Tall Tales 9 Speedrun

  • I’m looking to do a couple of speed runs of Tall Tales 9 - Shores of Gold, but can’t decide what ship size to use.

    Sloop will make for a faster fight at the end, but Galleon will let us solve the puzzles faster. Anyone know the best method for speed running this tall tale?

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  • I'd vote sloop. You'll have those puzzles solved in about five minutes between two of you if you coordinate properly and both know the solutions going in.

  • Second sloop. There is also a ladder on the eastern side of the Compass room's islet that will make it quicker getting from the northern vault and eastern vault back to the compass room. Some reccomend taking a chest to make the medallions easier to transport. (Ymmv, you're walking the entire time if you use a chest plus you have to find one first...) If you're doing 2 back to back, the door for the broken statue stays open, and you can double collect all the medallions and the gold holder coin to make the 2nd, 3rd etc. runs faster, but you do have to sail all the way back to Morrows Peak for the Tale restart. The vault solutions are always the same. I wrote them down on my first run- I listed them below. Spoiler alert lol.

    Kraken vault (northern) pillars will be snake, then the set or three.
    Boat vault (western) is Kraken, shark, turtle, torch from left to right order.
    Shark vault (southern) will be the groups of symbols in the TT book, again left to right, but I didn't write down the symbols used for each group.

    Good luck, good wind, and good glory!!! 🧜‍♀️

  • @pithyrumble Great advice! I've two more runs and then I'm done with all Tall Tales. Can't wait for the next lot!

  • Small tip, if finish the first run of TT9, the island resets and you can do the puzzles again, but you need to go back to Morrows peak to start the Tale again, you can't place the medallions into the GH Coin place without the active tale, this method speeds it up a bit.

  • @peteloaf777 This is my solo advice. Take a sloop, also if you can, a treasure chest. When you get to the Shores of Gold park at west spire do riddle. Then sloop to south, then east and then north then park in the bay.
    Take 3 totems in the chest to the compass, then haul butt back for the fourth. Then do the Indiana Jones part.

    Without the ride through the Devils Roar this should take about 45 mins and its the quickest way I have found while solo. Even quicker with four man crews as you can have people running the totems as you do riddles.

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