Dev Stream run down, from 2h to 4m - Rum Runners Challenge

  • Honestly, it was fun to watch the women get together and have a blast in game. Pitty about the trolls though, hope they ended up getting banned for what they did.

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  • Trolls will be Trolls, the only thing you can do is Troll them back in a non toxic manner and use them to as a chance to release some stress like a stress ball especially if you are the ship patrolling the seas in your sessions as you work on your commendations which is what I do lol.

  • @chiffonbean172 Thank you for making this informative video! I did not managed to see the stream and it's sad to hear that they run into some trolls.

  • @chiffonbean172

    Thanks so much for doing this, it's great to have a condensed version with highlights and particularly questions asked and answered :)

    You're also able to find a more complete text summary on @ChiffonBean172's website!

  • @katttruewalker thanks for posting a link to the website and you're welcome :D I love watching the streams and understand that not everyone has the same amount of free time that I do. I usually watched the highlights, then had time one day to watch the stream and heard some bits of information and was stunned haha I loved the extra bits that are given. Thought I'd share that with others who don't have the time. I'm babbling, sorry, hella tired haha

  • @th3xr34p3r I don't mind people being a pest or even PVP and killing me, when people troll like that it's just unfun. I'm kind of hoping he gets banned. He only came back to say sorry after he realised that he'd just done it to the Rare crew. If it wasn't someone in a position of power, he wouldn't have cared. (But I also admit I'm a little grumpy right now haha)

  • @chiffonbean172 Oh trust me when its severe enough and there is evidence sent in to rare via the ticketing system they action it within minutes.

  • @chiffonbean172 good stream, I watched most of it, yeah drawing a rude picture is trolling, but the killing them isn't, so hopefully only the guy who did that gets the suspension (if it happens)

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