Do you lose event rewards if you create a new pirate?

  • Title says it all do you lose your event rewards if you delete your pirate 🏴‍☠️ I don’t want to know about the dlc I already know about that but the Accommodations and event rewards are limited time exclusive that I was very lucky to get the hungering one headpiece and I want to know will I lose it and also the Accommodations I work hard to complete will those be gone to or will they stay?

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  • @adumbschmuck if you choose to delete your pirate, yes you will lose all that

  • Yes, if you delete your character and/or create a new one you lose everything. Clothes, equipment, timed exclusive items, non exclusive items, ship livery - EVERYTHING.

  • @adumbschmuck you will lose everything.

  • @adumbschmuck

    Don't do it! 😱

    Do not delete your character, ever!

  • Thank you

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