I'm back on board

  • Hello all,
    I was addicted to this game during the beta and when it first came out. But I had a problem where I was being kicked out of games all the time. I dont know if this was due to my internet, or the fact I'm an xbox insider and my xbox system was not compatible with sea of thieves at the time. But it was more then frustrating. So I stopped playing. Then about a month ago a friend asked me to help him learn the ropes. And I have been back ever since. I absolutely love this game and have finally reached legendary pirate status and it's still as much fun as day one.
    Still my favorite game.
    Love all the new stuff I missed while I was away. And look forward to all the new stuff coming.

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  • @apoc37 dijo en I'm back on board:

    Hello all,
    I was addicted to this game during the beta and when it first came out. But I had a problem where I was being kicked out of games all the time. I dont know if this was due to my internet, or the fact I'm an xbox insider and my xbox system was not compatible with sea of thieves at the time. But it was more then frustrating. So I stopped playing. Then about a month ago a friend asked me to help him learn the ropes. And I have been back ever since. I absolutely love this game and have finally reached legendary pirate status and it's still as much fun as day one.
    Still my favorite game.
    Love all the new stuff I missed while I was away. And look forward to all the new stuff coming.

    Welcome back to the seas, landlubber!

  • @apoc37

    Yarr... the Sea is always calling!
    Welcome back me matey.

  • I am happy about every positive post in this forum. All this complaining otherwise... Welcome back at sea! Let's cross the blades and wrestle for treasures!

  • Welcome back mate! Glad you have been having fun regaining your sea legs, and that you are no longer plagued by those errors!

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