SOT and the Xbox one elite controller

  • Hey Folks,

    I am aware there was a thread on this a year ago but does anyone know if there is any news to add the flippers on the back as extra buttons or if there is a way to do it? If not then can peeps give me suggestions on what is the most useful thing to map to these in game? Thanks :)

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  • @rapidursa you just can add existing buttons to them...not extra functions

    But you could buy a chatpad...there you can bind items on the buttons...fot example I have on 0 and 9 bucket and planks

  • @rapidursa

    Can't map the paddles individually.

    I have top left mapped to X

    Bottom left mapped to Run

    Top right mapped to Y

    Bottom right mapped to A

    With this set up you can do the jump 360 thing, and aim while jumping. Quick access to the X, Y and A buttons without taking your fingers off the sticks.

    I also set the sensitivity higher on the triggers and installed a longer thumbstick for aiming as this makes thumbstick aiming snappier and more precise (after you get used to it and adjust in-game sensitivity).

    Try that out and see if it works for you.

    My other settings are bucket on left D pad and instrument on right. Plus food by pressing right thumbstick.

  • @schwammlgott said in SOT and the Xbox one elite controller:

    @rapidursa you just can add existing buttons to them...not extra functions

    But you could buy a chatpad...there you can bind items on the buttons...fot example I have on 0 and 9 bucket and planks

    Holy... I have had an unused chatpad for ever and didn't know you could do this. This is a game changer for me

  • @captain-fet @Schwammlgott which chatpad?

  • I use an Elite on PC. I use one paddle for jump (A) and that's it.

    There are currently 3 mostly "free" buttons on a standard controller that you can rebind in the menus - left d-pad, right d-pad, and right stick (push). I have push-to-talk on left d-pad, food on right d-pad, and eyeglass on right stick.

    left and right on d-pad are used for page turns in Tall Tales but they're not used otherwise. If you rebind them they won't clash.

  • @goedecke-michel there is a chatpad you can plug into your controller, just search for xbox controller chatpad on amazon and you'll see

  • @captain-fet Agreed. I'm actually upset to hear this, not because of the fact that you can apparently do it, but rather at the fact that I was crazy enough to throw out my own chatpad some months ago because I never used it. Had I known this, I definitely would've used it...

  • Wow.. completely forgot I had a chatpad myself.
    Guess I'm trying this later, if I can figure out which cupboard it lurks in.

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