Opinions on Rowboats

  • Ahoy Mates!
    Today I've got a Quick Question for the community:

    Should our Ships Start with Rowboats?


    Let me know your opinions mates!
    Until then see ya on the seas!
    In a tough spot

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  • @sgt-palooggoo yes they should start with rowboats it would make it much easier and then you wouldn't really have to search for one, or even the ability to buy on from the shipWright for 3k gold every game wouldn't be a bad idea

  • @sgt-palooggoo The amount of abandoned rowboats I find at Outposts when I log in, I’ve never really seen the need. They’re everywhere!

  • I think you mean sould our rowboats start with ships.

  • @sgt-palooggoo I'd say yes because I really want cosmetics for rowboat. That being said you could still be able to find other rowboats in the world...

  • @sgt-palooggoo

    I don't really see why not. Only thing is the row boat is almost useless now since the introduction of the harpoon. Rarely ever use the rowboat unless I'm sneaking on someone else boat with one lol.

    Have no idea how many ships do not notice a row boat they did not originally have now attached to the back of their ship full of gun powder barrels.

  • I would say no myself. Just because it makes things even easier.

    I find the world sadly lacking any challenge whatsoever these days.

    So I like that moment when I go. ‘Ah cool now I have myself a rowboat!’ I know that seems petty, but without it, it is just another moment that will disappears from the game.

  • @skulliah said in Opinions on Rowboats:

    I really want cosmetics for rowboat.

    Something I can easily agree with.
    I think we should be able to get the Shipwright to finally do their job.
    Pay them a visit & for a small exchange of gold we should be able to match the livery of our own main vessels. ( Basically a version of the current main vessel hull skin )

    1. For those of us with all the gold in the world (not me yet..btw), a method to spend a little cash.
    2. Who doesn't like matching stuff?

    There maybe the question, what happens if it is stolen?
    Well the livery can be changed by the new owners with a quick visit to their shipwright and an exchange of gold.

    ( To add into this... re. Ship Wrights... any cosmetic damage, we should as standard have the ability for an exchange of gold be able to fix the visual damage seen. Yet again.. paying the Shipwright to finally do their job )

  • I find rowboats everywhere. I don't think having them as a buy-able option or an automatic addition to the ship is necessary. It's nice having to go out and find one, as it is valuable in certain situations. The buy-able option could be arguable to giving experienced/rich pirates an advantage on startup. The automatic addition makes the rowboat lose it's value as everyone has one. The current seeking of rowboats works for me, as it acts as a little reward for finding one.

  • @thetwistedtaste said in Opinions on Rowboats:

    @sgt-palooggoo The amount of abandoned rowboats I find at Outposts when I log in, I’ve never really seen the need. They’re everywhere!

    We always abandon ours with most of our supplies when we log off. Not sure if another ship logs in fast enough whether it gets those, but we like to think so. XD

  • I still think we should just be able to purchase them from the shipwright.
    Same as paying to repair your ship.

    The game needs more things like that to sink money into.

  • @fast-bike94

    slightly off topic but id love to be able to buy supplies for the ship too...

  • I love a good rowboat, but in reality I don't know if we should start with them. As it stands, noone can be sure if you have a rowboat until they see it. And if you are approaching them on your ship and you don't have a rowboat they have no way to know if one is sneaking up on them. If we all start with rowboats you loose this element of uncertainty and suprise.

    But as long as we are talking about rowboats, I would like to add a vote for galleons being able to carry 2.

  • @sgt-palooggoo said in Opinions on Rowboats:

    Ahoy Mates!
    Today I've got a Quick Question for the community:

    Should our Ships Start with Rowboats?


    Let me know your opinions mates!
    Until then see ya on the seas!
    In a tough spot

    why not i would love it if they did

  • @dr-katman
    This would give people who grind an advantage

  • No, they're everywhere. They're super easy to find or steal.

  • How do I vote? I say yes

  • Yes, conditionally lol.
    They should be customizable to our livery, and cannot be changed if stolen. You only get one on your initial spawn, and it doesn't have a harpoon. Respawns do not get another one. Found rowboats are decreased, and cannot be customized.
    Then I'd like starting with a rowboat. But sometimes I play an entire session without one so I don't really care 🤷🏽‍♀️🧜🏽‍♀️

  • No. I am tired of everything being handed out.

  • no it shouldn't

  • I would also like to start the game off with an Athena chest to save me the trouble of going to find one.

    Nothing is wrong with how we find rowboats now.

  • @needsmokes no need to get all salty mate.
    I'm just asking the community's opinions on this subject.

  • Yes I think you should

  • @pithyrumble said in Opinions on Rowboats:

    Yes, conditionally lol.
    They should be customizable to our livery, and cannot be changed if stolen. You only get one on your initial spawn, and it doesn't have a harpoon. Respawns do not get another one. Found rowboats are decreased, and cannot be customized.
    Then I'd like starting with a rowboat. But sometimes I play an entire session without one so I don't really care 🤷🏽‍♀️🧜🏽‍♀️

    I feel like the ships should spawn with a normal rowboat and the harpoon rowboats should be out in the world. This would give people a reason to hunt for a rowboat

  • No for me - because they are some sort of life savers and you should find one by yourself and it's no big deal to find one.

  • @bugaboo-bill

    The rowboat aren’t some sort of lifesavers, they are an absolute lifesaver. I have lost my ship to krakens, volcanos and even other players. Those rowboats save my treasure from sinking.

    You could swim in the water and reset the float timer but the sharks will come and kill you before your crew can come back

  • @coffeelight5545

    of course they are :)

  • I would like to have rowboats as default but I wouldn't mind spending the millions of gold I possess on one from the Shipwrights. I feel Shipwrights should be able to offer a number of services besides just the cosmetics.

    • The ability to purchase a Rowboat and/or (for a greater price) a rowboat with harpoon.
    • Able to repair the ship for a gold cost relative to the number of holes/damage (patched or not). And no, scuttling the ship doesn't solve the issue.
    • Able to purchase supplies for the ship in quantities (Say %25, %50, %75 and %100) on either one or all the supplies. This however would mean (for me at least) that ships no longer spawn with supplies; you either gather them from barrels or pay the coin to save the trouble. You'll get no cursed cannonballs from Shipwrights and all the food will be random fruit from the purchase.
  • Nah, as disappointing as it is when I can't find a rowboat after a few islands (it happens sometimes!!), I'd not want to take away the happy experience of finding one.
    Of course, that experience would now be replaced with finding a rowboat fitted with the harpoon gun, so the question isn't entirely out of line, to me.

    The rowboat is a safety net (among other things) and should be found, not given - in my opinion!

    We can't have the game being too nice to us. ;)

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