Banjo in ambient music now?

  • My brother was playing sailing around near Discovery Ridge working on an Athena when he called me into the room. He unplugged his headset and turned the TV sound up and I was met with the noise of a BANJO in the ambient sailing music...
    Am I the only one hearing this?

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  • Banjos confirmed?
    The devs also said something in this Tuesday's stream about them "just needing to work on streaming the banjo's music along with the other instruments."
    And for the record, I am not an insider.

  • @unbracedsoda724 Ahhhhhhh yes.... maybe a hint of things to come? A new instrument?

  • I heard it too alright while sailing , slight plucking of the banjo strings in the ambient music now and again.

  • Yes, and i find it to be extremely annoying.
    Rare needs to add an option to let us turn music off but keep the kill sound in.

    It might be amusing for people who play 1 hour a day, but for someone who has put 3k + hours into this game the soundtrack has became repetitive eons ago.

  • @musicmee Wasn't there a fiddle back in the "More Pirate" trailer? One of the famous pirates played it all during an attack or something. Honestly I am hoping we get to see it. I was also quite sure it was in the "Art of Sea of Thieves" book and there was some wiki page for it saying it is confirmed, but not released.

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