Tall Tales To Tell Today

  • Y'aaaargh me hearties...
    T'is a while since I truly sailed these seas and spent time wi' me crew, yet wi' a very low hung head at the moment, three fine Pirates in @J4dio , @DeviOusDogz and @Clumsy-George took me out in their fine vessel to experience these new tales.

    Oh what a glorious voyage it be, wi' fine old Sshteeve enjoyin' castin' the line and many a splashy fish be caught that eve.

    The tale be fun an' with a riddle or two to boot; though i be wonderin' how new adventures less learned in our ways and isles be knowin' where to look from Galadriel's mirror clues...

    It warmed me heart te see old Merrick back, only to have me joy dashed to hear about his relationship woes... I can only hope if I throw enough Kraken meat her way she will see her errors and go back to our fine legless comrade...

    And so me evenin' ended on a high, with plenty of rep to a new faction and me first tale told.

    I shall be back on the seas for real in a month or so, but fer now it was enough... it was enough.

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  • @sshteeve Welcome back old friend. Good to see you've taken to the new seas like... well, a duck to water, I guess!

    Try to not stay away for too long, ya hear!

  • @sshteeve

    Don't take too much time off... you'll get land legs! :)
    A fellow pirate knows by simply looking at your stance & how you dance.

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  • @sshteeve Grand adventures be waiting for ye matey... Hope the move(s) go successful and eventually you can kick back and relax. See you on the seas soon.... You know we'll have the ship scrubbed and waiting ready for you.

  • @sshteeve
    Dear Mr Sshteeve , sometimes real things in life can work against you , but ...i always like to think that these destinies are just reasons to show us that real life is important but that the reward , when everything runs smoothly again , feels and tastes so much better …

    i , once ,stood in the shoes where you stand in this very day...i couldn't play for a few months , it was all working ...It made me realize that i was an addict ...but ...an addict to the Most Beautiful Addiction any carcass can absorb….Games...Later on , when this game ,wich changed a lot od things for the good in my life , i realized that i will probably will game and die with the controller in the hand …

    So in short , pummel and punch yourself through the gameless month that is ahead of you but...remember that , when you return , your crew will be still there...Take care for now Mr Sshteeve , and thank ye for the Piratey Writing style wich i will never be able to adopt ( * George , you dumb moron, is their something wrong with yer " brian" ?, hihihi little inside joke, ya can't write normal English and you want to try Pirate English ? Dream on , maggot!).

  • @sshteeve have a grog ye deserved it

  • @clumsy-george aye captain lol if ye want to talk like a pirate ye must say arr all the time

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