Are those players cheating at arena?

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  • @TheArkCyD It could be but I would say it looks more like massive lag + very bad hit regs. One is even saying to you "nice god mode ***" they were probably experiencing the same from their perspective.

  • Technically, it's against forum rules to "call out players" for cheating.
    Open a support ticket and link the video so Rare can investigate.

    IMO - it looks iffy, but i'm not the judge or jury.

    EDIT: - Right before you die, you take 3 swings, the health drop on the last swing came a full second after actually getting hit. Some hit-reg/lag issues there for sure.

  • If you are referring to the person whose perspective this is taken from, I'd say he is toggling. What I'm noticing is while he is hitting closer individuals, he is locked onto players not being focused. You can also see how shaky this individual is. He is currently mashing that mouse button yet still keeping quite precise. He is also switching targets way to quickly yet still keeping accuracy.

    At least that is my take on it. I could be wrong. I am also playing it with no sound so reading other responses might mean I'm focusing on the wrong individual.

  • @IISrgntWolfII Thanks for the warning! I'll delete the post and do a support ticket! But it seems like a lag for me now. 280 ping and sometimes I got stucked at walls.

    Thanks everyone!

  • @thearkcyd 280 ping will do that to you :(

    They were probably thinking the same thing!

  • Looks like typical PVP to be. Minecraft meets Roblox.

    The real PVP is ship to ship. Never understood why people get so epeen over this silly cartoony person to person PvP.

  • Thread has been locked as the OP has been (wisely) deleted.

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