I just stole a Reaper's Chest

  • TLDR; I did exactly what I hate being able to do in this game - I wasted someone else's time. And it felt cheesy.

    I did it.

    So the night began with me just hopping on a solo sloop to see if I could snag a Reaper's Chest or die trying... As I approached the one available from afar, I notice not 1... not 2... but 3 other ships racing toward it. All a little closer to it than I was.

    No way I was going to win that naval incursion, so... what did I do? Headed for the nearest outpost - the one the winner would likely race to in order to sell it.

    My only hope was they weren't smart enough to keep their eyes on all of the other ships (including mine, and didn't notice me peel off from the pack...) and they would't send an advance crew to clear the tavern before they brought it on shore. They did neither.

    So I waited on the shore as they all duked it out in the distance, cannon fire ringing out. One ship sank, and the other two raced for an outpost... I couldn't tell if they were in an Alliance or not. But they were fighting as they got closer, and one sloop was able to break away far enough to break for Sanctuary. I was right. I was at Sanctuary.

    As the ship pulled up to the dock, I assumed it was the one carrying the chest. I went inside the tavern with my blunderbuss loaded and cocked.

    He set one foot inside the door, boom - 1-shot.

    I sell the chest to Duke.

    I just wasted at least 30 minutes of his time and he has absolutely nothing to show for it.

    Good story, eh? But doesn't the end sound just a little cheesy? Like, I shouldn't be able to 1-shot someone, in any situation. There should be some chance the other player has to come back in a fight.

    That may be the only scenario of this whole thing where I come out on top... but I also feel its the most common scenario. Am I just a smarter player? Or did I take advantage or exploit game mechanics and/or weak human/computer interface to put him in a defenseless position?

    I have no idea if that guy logged off, quit, or came back searching for me. But if he did, I'd just tell him "it's a pirate game" right?

  • 24
  • Sounds good to me.

  • @lethality1

  • Congrats! There is risk to the game. Your decision making played in your favor. Sometimes I’m nice, sometimes I help people out, sometimes I mind my own business, and sometimes I fight/plunder players. It’s all sort of the game. If you were to steal my reapers I would say good job and move on. It was still a fun encounter. I’m sure that player will learn his lesson check for mermaids and bring backup from now on. You technically helped that player out for future skirmishes. The reaper chest was meant to be a pvp encounter. If it wasn’t they wouldn’t advertise hey I’m right here with a chest.

  • It's his own fault for not checking the tavern. You'll find that other's carelessness is your opportunity, if you continue on your path as a pirate.

  • @lethality1
    Well, you were planning for that time, so you also worked for it for a while. If they were smarter, your time would have been 'wasted'

  • You didnt waste his time.
    You taught him a very valuable lesson today.

  • @lethality1 said in I just stole a Reaper's Chest:

    He set one foot inside the door, boom - 1-shot.

    I sell the chest to Duke.

    I just wasted at least 30 minutes of his time and he has absolutely nothing to show for it.

    We should all be able to take these things like champs and laugh it off. In the end it's a video game, not someone's job. That guy'll be fine. Every player accepts this as part of the experience when they purchase the game.

    Good story, eh? But doesn't the end sound just a little cheesy? Like, I shouldn't be able to 1-shot someone, in any situation. There should be some chance the other player has to come back in a fight.

    That may be the only scenario of this whole thing where I come out on top... but I also feel its the most common scenario. Am I just a smarter player? Or did I take advantage or exploit game mechanics and/or weak human/computer interface to put him in a defenseless position?

    It's ingrained into the mechanics of the game that you cannot sprint and are defenseless when carrying loot. A player who is more aware of their surroundings may not have fallen victim to you.

    I have no idea if that guy logged off, quit, or came back searching for me. But if he did, I'd just tell him "it's a pirate game" right?

    Well yeah, you would. Because it is. Stealth and theft is always a part of the game as intended by the developers. It's what we all signed up for. Every video game has a chance for you to lose, as it should.

  • @lethality1 he also just fought others for it. He knew the fight was on for him. Just a poor choice on his own part.

  • @lethality1 you didn't waste his time, he was taught a very valuable lesson namely that there are pirates in this game.

    Also if we read the code of conduct about this matter:

    Be a good sport. Sea of Thieves is a pirate game, and stealth, stealing and battles are all part of the fun. All pirates on the seas accept that, but be a good sportsman in both victory and loss.

    You did nothing out of the confines of the game and he/she should take is loss in stride and be a good sport about it.

    There where multiple steps he could have taken:

    • check the water for mermaids
    • check the tavern before rushing in with his hands tied (holding a chest in hand)
    • not go for the most obvious choice and go for an outpost further away.
  • HAHAHAHAHA that was an awesome plan, you read the situation perfectly and choose the only way for you to win.

    How is that cheesy?

    You out played not just the guys with the chest but all the others who were chasing it too.

    Be proud.

    "For there to be winners, there must be losers" - Joe Neate

  • Well played @Lethality1
    , if they didnt bother to watch out for Mermaids and ran in the tavern unprotected, well...
    Not your fault, why feel cheesy?
    Yes, it's a Pirate game.

  • While you were waiting, did you think about the numerous ways your plan could go wrong? For example, did you wonder what would happen if they checked the tavern first, looked around for a mermaid, used a different outpost? I would be surprised if these did not occur to you as you waited to ambush them. They had opportunities to foil your plan.

  • I spend more time setting ambushes than sailing these days. Much more fun for a PL.

  • @ghostpaw
    Not to mention if the slooper had a buddy who was guarding the carrier

  • I just wasted at least 30 minutes of his time and he has absolutely nothing to show for it.

    I absolutely despise this line of reasoning. You wasted no ones time, just because one didn't succeed does not mean their time was wasted. When someone plays a multiplayer match and they didn't get first, did they waste their time? When you failed to beat the boss the first couple times, was that time wasted as well? Their is an endless supply of different examples I could think of with gaming. Not everyone can be a winner, sometimes you are the loser.

    Did you not have fun sailing with friends? Did you not enjoy fending off the other players to get the objective? If its only in victory someone has fun, than it wouldn't surprise me if they are in general a sore loser.

    Good story, eh? But doesn't the end sound just a little cheesy? Like, I shouldn't be able to 1-shot someone, in any situation. There should be some chance the other player has to come back in a fight.

    Why do they deserve a method to comeback? They already outnumbered you, they could have done an escort. They could have swept the island for mermaids. They could have paid attention to the boat that turned off. They could have sailed a bit further to sell to the not nearest place. They already had plenty of chances, they blew it. They don't need anymore chances added.

    That may be the only scenario of this whole thing where I come out on top... but I also feel its the most common scenario. Am I just a smarter player? Or did I take advantage or exploit game mechanics and/or weak human/computer interface to put him in a defenseless position?

    You thought ahead and planned an ambush. You outplayed them, plain and simple. You were a solo, they had numbers. They could have done the myriad of things others suggested, but they didn't. Now they paid the price.

    By the way, welcome to the League of Dinguses.

  • @lethality1 You shouldn't feel cheesy about it at all, I say you played a good strategy based on what you saw as your own strengths in that situation. Admittedly I have a self imposed code of ethics regarding the tavern itself, feeling it should be a safe haven but in the case of the Reaper's chest all bets are off. That is the whole goal of that thing, do what it takes to get it - others tried to get it by force, you outwitted them with a bit of stealth. I think anyone going after one of them should realize the risk and not feel that their time was wasted, especially since it has no effect on other factions progress.

    A little aside as to how I "wasted" someone's time on a Reaper Chest. I was playing the other day before work, pounding out a few merchant voyages/cargo runs. Had just finished and saw a chest not too far away. Since I had a little time before I left I sailed in that direction. As I approached I saw another sloop anchored (I was solo on mine), so immediately opened fire on it - As I said above the Reaper's chest is fair game and the few time's I'll open fire first.

    So I sank the ship and went over to the wreck. Didn't see anyone so dove and started exploring. Came up with a Mermaid Gem and heard my anchor being raised, so I dropped the gem, swam over to the boat and killed the player as he was raising the sails to take my ship. As I was moving it back towards the wreck, I notices something moving out of the corner of my eye near the rocks in the water - fired a shot at the what appeared to be a fleeing character before he jumped over the edge. So as I get the gem I dropped, I see the mermaid next to my ship so I know the other is still around. Seeing as I don't have the time to jack with them, I just take the gem and skedaddle so I got something out of the trip.

  • @lethality1 If you feel what you did was cheesy, wrong or wasted someone's time then you are in the wrong game. What you did is what this game is all about. If you did not enjoy it then this game is probably not meant for you. Not trying to be rude or a jerk, just being honest.

  • Let me clarify the "cheesy" part.

    It was the fact that I could one-shot kill the player and there's no defense or preparation he could have taken to prevent that.

    To me, a powerful shot like that should be toned down just a tad (so it can't kill a player at full health in one go, even at point blank range) and then perhaps as a tradeoff, it should make them drop what they are carrying, if they are carrying anything.

    A lot of this comes from the fact that we as players don't have our spatial awareness while we're playing on a 2D screen (even in a 3D environment) so we can't always us the same type of wits we would in real life... the human/computer interface is the weak link, and just not "fair" without having some give and take as mentioned above.

  • @lethality1
    I thought they removed blunderbuss one shots. When did they bring it back? If the sloop was duo, there still should've been a guard

  • Ok but you brought up everything they could have done to prevent you from doing so sending more crew mates to island to deal with anyone there keep a look on other ships skip the closets outpost for one a bit farther but they took the risk of going to one near a fight it..you make it sound like your not aloud to take another crews loot just cuz it’s on their ship and their near an outpost the way I see it is if you have turned in the loot you’ve found it’s not yours it’s still up for grabs that mean anywhere from the far corner of the map to a foot from the turn in ..I always assume my loot is going to be stolen and it was never mine in that case

  • If you feel bad by stealing someones loot in a game that's played around it then you should play something else.

    It's like saying you feel bad for killing someone in CS:GO.

  • @lethality1
    Mate he had every chance to avoid dying. Even if you didnt one shot him, he most likly would have died. He still had to drop the chest and pull a weapon.

    What you should feel bad about is that outpost camping you did.
    Thats just poor form.
    SHAME ON YOU OP! SHAME!!!!!!!!

    OP is a confirmed outpost camper and griefer. 😉

  • @itz-majman

    Nah, sounds like he was questioning the fact that he one-shotted the guy with his blunderbus; wondering if it seemed balanced.


    Like someone said before, I thought they took out the blunderbus one-shot. If the guy was already in a fight, he could've lost some health and forgot to heal before running for the pub.

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