been, the problem.

    Edit: and remove the chests. Ship combat only, please. That's what this game does best.

  • @grayspell said in So, Rare, you have succesfully killed Arena.:

    Honestly if they want it to be a pvp gamemode and advertise it as such just remove the chest part of it. I say this because we have all been in the lobby with the ship that fights no one the whole time and goes for the chests and wins.

    They don't. Its advertised as a competitive mode with objectives. Kind of like capture the flag (CTF). In your example, the ship digging up chests (ie. capturing) was playing the mode correctly and you were not.

    Its also possible to kill people while playing CTF, but that is not the focal point of the mode. It can help you win if you do it correctly, but you have to focus on the flags.

  • @marsmayflower said in So, Rare, you have succesfully killed Arena.:

    Are there sloops in Arena, yet? Because I will not even bother with open crew galleons. That is, and has always been, the problem.

    Edit: and remove the chests. Ship combat only, please. That's what this game does best.

    absolutely agree. get rid of the chests. add all ship types. just have an all-out brawl.

    keep it simple.

    I can't reiterate this enough, not having a sloop or brig option at the initial release of arena... was a huge mistake in my eye.

    heck I would love the ability to duel one other ship on the same map. or allow us to queue with a rival crew of our selection. I have buddies who would love to battle against each other. we'd do it just for fun,no need for any rewards. the fight is the reward for us.

  • @pomalotacusmk3

    Never played a game in arena. I was going to try it after opt-out released, but then all the posts about pc players accessing the Xbox pool by joining Xbox friends started popping up. Basically, pc players can sneak into the Xbox pool thru the fire escape door, and prey on an unsuspecting disadvantaged playerbase, while theoretically facing even fewer pc players. Well done Rare, at least you got mtx up and running, lol.

    This was never how Opt out was advertised. Opt-out, as advertised by Rare, was always a preference, not a hard lock out. Their is no bugs, glitches, or backdoors causing PC players to get into games. We have videos of Joe Neate explaining that if you don't have enough people for opt out, you will be put in the regular pool. This is just how it works. You will not be guaranteed to never play with PC players.

    This isn't the big bad PC boogie-men sneaking in to "Ruin your game." Either you didn't understand how they were implementing Opt out, if so hopefully this explains it, or you simple are intentionally being disingenuous to paint PC players in a negative light. I'm hoping its the first, we the PC players, are just like you. We like the game and want to have fun. We aren't these monsters people keep trying to paint us as.

  • @tart-tee Rare has already addressed the long Arena load times by adding a parkour course in the lobby... problem solved.

  • @coziermass said in So, Rare, you have succesfully killed Arena.:

    Agree on most of it.

    You should be able to keep track of your statistics after you hit the required commendation. But don't make new ones or add rewards that exceed existing commendation. Just add new cosmetics behind commendations we already have.
    It a big grind as it is. Don't make it worse.

    If you don't want to grind it, you don't have to. But I'm nearing (or over) 1000 wins with nothing to show for it.

  • @tart-tee pvp in adventure is fine dont know if its only afflicting arena

  • @jollyolsteamed No, it's not.

  • @tart-tee i really dont notice anything wrong except sometimes sword hits dont register but that doesn't happen as often as it is heavily exaggerated to be happening

  • @jollyolsteamed said in So, Rare, you have succesfully killed Arena.:

    @tart-tee i really dont notice anything wrong except sometimes sword hits dont register but that doesn't happen as often as it is heavily exaggerated to be happening

    Well, perhaps you don't PVP often or don't have a trained eye.

  • @tart-tee I agree about every thing pvp is terrible rn and especially agree about the 240 wins. I just got there recently and there is nothing to do. I would spawn camp but I can never get in a game because of the opt out.

  • @tart-tee i pvp everyday i dont do arena because i think arena sucks its a race of who can turn in the most chests not who can sink most ships or kill the most players there for its a waste of my potential now i cannot stop myself from shooting myself over at a parked ship sloop brig and galleon alike so not a very nice assumption i know your salty over the combat system but in my opinion as i have not noticed anything bad at all i took on 2 people on a sloop and spawn camped them for a few minutes until they sunk never under that entire time did i experience any issues also might you specify your issues with it other than its "clunky" or "broken" what about it is broken what about the combat is clunky please specify really hard to understand what your trying to bring forward because the issues you've relayed has never occured while i've been sailing for a whole year

  • My fellow pirates, let's keep things civil! We all see that there are short-comings with the progression system and rewards within the Arena. Luckily, the devs see it too and have made a point to making alterations and additions to enrich the Arena grind. Everyone's opinions are valid and they have a right to voice them. All I can say is, hang in there. This game is growing with each passing month and is just now catching its stride.

    With the Pirate Emporium now open, a massive influx of funds are now made available to the development team. Who knows what incredible content is on the horizon for both Arena and Adventure! Think about how much has been added to the game since launch, all with the money made exclusively on game sales.

    Hang in there my friends, good things are on the horizon. I can feel it. If I know Rare, they'll make good on the money they're earning from the Pirate Emporium and put it back into their game.

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