Pirate Name Giveaway!

  • Ahoy, Pirates!

    We're kicking off a special giveaway to celebrate this week's Anniversary Update launch!

    Keen to win a signed print of an original pirate name based on your own, conjured up by our Creative Director Gregg Mayles (who also gives all Rare staffers their pirate names)?

    Tell us about your most favourite part of the Anniversary Update and tag a crewmate in the replies below to enter! We'll select five random winners by 4pm BST tomorrow.

    Best of luck!

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  • @old-salt-gorg My favorite part of the update is how well it all fits one in another! I can go on big adventures while fishing and cooking and if I get that itch for a fight, I can join the Arena anytime.

    My friends aren't on the forums, so I can't tag anyone. Thank you for this great game and support! :) Keep going with such a passion!


  • @old-salt-gorg

    I'm loving the Tall tales! completed them in a day. Some were challenging but all were fun!

    I'd love to tag my mate darkmanlier but he's not on the forums

  • The best part has to be fishing by far.

  • @Old-Salt-Gorg My favorite part of the Anniversary Update is the harpoon gun. My friend and I took a fort, but he had to get offline earlier than expected. We set everything on the shore and harpooned it to the ship in about a minute or two. We were able to sell before he left. Definitely best addition since Order of Souls!

  • @old-salt-gorg My favorite part of the update would probably be the fishing update. Fishing adds to the beautiful seas and enjoying the peaceful time when you aren't fighting. @JacentyST

  • My favorite part of the update is the tall tales quest line, I love playing it with my mate @WiseUsername!

  • Best part is easily puzzle solving in Tall Tales. When me and my crew come to our revelations when we finally figure out what we need to do to reach the next step of our tale, there is no greater feeling in a game. It really makes you feel like you are a part of the sea of thieves.

  • @Old-Salt-Gorg My favorite part is that the traps were added and that masts can get damage now either. The Arena is epic to fight in.
    Dont have any friends on forums so no tags. I hope alot more epic updates will come

  • I love the fishing, but I really like that a couple of my friends have decided to give the game a try/another go because of the update. So far they really like it! The game is fun solo but immensely more so with a group of friends.

  • @OeilParodie91 It's been a long time I didn't play with my brother, he doesn't play a lot but he was pretty excited with this update so we played together the Shroudbreaker Tale, we had some troubles with too much crews sailing to N13 uncharted islands (we had the Crab Totem), it was a bit stressful but we managed to finish the quest. That makes the best memories :)
    Here's this screenshot from the open beta with my brother, I still really like it.

  • The most fun i've had is the fishing with me and my friend @Odinovic . We went on a fishing trip on a rowboat in the mist and it was hilarious. It was scary, but we made it back alive haha.

  • @Mathieu27620 I love that this guy joined the Seas because of me. PogChamp. Im going to become the greates pirate alive and find the One Piece and the One Fish. Fishing is awesome.

  • My favorite part so far is from the Tall Tales, which I've been doing with @SealedSeven and others; escaping from an island's treasure vault with an ancient relic as [redacted] Skeleton foes seem to spawn endlessly!

  • I really want to say fishing but the voice acting and the work put into these tall tales is just what I wanted from this game. Love it. Not sure how tags work but I'll give it a shot. @xmustango

  • @Ax3lito420
    my favourit part is Arena as you meet so many kind peopel and have fun

  • @Old-Salt-Gorg

    This update... Nothing is more hilarious and fun than sailing from one corner to the other just fishing off the bow... And then getting kraken'd in the middle of your Trophy Splashtail battle!

    That Kraken was dealt a swift justice for interrupting and breaking my trophy fish battle!

    I too have no friends able to be tagged, but my fishing buddy is @iiBIG SHOOSH (see no tag)

  • My favorite part of the update is arena, its just too much fun



    I love being able to harpoon barrels in the water and chests off the beach when I am solo. But, it is also convenient to be able to harpoon one of my shipmates, like @ChettNialo, off of the dock if they are taking too long to board :D

  • @Old-Salt-Gorg
    My favourite part of the mew (and amazing) anniversary update is the fishing as I can sit back relax and fish while also getting some extra mula as a bonus

  • My favorite part of this update got to be the harpoon. easy to use and damn fun.


  • The traps in the Tall Tales.
    I've been doing Tall Tales with my twin brother and every time traps came up he would go through them with ease, but yet I seemed to get speared and cut up at the worst times by the traps.
    After a while I would run screaming through because I started getting so spooked by them, as they always startled me when I got killed.
    The Trickster Tale was specifically fun due to the focus on traps and it had a lot of great surprises.
    Especially a certain explosive part that nearly got us both dead.

    Finished Tall Tales yesterday and we are gonna return to get all the rewards, Arena must wait... the greed cannot hold me back, even curse will not stop me.

    My crewmate (and my twin brother) would be @Gromek M A
    EDIT: not quite sure why I can't find his tag on here, but that's his Xbox name.

  • @Bigprotorobot Fishing is what I've been waiting for since playing the beta for the first time! Love it!

  • @old-salt-gorg My favourite part of the anniversary update is that it has added even more life to the Sea of Thieves and adding traps and the more exciting adventures has in my opinion made the game great and my friends agree. This is what Sea of Thieves is ment to be about making adventures adding it all together just makes it a masterpiece. Sadly tho i am the only friend i know who is on the forums :(

  • My favorite part of the update is fishing OBVIOUSLY! @Goy8814

  • @old-salt-gorg The feeling when you meet other ships searching for the shores of gold same as you then you all get in one big alliance and throw a party with a lot of cooked food. @DastaannBeastac

  • @Old-Salt-Gorg My favorite part, as much as i want to say fishing, has to be fighting the first skeleton lord. We must have had a bugged one as one of my two other crewmates looked it up and people were saying it took them around two minuets to down her? Half an hour of constant fighting later we managed to just lure her near the brig and a two cannon barrage and a few harpoons and she went down. It actually felt like a challange! I can't wait to get my crew together for the Arena though.

  • @Old-Salt-Gorg
    My favorite thing so far has been using the harpoons to grab barrels that would always sink on me.

  • My favorite part, is my entire crew fishing instead of managing sails. I think they want it to take longer to get places on purpose so that they can catch more fish.

  • Harpoon makes a pirate's life way easier in terms of utility and REALLY hard if aimed at with it in combat. I love it so much! Snatching items, teammates, parking better, latching onto enemy ships, it's like I'm piloting a whole new ship. 2nd place definitely goes to cooking. I don't know why such a simple concept makes me SO addicted to it. I swear I could stare and watch the meat cook all day without getting bored of it, especially with the Hunter's Call grind being real lol

  • @old-salt-gorg Hey my favorite part of anniversary update is the tall tales and my favorite tale is the Morningstar Fate with the ferryman i love it! Btw the tags of my crewmates are RamalkinWolf, Kuherty and Cuba. We have a name for our crew and ship and his name is "ScarletFlame" :).

  • @Old-Salt-Gorg Friends aren't on the forums... but favourite part is finally getting to kill a Kraken, not exactly new content, but being able to stock up much more easily with the new foods and being able to hook in barrels from the ocean finally gave us enough supplies to kill one.

  • @old-salt-gorg So me and my two friends were doing the 3rd Tall Tale yesterday.
    We got stuck due to the, very very nice, but also hard to interpret, child-drawings. After a few wrong guesses we started getting fed up with it. I mean, Google is just so accessible, tempting. But then it happened - We traced the scribbler crayon map from the last drawn island and backwards. It made sense, it felt logical. The hype rose within me, it all made sense - we had to go to Lone Cove!

    After sooo many hours of looking at X's, slashing away at mindless skeletons, running after chickens, charming snakes this gave me the exact same, childish, happy, exhilirating joy as the first time i steered that Galleon months ago.

    This is a prime example of how an anniversary update is supposed to be.

  • @old-salt-gorg
    My favorite part of the update is transitioning between MURDERING SOME POOR SOD in the Arena and fishing up the MOST ABSOLUTE UNIT in Adventure mode.

    I would tag my friends... IF I HAD ANY LEFT.

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