Black Powder Missions after August 14th

  • Am currently in the process of moving house. If I buy the black powder missions with dubloons can I complete them after the black powder season ends or will i lose the missions and dubloons spent on them?

    I ask this as I can login to the game on a laptop but it is unplayable on it!!! I won't have my gaming rig back until the end of the month.

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  • As per previous events, the voyages remain playable if you purchase them ahead of time, but the commendations are locked and no longer obtainable.

  • @archangel-timmy Thanks! Gutted... :(

  • @b0gieuk I feel your pain :( I'm moving on the 24th so the August event is going to be a struggle.

  • If there were more time, I'd be willing to help in some way or another.

    I have helped speed run some friends through, but don't think we will be able to grind through a whole lot in a single night :(

  • Yes you can still do the black powder missions I personally bought them the day before August 14th and I still did them !

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