Windows can't find my game after formatting C drive

  • Ahoy pirates. I did quick format on C drive like 1 months ago and I moved my game to another drive so game is not deleted but in Windows Store the game does not appear installed and can't see the game in Apps & Futures. When I start to download its downloading entire 38 GB and I don't want it. How can I verify my game files? And also I can't access the WindowsApps folder because it says "YOU HAVE BEEN DENIED PERMISSION TO ACCESS THIS FOLDER." on my own PC? So thanks to Windows. I'd appreciate it if anyone could help.

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  • Did you format the C drive from the Windows settings? Because it uninstalls almost all the programs.

  • @eggamer13 Nope, I did normal format. So only deleted files in C drive.

  • Well, you can lock the topic. When I click the install button in store, it deleted every single file in WindowsApps folder which includes my Sea of Thieves folder. Thanks for the no verify game files option Microsoft. Now I literally need to download entire 38 GB. Thanks, thanks and THANKS.

  • @nstural Ahoy matey!

    Good luck with the download :( But glad you got to the bottom of the issue.

    Dropping anchor.

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