Gold and Glory Weekend in Sea of Thieves!

  • Pirates love three things on the weekends: gold, glory and getting up late. After all, what’s the point of being a rogue if you can’t have a lie-in? We can’t help you with that one, but we can help you with the other two on our inaugural Gold and Glory Weekend, taking place from March 15th-18th!

    For those who are not Pirate Legend yet, here is your chance to make the final push before March 20 so you can secure some sweet rewards!

    For more details, you can check over here:

    Good luck and happy sailing with your favorite crew. I believe you can all make it in time with this awesome opportunity from Rare!

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  • @biostructr Well spotted matey!

    Sounds like it could be a very rewarding weekend indeed! Shame I have nothing left to level up, but the gold will come in handy eventually I am sure!

  • So all the people who got PL without this.

    What do they gain from this?

    I mean theres not alot of cosmetics left to spend gold on...and PLs dont need rep...unless athena..

    And now yous got dedicate a weekend to making it easier...even tho there is a massive lack in content for the already Legends.

    Just wow.

  • @musicmee Haha of course, it's always good to have some spare coin, especially with the new upcoming updates that I'm pretty sure will bring really cool stuff!

  • @aglasgowthing Well then. You are a GREAT pirate and Legend, of course! You will be rewarded some goodies after the Sea of Thieves Anniversary, and it's almost here, can't wait!

  • @biostructr thats not really answering what im asking tho is

    What do we gain from this event?

  • @aglasgowthing More gold to spend on new stuff! Maybe boost your Athena reputation, eh? I'm sure it will help you and also receive tons of gold from Ashen Athena voyages.

  • @aglasgowthing A higher percentage of Gold and XP! That's what this event offers... great for those wanting to scale the ranks or have a certain cosmetic they are trying to purchase!

  • @biostructr i already said there is lack of stuff to spend gold on... so what do we gain? Games supposed to start at PL so they said.... i dont need more is limitless in this game

  • I won't be saying no to extra gold now will I matey! I only have 1,500,000 and theres always room for more in my treasure chest

  • @biostructr

    Well I always have more room for gold in me pockets.
    Won't turn that down. Ta Matey!

  • @piratecraggy Aye, I could use some more myself, getting ready for the upcoming cosmetics!

  • @musicmee not great for the ppl who play all the time and are already PL.

  • @aglasgowthing I too matey am one of those people in that list.... currently have 4 million gold and 700 doubloons.

    But, I never turn down free gold... you never know when you are gonna need more gold!

  • @musicmee

  • @aglasgowthing Well they said they will add new cosmetics and other crazy stuff so yeah for those that are already maxed out, only gold is the benefit from this event, but if you already got tons of gold then I don't know, nothing much to do, I guess. I have around 2,4 mil and 900 doubloons. Maybe have fun stealing chests from other players because I'm sure servers will be full of victims in this weekend! :D

  • its sick

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