Patch Notes Discussion 1.4.4

  • Im glad and sad about the new cargo changes!

    Glad the distance is shorter and the Cargo is more stable, so I can do that Devils Roar Cargo Commendation done shorter

    Sad I finished the 500 Cargo Legendary Commendation last Week the old fashioned way :D

  • @mr-dragon-raaar now if they would only give us credit for those we've already turned in and I'd be done with that commendation.

  • Some fixes finally here! Takes too long to get them between updates. More needs fixing and sooner than waiting to be with new content.

    Love the animal and other cargo run changes. Do not like the move to continue special voyages with doubloons. I like the idea of a reaper title and ship cosmetics. Hope using doubloons this way will not become a norm. Still some nice things to reap from this update. :)

  • @jetorchidee97 said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.4.4:

    @cyberguardian77 a dit dans Patch Notes Discussion 1.4.4 :

    @jetorchidee97 said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.4.4:

    @kaloudz a dit dans Patch Notes Discussion 1.4.4 :

    Hi folks!

    Sorry to be a pain, but can someone explain how "Reaper's Run of the Wanderer's Refuge" works? Is it just a case of putting on the flag and sailing the island? Or is there treasure to dig up? Or is it time-based for how long you survive with the flag up etc..?

    I cant play till Friday, and it has me really curious. Thank you!

    Put your reaper flag (for the commendation), vote the voyage then you'll have plenty of captain chests to dig back and forth between Wanderer's Refuge and islands around (5 chapters).

    How many maps per chapter? I hope it doesn’t take as long as an Athena’s

    I think it's 1 map per chapter, alternating between X maps and Riddles.


    Good to know, thanks for the info! Haven’t had a chance to test the new update yet, but looking forward to it!

    I don’t need the captain chests as I have already sold 500 chests as a pl and have sold 360 captain chests specifically, but glad to know it won’t be too time occupying.

  • @shaetanno I saw the same!

    Doubled payouts for pristine goods and increased rep! As someone who tends to solo cargo runs during lunch breaks, this is very helpful!

    Thank you, Rare. Will have to wait until tonight to play with the merc missions!

  • Still no mention of the Fort Key chat wheel being addressed?

  • Did someone want my thoughts on Reaper Voyages?

    captains chests used to be cool but tend to be worth half as much as skulls (or apparently merchant cargo now). ashen captains chests are worth something too, but i'm pretty sure we're just picking up standard captains and cursed chests on the reapers run (something tells me this reapers run stuff is gonna get a lot messier out of test servers, so i hope it's worth it for the average player, but i doubt it unless they're luckier than average).

  • My 1st run through with the Reaper's Run of Wanderer's Refuge went rather well...

    ...until the very end. Over the course of 3 hours, I ran into 4 other sloops - all friendly. On my last 2 chests in chapter 5, a 5th appeared and sank everybody! I lost my last 10 captain's chests due to 1 bad apple (I had decided that I might as well TRY to turn them in)... While I was still able to complete the voyage (and earn 1 ¹/₅ of my commendations for 20 dubloons), they left me with a rotten taste in my mouth, knowing that they were reaping the rewards of up to 9 other pirates and that I am likely going to have to endure such shenanigans 4 more times in the near future.

    Yeah, I know it's SoT, but I hate wasting time when I have a schedule to keep - I anticipate a lot of rage quitters coming here to complain about their lost loot, dubloons, and of course the pirates that ruined their day...

  • The new Barrel placement on the sloop is slightly questionable to me as a mainly solo slooper. This be why..

    By this i mean it gives boarding pirates (if ye fall prey to them) a super nice spot to sit in right next to the brigg and simply be able to turn left for bonan/healing while being able to attack facing the only available entrypoint. You are being somewhat blocked in by barrels around you absorbing incoming cutlass swings in this spot also.
    The old placement would not allow such a boon to the border as they would have to step forward to grab bonan from the aforementioned spot thus opening them to attack from more angles.

    My question would be why the re shuffle?

    The Galleon didn't get a food barrel shuffle, simply another placed next to the existing one.
    The Brig didn't get a shuffle either just another barrel atop of the existing.

  • These new quests have really highlighted the need for a 'gold sink' in the game. Gold doesn't mean anything to anyone if is a PL and Wanderers Refuge was littered with un-dug chests when I went there today.

    The sword 'change' is not even a drop in the ocean, as long as you can hit the floor and it still counts as a hit then what's the point of a miss penalty? The stun lock also needs to be removed.

    As for the new quests, lets face it they're just another re-hash of the fetch and collect quests we already have.

    On a more positive note the cargo payment increase is welcomed.

  • Not to be negative, but I have encountered more toxicity and griefing in the Reaper's Run voyage than I have ever seen in this game previously. All they have to do is camp Wanderer's refuge... I actually had to report people for their voice comms because they were THAT toxic and offensive... and I haven't reported a single player in the last year.

  • @VTB-Thumper Toxicity in this game has had its highs and lows. The highest level I experienced was between Dec & Feb (pre v1.4.3 patch) when the game was popular on Twitch and streamers like summit brought new players to the game, who in turn tried to mimic their style just for the sake of milking others via PvP. Now that there's no more double gunning, a lot of those players and streamers are gone, but some still do come back when there is new stuff to do, like anyone else.

    Besides, the point of these voyages are to either make you a possible target or a possible hunter, when you or others do it visibly on the map. Risk/reward. But yes, the PvP side of this game can bring up the reprehensible side of people, unlike other games that are PvP only and people know what they will face when starting the game. In SoT you never know what to expect, specially if you intend to play it focusing on PvE.

  • @raen-yrtham Let me be clear, I'm fine with PVP, I'm fine with getting robbed, sunk, whatever. The things that were said to me in game chat were bad enough, what was said to my female teammate actually borders on criminal. I can't even come close to repeating it here. I would get banned.

  • Merchant Animal Payouts - The value of successfully handing in chickenboat cargo has been significantly increased.


    Im on it.

  • SO there seems to be a problem with the Flag and beeing in an alliance. I was in an alliance and then started to use the reapers flag to start the reaper voyage. After I was done I didnt get any raise in my commendation for it tho.

  • @juggalosmokez Possibly, but considering how bloated their game files have been in the past, it's most likely just inefficient. Maybe they'll get it back up to 30+ gbs then reduce it down to normal size again.

  • @vtb-thumper Just saying that while you are complaining now, toxic people in this game have been around ever since. Some are more toxic then others. Report them, and preferably record a video with their behavior, that's all you can do.

  • @xmorgus Ive had this same issue today, Was in an alliance with 3 ships and made sure that the reapers flag was up before the voyage was begun. Me and my crewmate finished it and then found out that it hadn't registered it.

    Also had other people from different crews seemingly find our chests, popping up on a notification to say that they had found a chest. Don't know if this was a thing in the first place but the first time that i have encountered it.

  • @friedwilly They said in the dev update that it will be introduced on March 12th.

  • Very nice and exciting!

    This voyage is sort of like a little glimpse of the type of action the Arena may have.
    While I am generally a friendly pirate, I'm excited to have at it.
    And I'm really digging that new hull.

  • @bman093 said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.4.4:

    @xmorgus Ive had this same issue today, Was in an alliance with 3 ships and made sure that the reapers flag was up before the voyage was begun. Me and my crewmate finished it and then found out that it hadn't registered it.

    Also had other people from different crews seemingly find our chests, popping up on a notification to say that they had found a chest. Don't know if this was a thing in the first place but the first time that i have encountered it.

    If you are in an alliance, I believe that the alliance crews can dig up your chests - even if by accident - by digging in the same spot as a location on your map.

  • Your voyages are boring. What happened to early 2019?

  • @xmorgus @Bman093

    Can you check your commendations again? Sometimes it doesn't update them right after and you need to close the menu and open it again. Mine worked fine while I was in an Alliance and even another ship joined us and another one left during the voyage.

    If it's still not there I'd suggest to raise a support ticket and explain how and when you made the alliance to help Rare investigate this issue!

    Sea of Thieves Support:

  • Why are the xbox one load times into a server even longer than the last update???

  • Sovereign wheel is fixed!!! Best change!!! lol but that really was bothering me though...

  • @d3adst1ck said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.4.4:

    @bman093 said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.4.4:

    @xmorgus Ive had this same issue today, Was in an alliance with 3 ships and made sure that the reapers flag was up before the voyage was begun. Me and my crewmate finished it and then found out that it hadn't registered it.

    Also had other people from different crews seemingly find our chests, popping up on a notification to say that they had found a chest. Don't know if this was a thing in the first place but the first time that i have encountered it.

    If you are in an alliance, I believe that the alliance crews can dig up your chests - even if by accident - by digging in the same spot as a location on your map.

    Correct! Any chest. There are so many close together really bound to happen now.

  • Seems good!
    It's a shame you couldn't get the black screen problem solved.
    I'm constantly getting it. :(

  • @friedwilly the only fix i didn't want was they nerfing the sword speed and the time it takes to switch between guns

  • don't see it directly addressed in the patch notes but the boat slow down after a server merge...has it been hot fixed/patched or fixed in this update?

  • I'm glad, that chests will floating longer. Now we have more time to grab own treasures when we fail in fight with kraken or other things.

    Prices in Merchant alliance finally made this quest worth farming, when i sell pig for 68gold I almost cried. :)

    And most important thing. Yesterday patch show, that the comunnity can be nice for everyone. Creating alliance, helping each other etc. :)

  • The Reaper's Run is horribad in terms of game design. 3 attempts and of all 3, not only were they the same islands, but many of the dig locations were exactly the same! This means that anyone camping the island can easily find another crew's chests provided they're familiar with the dig spots, once they know you've got the Reaper's Mark up. So, before you ever get to the island, they're already digging up your chests without ever having you touch them!

    This very thing happened to me in my 2-man sloop earlier today when a full, 4-man galleon was camping the island. Once they knew we were on our way, they kept sinking us and digging up our chests before we could even get back to the island! My crewmate got so frustrated by the time we got to chapter 3, he just up and quit.

  • @galactic-geek said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.4.4:

    The Reaper's Run is horribad in terms of game design. 3 attempts and of all 3, not only were they the same islands, but many of the dig locations were exactly the same! This means that anyone camping the island can easily find another crew's chests provided they're familiar with the dig spots, once they know you've got the Reaper's Mark up. So, before you ever get to the island, they're already digging up your chests without ever having you touch them!

    This very thing happened to me in my 2-man sloop earlier today when a full, 4-man galleon was camping the island. Once they knew we were on our way, they kept sinking us and digging up our chests before we could even get back to the island! My crewmate got so frustrated by the time we got to chapter 3, he just up and quit.

    This sounds great. They do the work i get commendation :)
    who needs chest anyways :P

  • @galactic-geek
    As far as i know, another Crew can't dig up your treasure (even when they know it's exact location - we tested that in the past), the initial dig always has to come from the Crew that is in possession of the Voyage (after that initial dig it's fair game).

    Did you see the X-markings on your map disappear as they dug stuff up?
    Can you confirm that that other crew didn't just do their voyage?
    Are you sure that neither you or your crewmate did the initial digs?

    Depending on your answer to those questions the next one would have to be for Rare;
    Is this intentional design or a bug?

  • I'm seriously wondering who's going to enjoy these new Mercenary Voyages. Everybody drives the same mission, at staggered times, on the same paths, so they have to meet each other. After several hours of fighting yesterday without making much progress, we decided to progress by continuously ignoring and dying. We have only found chests, not salvaged them. We didn't care about attackers from then on, time was too short for us.

    Such a fun. Not.

    And didn't they wrote something about bugs fixed? Not at all. Here are my favorite bugs from yesterday's session:

    • Some of my fellow players don't see me, I'm invisible.
    • Some of my teammates see me as a skeleton.
    • Some of my teammates see me floating ten feet above the ground.
    • For no reason, I'm the only one hearing rattling chains or penetrating water.
    • A treasure cannot be excavated.
    • When I reach for a banana I fall through the hull of the ship.
    • An opponent receives hits from three players with the shotgun from the shortest distance, but he does not die.
    • The opponents know exactly where you will spawn. You appear on the ship and are greeted by three men.
    • The Megalodon gets stuck on the ship.
    • The Megalodon swims through our ship and pulls fellow players along.

    With each update, the game moves further away from me, from what I once liked.

  • Just pasting in here some advice from pirates sailing the Mercenary voyages -

    @galactic-geek said in Please fix reaper / alliance flag issue or lock it out so that it cannot be done:

    He probably put up the Alliance flag after already having the Reaper's Mark flag up for the Mercenary voyages. When you do this, it cancels the Reaper's Mark, so you won't get certain commendations that require that you complete voyages while flying the Mark. You have to, in this order:

    1. make an alliance;
    2. fly the reaper's mark;
    3. vote on a voyage;
    4. complete said voyage.

    If you don't do it in EXACTLY THIS ORDER, you get squat for the Reaper's Mark-based commendations.

    Also if you try to create an alliance during the voyage with the Reaper's Mark and it's taken down it won't then count towards the commendations.

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