The Tale Of Wanderer's Bluff

  • Myself and my brig crew were doing the Reaper's Run at Wanderer's Refuge when we saw a galleon approaching. Doing what we always do, we decided to be wary but give them the benefit of the doubt that they wouldn't attack, especially with a second Brig doing the run and parked at Plunder Valley. One of my crew went AFK for a few minutes, leaving me on the island digging treasure and our third kept watch on our ship.

    Unfortunately for the Galleon, they decided to sink our ship with a gunpowder barrel rather than come to an arrangement - mistake one. They killed both my crew mates with the blast and I got killed climbing on board the ship. The other crew didn't hang around to see where we respawned - mistake number two.

    My crew mate and I respawned in the water and decided to swim ashore. We had hidden all our treasure as we always do until finishing the Reaper's Run so we had nothing to lose. The galleon sailed off for Discovery Ridge, leaving two of them behind with a row boat full of treasure and seemingly unaware that my crew mate and I were stalking them waiting for the right moment. As one looked in the barrels for supplies, after clearly being hurt by skellies, I sniped him. We then spotted the second nearby in the water and we both sniped him. Both dead, leaving behind a rowboat of treasure, and their galleon downwind at Discovery Ridge. We took all their chests, about 10-12 and stashed them in our secret hiding place. Just as we got this done, we saw their galleon appear at the shore... time for Wanderer's Bluff number one. Our other crewmate had just returned at this stage to the madness and was making the long trip back.

    I took the rowboat which I still had their chicken on and a few kegs - just to give the impression that I had stuff on board and I started rowing towards the other Brig which was at Plunder Valley. I had no intention of making it all the way, I had no bananas and was low on health. But it sold it enough that the Galleon pursued me... I got about halfway before being killed.

    Unfortunately for the other Brig, and fortunately for us, they started sailing to Wanderer's Refuge at this point. Having repawned on our own brig we watched the map and the horizon as the battle kicked off between the Galleon, which had lost so much treasure, and the Brig - who we assume had taken the blame for stealing it all.

    We parked up at Discovery Ridge after I did a hop off at Plunder Valley to do our second map. This was our second bluff - make them think we were on the second last map rather than just the second.

    The fog, thick as soup, had settled at this point so we could no longer see the ships battling - only observe their Reaper's mark shadows do the dance of war on the map. Eventually one disappeared and we decided to risk heading back to Wanderer's Refuge. Unfortunately, we arrived to be greeted by the Galleon.

    We hadn't stocked up enough cannonballs for a sustained fight but decided to engage them anyway. We took a few shots across the island low lands, we missed them, only to be greeted by "nice aim [homophobic slur]" - wow. So we decided to show them exactly how "nice" our aim can be. We swung around the island and bombarded them with all the cannons we did have - not enough to sink them, but enough to send a message. Made all the sweeter by their poor aim and failed attempts to board us!

    We ran out of cannonballs so hatched a plan to hang around for a few minutes to make them think we were maybe on the island tapping chests, then we sailed for Golden Sands Outpost with no treasure on board, only to stock up on supplies for another swing. This also sold them the idea that we were finished the voyage and going to drop off our loot. Sure enough, they turned up 5 minutes after we docked. As our ship sailed out, the two of us still on land hatched another plan to sink these guys and take whatever they had.

    We took maybe a bit too much time as I could hear them turn in 4 or 5 chests (including a grog) from my hiding spot in the Weapon shop close by. Eventually, I caused a distraction and got them to chase me as my crew mate hopped on their ship and headed for their crow's nest. Unfortunately, they decided to scuttle and logged out before we could enact our plan, and they didn't appear to have any other treasure. No problem, we still had a large enough stash on Wanderer's Refuge. So, with no sign of the Galleon again, we finished our Reaper's Run and recovered our stash, turning in over 30 chests and making over 50K gold in the process.

    My crew and I may not be the best PvPers but we can outwit most skally wags on the seas!

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