Alliance paranoia

  • We drove our galleon to the Devil's Roar yesterday on behalf of Athena. At the first island a sloop tried to attack us twice, which we fought off loosely.
    With another sloop we formed an alliance. For us the behaviour of the sloop was very suspicious. It was now constantly in our nearness, asked whether we were PC players and good in PVP. Whether they only tried to equip themselves well with enchanted balls to sink us exactly when we would raise our Athena treasure, or doing something else, we could not know. The Allies were always an island next to ours.

    In the meantime we passed the outpost. There I found one of the Allies, while their ship was away, apparently hiding, watching our ship with the telescope, in addition gunpowder had been attached behind the door of the tavern. For me the proof that a trap had been prepared. I shot the Allied.

    The Allies then sought our nearness to complain about it. We explained our reasons, mentioned the trap in the tavern, recommended friendly distance. Again they seemed to be interested in details, how many of us play pc, what are our next islands, etc. Quite suspicious. Before we unearthed Athena's chest, we sold our treasures. And again the allied crew sailed suspiciously close to us. Since we kept the alliance alive, they had to know we hadn't sold Athena's chest yet. Given the amount of treasure they had given, they also had to know that we would soon be digging out Athena's chest. We went fishing at the outpost to see what the Allies would do. They stayed close to us and watched us. We thought that was suspicious.

    We drove to the last island. Our allies sold their treasures and followed us immediately. On our island a crew member simply dug for fun somewhere on the beach and found a chest. It came immediately to the melee with the allied crew. They shouted "This chest is ours! - which we interpreted as a battle cry. A few skeletons with explosive barrels interfered to our disadvantage and the Allies escaped with the chest. We noticed them trading the Athena's chest.

    We found and sold our Athena's chest, at another outpost, further west, along with a few more chests collected along the way. When we had sold everything, our allies arrived to shoot at us.
    We sank them, end of the story.

    But now comes the turn around:
    As it turned out later, the sloop also had an Athea mission to do in devil's roar. There are not so many islands there, the most orders all take place on the main islands. In this respect we had to meet each other there constantly, which caused mutual paranoia. The scuffle on the last island developed actually around their chest of Athena, which we had dug out only coincidentally. They had to think that we wanted to rob them of these. The cry "This chest is ours" was not a battle cry at all but a yell in panic.

    Interestingly enough, in both crews we didn't quit the alliance and thus - despite all suspicion and skirmishes - both sides profited.

    But still, this preperations for an ambush in the tavern... What do you think, were we all victims of paranoia, or was the sloop really trying to trick us, first and decided to go for their own Athena, later?

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  • @goedecke-michel said in Alliance paranoia:

    We drove our galleon to the Devil's Roar yesterday on behalf of Athena. At the first island a sloop tried to attack us twice, which we fought off loosely.
    With another sloop we formed an alliance. For us the behaviour of the sloop was very suspicious. It was now constantly in our nearness, asked whether we were PC players and good in PVP. Whether they only tried to equip themselves well with enchanted balls to sink us exactly when we would raise our Athena treasure, or doing something else, we could not know. The Allies were always an island next to ours.

    In the meantime we passed the outpost. There I found one of the Allies, while their ship was away, apparently hiding, watching our ship with the telescope, in addition gunpowder had been attached behind the door of the tavern. For me the proof that a trap had been prepared. I shot the Allied.

    The Allies then sought our nearness to complain about it. We explained our reasons, mentioned the trap in the tavern, recommended friendly distance. Again they seemed to be interested in details, how many of us play pc, what are our next islands, etc. Quite suspicious. Before we unearthed Athena's chest, we sold our treasures. And again the allied crew sailed suspiciously close to us. Since we kept the alliance alive, they had to know we hadn't sold Athena's chest yet. Given the amount of treasure they had given, they also had to know that we would soon be digging out Athena's chest. We went fishing at the outpost to see what the Allies would do. They stayed close to us and watched us. We thought that was suspicious.

    We drove to the last island. Our allies sold their treasures and followed us immediately. On our island a crew member simply dug for fun somewhere on the beach and found a chest. It came immediately to the melee with the allied crew. They shouted "This chest is ours! - which we interpreted as a battle cry. A few skeletons with explosive barrels interfered to our disadvantage and the Allies escaped with the chest. We noticed them trading the Athena's chest.

    We found and sold our Athena's chest, at another outpost, further west, along with a few more chests collected along the way. When we had sold everything, our allies arrived to shoot at us.
    We sank them, end of the story.

    But now comes the turn around:
    As it turned out later, the sloop also had an Athea mission to do in devil's roar. There are not so many islands there, the most orders all take place on the main islands. In this respect we had to meet each other there constantly, which caused mutual paranoia. The scuffle on the last island developed actually around their chest of Athena, which we had dug out only coincidentally. They had to think that we wanted to rob them of these. The cry "This chest is ours" was not a battle cry at all but a yell in panic.

    Interestingly enough, in both crews we didn't quit the alliance and thus - despite all suspicion and skirmishes - both sides profited.

    But still, this preperations for an ambush in the tavern... What do you think, were we all victims of paranoia, or was the sloop really trying to trick us, first and decided to go for their own Athena, later?

    i think in this tale ye was a victim of paranoia mate

  • @closinghare208 I fear, you are right... giggle.

  • @goedecke-michel said in Alliance paranoia:

    @closinghare208 I fear, you are right... giggle.

    maybe or am i?

  • @closinghare208 possibly.

  • @goedecke-michel said in Alliance paranoia:

    @closinghare208 possibly.


  • Alliance only works when everyone gets in the same party chat.

  • Two out of our four crew members where PC players. As such they can listen and talk in every chat, wether party or game. They were in contact with the other crew and reported weird questions concerning our abilities to PVP and increasing paranoia on their side.

    What if we had been able to work it out and switch the athenas. Would be a "sell a stolen Athena" reward for both of us.

    Still, both of us had success and shared the loot by alliance. This is the greatest surprise of that mess.

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