Failing the Shrowdbreaker Puzzel is Ruthlessly Punishing

  • The adventure storyline missions take a huge investment of time to find all the additional books and figuring out important locations not to mention player and world interactions like the Kraken, and ship respawns create huge setbacks. That's all fine and dandy and understandably part of the game.

    However, it's incredibly punishing to invest all that time to fail the puzzle challenge and have the entire mission canceled and the journal lost forcing us to sail back to an outpost, and completely restart the whole process. It's absolutely ruthless!

    I would recommend some way to allow players to respawn, whether inside that puzzle game state again, or have them interact with the totem once again... something other than completely canceling the entire mission altogether.

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    xbox onefeedbackstory & lore
  • Wait what?? if you fail the puzzle it resets the whole thing....also how on earth did you fail that first one

  • Oh. You want more nerfs? No thanks.

  • @slasher116 They go much faster once you work through what to do. I think the longest one (other than the final one) was the trickster and you can run completely through that in about 1.5 hours (faster if the wind cooperates). Imagine how how good it will feel when you do complete it. The real risk of failure is part of accomplishment.

  • What they should do is make checkpoints for the tall tales, and make the puzzles way harder.

  • @blazedrake100 I think that that would be a great idea. I would love the extra challenge, and the checkpoints will encourage the idea of trial and error.

  • @ghostpaw Risk of failure is actually what I like about the sea of thieves. I don't have an issue with failure. I know there are many online resources that give guides on how puzzles work but I like to figure it out on my own. As you said, failure is part of the accomplishment and it's a great feeling when you figure a puzzle out. But its a mad slap on the face to players who like trial and error like myself, to have to constantly repeat 3/4 of a mission because we had a minor trip up on a puzzle.

    However, with the story, as @BlazeDrake100 had mentioned adding checkpoints would be beneficial. Let us keep the mission active, but maybe have us spawn back at the Magpie and have to grab the notes ship notes again. That will also allow the game to give its randomized puzzle again to keep it fresh and challenging.

  • @slasher116 I didn’t use hints or YouTube videos to get through the Tales. The puzzles are pretty simplistic compared to many other games. I am glad someone proposed a solution you feel comfortable with.

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