One Thing I Really Think Should Not Be Implemented

  • More tall tales. I heard the update and know more of these are coming but please hold off for at least a year (or forever). I have been waiting two months to do the real adventure mode again where people are thieving, obtaining treasure, etc... This needs to be the focus as it always should have been. I am not saying the tall tales aren't good or fun or anything like that but they belong in their own single player campaign. They do not mesh in the open world concept and take way too long.

    Other than that, I am pumped about the monthly updates and it seems RARE is trying to get back to the basics after the anniversary update which sent the game in 3 completely weird and different directions that did not mesh very well with each other or with what was already in the game (outside of fishing which meshes fine).

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  • @acebead40319154 I bet another tall tale is coming this year! I really hope so!
    So what's your problem with them? Because you can't steal from people? Why not? Most crews have treasure on the ship while doing tales, as you can find so much lying around...

  • I disagree. I think the Tall Tales were a great addition. Sure, they could be improved, the pay is hardly worth the effort, but they are fun and freshen the game up a bit. If you rely on other people doing PvE to feed your play style, you might consider changing play style in general. Why should people that enjoy the story and PvE be punished because other players enjoy PvP and looting?

    Plus, there are now increased crates and loot washing up on shores. Tall Talers will likely be hoarding a bit more loot now.

  • You only need to see the percentages of people completing them to see they went down like a led balloon.
    Why flog a dead horse and bring more of the same meaningless tall tales out in a hurry,
    Perhaps we could do them X10 next time, that'll be fun!!

  • @needsmokes What percentage of players are completing them?

  • @rowdy-reid I think they are great, but they do not mesh with the game... things like tall tales will not boost the actual game nor will it keep a lot of players around (see comment below). To your last point, this is really good. It is things like that which need to be the focus and I am glad it will probably help the tall tales folks a little.

  • @schwammlgott Here is the funny part... I am not much of a stealer. But it is the name of the game and really is the best part of the game. I really like the threat. The tall tales are fine but they are built for a single player campaign which involves reading and thinking and not watching out for your boat.

  • Don't get me wrong, I am 100% for PvP and player threat. I will agree that TT didn't offer much for the PvP market, but I see a lot of people doing them while I'm out and about. In my opinion, it would help if there was good loot at the end, kind of like the fort vaults. That would incorporate some PvP incentive, and more reward for completing the tale. 3k isn't enough for how long they take, and the risk of it all getting flushed if an item is lost, but I do it for the adventure and enjoyment.

  • @acebead40319154 my crew and me managed that fine...reading, puzzle solving AND watching for other ships...

  • @rowdy-reid

    I recently did the 3rd tale for the 5th time and only 0.016% have completed that..

    But that is X5 of the same tale..
    The others i did recently for the 1st time were all around the 0.7-1.5% range for people playing them.

  • @acebead40319154 I'm going to commit a cardinal sin here and agree with Summit1G. The Tall Tales need to reward the player with something of value so that PvP encounters with a crew who is doing a Tall Tale do not become meaningless. I think there are two options for doing this.

    1. Reward the player with a small bit of treasure at every stage of the Tall Tale, and then a large hoard of treasure upon completion. Or...

    2. Create a new NPC at the outposts who's role is to be a "Relic Collector." Perhaps their lore could be that they are trying to create a pirate museum or something or just that they collect pirate relics, IDK. The function of this NPC is that Tall Tale items can be sold to them for gold. This way, pirates who sink a ship that is doing a Tall Tale can still make money but only by selling the items to this NPC. Once they have been sold to this NPC (on any outpost), the crew who was doing that Tall Tale can reclaim them (for a price) from the same NPC (but at any outpost, does not have to be the same one they were turned in at). This would allow them to continue with their journey. It is possible that the attacking crew could hang on to the item for a while so perhaps the items value depreciates the longer they hold on to it, to encourage them to sell it back quickly.

    I also hate these commendations that require you to do the same tale over and over.

  • @NeedSmokes I believe those percentages you see when you get an xbox achievement is of players across all of xbox, not just people playing Sea of Thieves. Misleading to go by those numbers if that's the case.

    The Tall Tales were a perfect addition to the game in my opinion. My friends and I loved completing them and helping others with them and defending the quest items from the pvp battles. We loved figuring out the story step by step, puzzle by puzzle.

    We had to be tricky where we hid the items on the ship so they wouldn't get nabbed right away when pvp combat happened. Didn't lose a single quest item in all of the battles. Most people just grabbed the closest shiny thing and tried to dump it.

    I don't think the items need a monetary value attached to them. Most pvp that comes after me never brings any loot to the fight. It's one sided rewards.
    A strictly pvp player can log on to a server I'm on and come straight at me and no matter what I'm into, Tall Tale or Voyages and I will always have something of value for you but you get to bring absolute zero value to me winning that encounter every single time.

    No thanks to quest items having monetary value for this reason.

  • @gutterangel said in One Thing I Really Think Should Not Be Implemented:

    @NeedSmokes I believe those percentages you see when you get an xbox achievement is of players across all of xbox, not just people playing Sea of Thieves. Misleading to go by those numbers if that's the case.

    That is not the case. It is the percentage of players who have played SoT. But it still is not a good indicator since it counts people who may have tried the game for 10 minutes and quit. Just check out the percentage of players who have eaten a banana.

  • @ghostpaw Lol, those low numbers are why I was under the wrong impression. Thanks for the correction on that.

  • @xcalypt0x said in One Thing I Really Think Should Not Be Implemented:

    @acebead40319154 I'm going to commit a cardinal sin here and agree with Summit1G. The Tall Tales need to reward the player with something of value so that PvP encounters with a crew who is doing a Tall Tale do not become meaningless.

    It is not a sin to agree with him on this. He's right. Rare broke with an important aspect of the game by making Tall Tale items meaningless to other crews. I think they painted themselves into a corner when they required items be turned in to specific NPCs. This situation makes it much easier for another crew to guess where a crew on a Tall Tale is ultimately heading. They are trying to be all things to all people.

  • @ghostpaw I know, it's just that so much of the SoT community hates his guts that I might be burned at the stake for such blasphemy :P

    I didn't see his whole rant thing until after Falcore uploaded a video on it. Watched Summits original rant. I basically disagreed with everything he said in part 1 but then the next day when he was talking about tall tales I thought he brought up really good points.

    Gotta weigh every idea on its own merit and not just on the fact that it comes from a specific person.

  • While I understand the idea behind giving Tale items a monetary value, I'm extremely nervous about them doing so. Other players are perfectly willing to steal Tale items already even without a cash reward. I'm afraid adding one could tip the balance too far the other way.

    Yes, Tall Tales don't mesh perfectly with the PvP side of the game, but that's just one side. There IS a PvE side as well and each side has aspects that don't work as well with the other.

    Increasing the rewards and risk on Tall Tales seems kinda counterintuitive. I guess I viewed them as lighter, story-centric voyages as opposed to their gold/rep building cousins.

    Now the idea of being able to buy your items back has merit, but the cost would have to be right. After all, usually Tales only have like one or two items you cart around at a time. Unless they're gonna be worth a huge amount of gold, I'm not sure it would be worth the trouble.

    I'm not against looking into the issue, but personally, I think Tall Tales are kinda fine as is. As long as they don't go too heavy with them, they seem like a nice little chunk of PvE lore building to add variety.

  • @acebead40319154
    I don't think they need a seperate mode, but tall tales do need some reworking. Things like checkpoints would help tall tales a lot imo. Also, then they could add steal able loot for pvpers. You should still be able to buy the item back from the person the thiefs sell it to.

  • Imagine one could find a way to go out of the Shroud and sail to the Lower Bay or La Isla Mosquisto, that's this kind of things I would like for Sea of Thieves. Exploration, long voyages across endless seas and this unique feeling of discovery only SoT can give.

  • I enjoy the tales but like others have said when you do them you will no doubt come across more loot especially with the introduction of washed up mermaid gems. So most of the time there will be some items to plunder. I for one am glad you cannot cash in on quest items as it will be so easy to find out where they are going, as most of the tales follow the same path with minor deviations.
    I have yet to complete all tales but when I load up I just take a quest or tale based on my time limits. But I will complete them eventually. I still chase down chickens when i have limited time.
    But what I love about this game is it’s unpredictability as each session is different from the last.

  • @terok-n0r said in One Thing I Really Think Should Not Be Implemented:

    I for one am glad you cannot cash in on quest items as it will be so easy to find out where they are going, as most of the tales follow the same path with minor deviations.

    I had not thought of this. My idea would need some tweaking to make sure this can't be abused. Perhaps diminishing returns when selling relics stolen from the same crew. And of course, only stolen relics can be sold, players shouldn't be able to sell their own. Even if the sell & buy price are the same.

  • @acebead40319154 And the only thing I ever want to see again is more Tall Tales. So we're even :) But your recommendation for a PvE server might be the right thing so people can't steal my time when I am doing them.

  • @jetorchidee97

    I love sailing through the fog banks just cause they can get so thick that you can't see anything.

    Imagine sailing to a new area that's completely blanketed in the thickest fog. Picking your way carefully through a plethora of rocks and wrecked ships with nothing but that eerie quiet.

  • @Matey a dit dans One Thing I Really Think Should Not Be Implemented :


    I love sailing through the fog banks just cause they can get so thick that you can't see anything.

    Imagine sailing to a new area that's completely blanketed in the thickest fog. Picking your way carefully through a plethora of rocks and wrecked ships with nothing but that eerie quiet.

    I love it too, with the lights, shadows and sounds, it's beautiful.

    I like your idea, that would be great!

  • No more Tall Tales?! 😳

  • Are you kidding!? The tall tales are incredible! I honestly can’t wait for the next lot! Well done Rare! Fantastic story. Such a satisfying conclusion, especially coupled with the beautiful version of Becalmed.

  • @vaca-hombre said in One Thing I Really Think Should Not Be Implemented:


    I love sailing through the fog banks just cause they can get so thick that you can't see anything.

    Imagine sailing to a new area that's completely blanketed in the thickest fog. Picking your way carefully through a plethora of rocks and wrecked ships with nothing but that eerie quiet.

    Love this.

    Plus I'll check every ship wreck ... and ring the fog bell.

  • Because this game is all about you.

    I am glad they cater for every type of player.

    If you don't like them, simply don't do them its not hard.

  • @peteloaf777
    I wish I could do them with the time I play... 1 hour on weekends, 30 minutes every other day, not enough time to get to fate of the Morningstar because of no checkpoints.

  • Tall Tales are essential to SoT because every great game needs a great story.

  • @mr-dragon-raaar The gunpowder voyages are really fun. They cause actually interaction with an open world. The tall tales is simply a campaign and the people who are into them do not want to be bothered it seems. I just do not think they have helped the open world player driven environment.

  • @kobra4killz post wasn't about me doing them or not, it was more about how they have taken from the overall open world experience because people just got off not wanting to obtain treasure or interact or cause mischief. It has it's place but why is it in an open world multiplayer experience? This should just be a single player campaign.

  • @lethality1 lol, I feel ya.

  • @mr-dragon-raaar I do not remember RARE implementing this event before. Maybe you are referring to reapers voyages but this is different than the other ones.

  • @acebead40319154 said in One Thing I Really Think Should Not Be Implemented:

    because people just got off not wanting to obtain treasure or interact or cause mischief.

    But I didn't do that before the Tall Tales. =(

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