So now what?

  • So now what?
    You all have lost the twitch streamers and roughly have between 2k and 20k viewers... Your changes made the game less fun to watch so intern streamers stopped.

    Many of the bugs that have been in for months are still in...This is absurd, these bugs are causing many in game issues.

    The weapon changes just simply switched the meta to sword/gun...Now i get salt for using sword, probably the same salty players who got mad over the double gun.

    You are separating the player base so that it will be like every other game...One of if not your biggest selling points was crossplay, how about finding a solution to keeping us all together instead of splitting us all up.

    The amount of cosmetics being put out is crazy slow...Many people have millions of gold with nothing to buy.

    I guess the better question is what exactly is your plan for this game? It seems like its a hurry up and wait for merchant mission? You all had every opportunity to create something amazing, especially with all the press you all got from the its gone, so again I ask.

    So now what?

    Also all the videos about being friendly to each other and then discussing pvp. Is this Sea of Thieves or Sea of Friends. Which way are you pushing the game, do you want us to pvp or are you now wanting us to pvp in the instanced pvp you are creating? This game can be so much fun, pick a direction and roll with it guys.

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  • @straptt with regards to the gold, they should enable Npcs to start selling cheese in game to go with your whine..

  • @straptt Hit registration should be the number 1 focus over there at RARE, however they have yet to even address it. That should sum out the future of this game and it's why I can't even bring myself to log onto the broken mess known as SOT.

    Who seriously thought that making the sword front and centre of their combat would be fun? I have seen better melee combat on my GameBoy colour from 1998. No on enjoy's whacking weeds you know what people enjoy? Aiming and shooting for example, archery, darts, lazer tag, basketball, hockey, paintball, areosoft, ect, ect. Name the top games on Twtich Apex, Fortnite, even LOL has skillshots which = aim and shoot.

    Even games with in depth sword play like For Honor don't do that well and For Honor's combat is about 1000% better then SOT. Like I said the Sword play in SOT reminds me of whacking weeds.

  • @d4rk5tar71uk said in So now what?:

    @straptt with regards to the gold, they should enable Npcs to start selling cheese in game to go with your whine..

    Why be that way? The cosmetics should be flowing as the designs could be endless.

  • @tuxedomask7 said in So now what?:

    @straptt Hit registration should be the number 1 focus over there at RARE, however they have yet to even address it. That should sum out the future of this game and it's why I can't even bring myself to log onto the broken mess known as SOT.

    Who seriously thought that making the sword front and centre of their combat would be fun? I have seen better melee combat on my GameBoy colour from 1998. No on enjoy's whacking weeds you know what people enjoy? Aiming and shooting for example, archery, darts, lazer tag, basketball, hockey, paintball, areosoft, ect, ect. Name the top games on Twtich Apex, Fortnite, even LOL has skillshots which = aim and shoot.

    Even games with in depth sword play like For Honor don't do that well and For Honor's combat is about 1000% better then SOT. Like I said the Sword play in SOT reminds me of whacking weeds.

    Could not agree more, it usually happens to me when trying to shoot someone but the other day i actually heard the shot hit me and took no damage.

  • @straptt

    I always find it sad when people view PvP and "being friendly" as seperate states of being. I've met loads of super friendly PvPers who I've died to and laughed with all at the same time.

  • Those streamers that left are not missed. This game is about pirates not big time streamers that put out toxic content to gain viewership.
    There are plenty of great streamers that are loyal to this game and continue to put on quality streams without exploiting game machanics.

  • @wyvernhavvk said in So now what?:

    Those streamers that left are not missed. This game is about pirates not big time streamers that put out toxic content to gain viewership.
    There are plenty of great streamers that are loyal to this game and continue to put on quality streams without exploiting game machanics.

    I was only referring to them as a reference to the time Rare had to capitalize on free press and did not.

    Edit: I wanted to point out that i do agree with you, there are some great streamers playing SoT and i enjoy watching quite a few of them.

  • Streamers do not always show the strength of a game or community. They sometimes can help a game grow, but in the case of SoT, the ones that came and went recently, for the most part did some minor help in growing the game, at the expense of the community.

    SoT has a very strong community and that is what keeps SoT strong as a game. Not all games are going to be strong with streamers.

    To the OP. The weapons changes were necessary but not finalized. There were issues, and with Arena mode coming soon (of which I am willing to bet many of those streamers you hold high will return) Rare needed to balance things. Again, they have said many times, they are not done with the adjustments.

    As for the player base being separated. This is being blown way out of proportion. Most of the people I sail with are on Xbox while also having plenty of friends on PC. And most of the xbox people I talk to will not be using the opt out option (with about half saying they will probably use the opt out for Arena mode when it comes out). Even if they do, the PC community in SoT is strong, with 35% of all players being PC players.

    As with life in general, be patient young Padawan. Rare is constantly working to improve the game. Right now they have hinted to many upcoming additions to the game, including the Arena. Sadly, thanks to those streamers and exploits they brought to the forefront, Rare had to make some adjustments to the game and need time to monitor those adjustments before moving forward on releasing the Arena.

    Rare has also announced that on their one year anniversary (March 20th) they will be sharing details on a mega-update that will surely include at minimum pets, new quest types and the Arena release date.

    Last, to your comment about a friendlier game. Rare has always said that SoT was not a game they wanted people to simply log in, go around and kill everyone. And they most certainly have been 1000% against toxicity. Check the Pirate Code. As for PvP, it is an open sand box, and many people get PvP confused with toxicity. And with good reason, generally PvP is where you will encounter toxicity. This is a family friendly game and has no place for toxicity. There are plenty of other games for that. All of that being said, Rare is developing the Arena, a separate game mode made to encourage competition that will surely result in more PvP. While it is not a PvP mode per say, it is the most likely outcome of that game mode. So again, Rare is answering the call for those that like a more competitive mode and want more PvP.

    So I would stress that you be patient. Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is such a grand adventure that can be found in SoT.

  • @va-hombre said in So now what?:


    I always find it sad when people view PvP and "being friendly" as seperate states of being. I've met loads of super friendly PvPers who I've died to and laughed with all at the same time.

    I don't disagree, my point was at times it feels like the videos are to discourage pvp.

  • @nofears-fun said in So now what?:

    I agree with you, i just felt Rare could have really done something with the time SoT was at the top of the twitch channels.

    I also agree the weapon changes were needed, i just feel they only pushed to hard another direction and made another set of weapons to strong.

    I could be wrong about the player base being split up or i could be right. We wont know until it happens, my only point was it was a huge selling point and instead of trying ways to fix it they just removed it.

    As for your take on pvp, i understand your opinion and views on it but to say there are games else to where to pvp is not a fair comment. I enjoy to pvp in this game so i will continue to do so. I don't want a competitive mode, i enjoy sailing around sinking ships and taking loot. I also do so without being toxic, i rarely even say anything unless spoken to in the first place.

    Its been a year and many of the bugs that ruin game play are still in, they also built the game for years prior to the release. To many games are being released unfinished and im afraid SoT was one of them.

  • @straptt said in So now what?:

    @nofears-fun said in So now what?:

    I agree with you, i just felt Rare could have really done something with the time SoT was at the top of the twitch channels.

    Truthfully, because some of the streamers, most notably the one that caused the most angst amongst the community, Rare did their best to separate themselves from them. They didn't want them, because they were not a very good example of the community, and often were toxic themselves.

    I also agree the weapon changes were needed, i just feel they only pushed to hard another direction and made another set of weapons to strong.

    While I don't mind all of the changes made, I agree. And so does Rare. They just need time and information/data so they can continue to adjust. Because they never really focused on PvP until now, they didn't do much adjusting to combat.

    I could be wrong about the player base being split up or i could be right. We wont know until it happens, my only point was it was a huge selling point and instead of trying ways to fix it they just removed it.

    I agree with you on the last part. I have advocated that they simply make a max turn speed, and max abilities to everything, so that no matter what platform you were on there would be no advantage. Instead I feel the bunted by giving opt out. That being said, I stand by the statement that most wont use it, with the only exception being Arena mode.

    As for your take on pvp, i understand your opinion and views on it but to say there are games else to where to pvp is not a fair comment. I enjoy to pvp in this game so i will continue to do so. I don't want a competitive mode, i enjoy sailing around sinking ships and taking loot. I also do so without being toxic, i rarely even say anything unless spoken to in the first place.

    And that is the wonderful thing about SoT. It is an open sandbox. Play as you like. Glad to hear you are not toxic. I would even raise a grog to you if you were one of the few that could do PvP and then share a grog with the other pirate afterwards.
    As for my comment on other games, that wasn't meant for the PvP side. That was meant for the toxicity part. There are games out there where toxicity seems to be part of the game and is not shunned.

    Its been a year and many of the bugs that ruin game play are still in, they also built the game for years prior to the release. To many games are being released unfinished and im afraid SoT was one of them.

    I agree, the most recent update, where we installed a new from scratch version of SoT should help with this. Now SoT can release QoL updates and bug fixed much faster with much lower impact on us. Hopefully they can sort it out.

  • @nofears-fun said in So now what?:

    @straptt said in So now what?:

    @nofears-fun said in So now what?:

    To be honest I see more toxic players on the other end of my sword then ever on my crew. I cant count the number of times ive been called something racist or derogatory.

    As a matter of fact i stole skull fort loot from a couple guys who ended up chasing us. I got on their ship and anchored, instead of fighting we ended up discussing the changes to weapons and i had them give me a pirates send off with bullets from their pistols.


  • If it wasnt for the spy rate games. SoT would be sitting anywhere from 2.5k viewers to 5k because of your avg daily streamer. SoT was ranked 14 on twitch last night because of ceez doing spygate games. When streamers choose to play SoT they single handedly have more viewers then the game itself has. Ceez had 10k+ people watching him. And the overall numbers were 14k last night. 4k viewers being spread out between 20+ different streamers.

    Was just stating what I know being a guy who watches twitch streams from many SoT creators.

  • @nofears-fun Rare would disagree with you completely actually any gaming company would disagree with you. Apex for example didn't do anything for advertisement other then pay the top streamers to play it and look at the game now.

    Also, you can go back and watch the dev updates during when Summit was streaming they mention in every update about the huge influx of players they were getting. They also had the game on not one but two 50% sales during this time.

    Lastly, Rare has said they developed this game with streaming in mind.

  • @tuxedomask7 said in So now what?:

    @nofears-fun Rare would disagree with you completely actually any gaming company would disagree with you. Apex for example didn't do anything for advertisement other then pay the top streamers to play it and look at the game now.

    Also, you can go back and watch the dev updates during when Summit was streaming they mention in every update about the huge influx of players they were getting. They also had the game on not one but two 50% sales during this time.

    Lastly, Rare has said they developed this game with streaming in mind.

    Those are good points, as well as the fact they just added in streamer mode which i had forgotten about. I also believe Summit is in some of there advertisements.

  • @tuxedomask7 I would counter that on all of those feeds they clearly mention shrouded spoils, seasonal sales and holidays as also playing a huge part in the growth of the game.

  • Speaking of the holiday quests, it would be great to see the gilded quests pop up once a month or something. It adds more loot, more people, more pvp, more everything really.

  • A game that isn't "streamer" friendly doesn't mean the game will die necessarily... some games are slower paced, the faster paced games tend to have higher viewership in the streaming world. Rare has expressed interest since the beginning to attract streamers, this is partly why I think they are making Arena mode to have that more faster paced gameplay streamers and viewers want

  • @nofears-fun How do you think people found about about any of the updates? streaming aka summit.

  • @straptt Fairly sure Joe said something about the latest quests being more regular. The ones you can buy now from Duke. They are a shaved down version of an Athena quest.

  • @mr-dragon-raaar said in So now what?:

    @tuxedomask7 whats summit??

    This is summit. He is a streamer. This is bad hit registration videos. More reason why people like him wont play this game much. Its just a bug fest.

    [](link url)

    [](link url)

  • @mr-dragon-raaar said in So now what?:

    @vderickv Cheers. Thought i'd missed a conference or something important.

    Seems this guy is a no-name streamer that is a particularly awful shot and by all accounts a despicable human being.
    Serves him right, I suppose, for trying to play the game like CoD.

    Its laughable that some of the comments above think he had anything to do with the popularity of SoT. Kids will kids. Man-Children will be kids.

    If he has stopped playing SoT then I doubt anyone will miss him or his insufferable groupies.

    He did in fact play a role in SoT popularity during the time he was streaming up to 50k+ viewers in SoT. In fact when other streamers were quitting SoT for lack of twitch content/content in game. Summit kept streaming it because he was having fun. Infact there is proof of summit bringing players to the community. Denying this only shows your ignorance.

    We're not saying he single handedly made SoT popular that would be a lie. We are saying he brought a ton of players to SoT during a time it was lacking and ignoring these players will effect SoT. I was in his stream when the majority of his viewers were mad about this gun update/opt out of crossplay option. BEFORE SUMMIT EVEN PLAYED. So to all you guys saying "you're just listening to summit" c'mon bruh. We had to tell summit to watch a dev video which he then watched on stream and went on a rant. Has hardly played SoT since. Lol rare needs to pick up on things like this and see why it happened. Not catering to casuals making gun combat the worst it's been since launch. Lol

  • @mr-dragon-raaar said in So now what?:


    I for one am thankful that Rare listen to the community and not to some low-life who clearly does not understand the game.

    As I said it's laughable to think he had any impact on the popularity of the game.
    It's downright naïve to believe otherwise.

    I didn't mean to upset you, mate.
    Was just curious who/what summit was.
    I promise I wont reply again.

    Its downright naive for you to believe he didn't have an impact on the population numbers on SoT! lol. The Numbers prove otherwise. Actual numbers! not what you're doing right now which is hear say.

    Your attitude is a problem and honestly it upsets me a person like you who actually doesn't know what he is arguing about is in the pioneer program that determines in game content..

    As a pioneer you scare me for what the future of SoT will look like. Rare i would suggest keeping someone like him in pioneer program while adding hundreds more to it as well because obviously your pioneers are mainly casuals. (from the people i have talked to that are pioneers it seems i may even play more then some of them...)
    It absolutely is turning into Sea of Friends a game i did not buy.

    I promise not replying proves my point. Thank you.

  • It definitely brought more interest to SoT and it may have made a few people sit up and consider buying the game but Summit and his ilk are purly PVP’ers and they were always going to move on to games like Apex eventually.

  • @aclassali said in So now what?:

    It definitely brought more interest to SoT and it may have made a few people sit up and consider buying the game but Summit and his ilk are purly PVP’ers and they were always going to move on to games like Apex eventually.

    I'm purely a pvp guy. Mostly because i'm a legend now and well what else do i do? Summit is also a legend. So again goes to say not enough end game content or legend content that's why you see people like me and summit playing the game for pvp.

    I don't continue playing SoT as a Legend for pve or gold.

    As a Legend i continue playing SoT for content updates and pvp. And this will always be the case for some people as the game is called "sea of theives" To say rare shouldn't care about pvp or the players who play solely because of pvp is because they will "eventually move on" is just not right. infact they are adding a mode called arena specifically for those people. However they are doing it to remove some of the people pvping in adventure mode. I will continue to pvp in adventure mode because this is what i bought the game for.

  • @vderickv Don't expect him to be warned for calling you names, happend to me once...but when i used the same word and description as that guy i got warned pretty damn fast :P

  • My comment was solely based on what I saw when I watched Summit and the other ‘big’ streamers playing the game.

    They go where the money is.

    I am a PL too and I really couldnt care less what way people want to play the game.

  • @mr-dragon-raaar Your post has been edited as it goes against the Forum Rules and Pirate Code.

    Derogatory Language

    Name calling, personal attacks and using derogatory language against Community Members, Rare Employees, Global Moderators or Deckhands is not acceptable. Using such language will result in a warning, then temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action is persistent or increasingly aggressive, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    Please read and abide by the Forum Rules and Pirate Code in future.

    Thank you.

  • @aclassali said in So now what?:

    My comment was solely based on what I saw when I watched Summit and the other ‘big’ streamers playing the game.

    They go where the money is.

    I am a PL too and I really couldnt care less what way people want to play the game.

    I can second that i don't care the way people play. This is an open world game.

    Streamers like "burke black""cletus""cream" Stopped playing because of "dead content" meaning it had no new content drops and wasn't being watched on twitch anymore. and also how the devs were just not listening to them and their reviews. Burke said when they do drop new content he would play/stream again until then not much if at all.

    (however with hit reg issues being a problem it turns people off a game that's 1 yr in and worse then it was on launch hit registration wise and gun combat wise)

    Cream is Burke blacks friend they stream SoT together a lot. This video was after the gun delay was added. This is a very recent video. Hit reg is terrible. Now tell me after watching this, That he was enjoying the new combat changes... and we would expect to see him on the game again in the near future. haha It just wont happen. Its a BUG FEST. Rare isn't focused on the right parts of the game right now which would be fixing the issues instead of creating more issues.
    Just watch this clip of a streamer really enjoying the game. LOL
    ""[link text]

  • I am not surprised some streamers are seeing lower numbers. Watching someone hide behind a map table for 2 hours before finally causing mayhem cannot sustain a dedicated audience forever. Especially when the streamer consistently ignores/misses a chance to recognize thier donors.

  • @straptt said in So now what?:

    I don't disagree, my point was at times it feels like the videos are to discourage pvp.

    Hmmm, I didn't get that vibe, but "differing interpretations" and all that, eh?

    Thing is, if you make a multiplayer game, many players take competitive PvP to be the norm rather than just an option. In other words, in general, gamers need less motivation to fight each other than they do to team up.

    If Rare IS leaning more heavily on the friendly side of things, it may just be to maintain their desired balance on the PvP/PvE tightrope that SoT thrives on.

    In regards to the big name streamers; while they were a welcome publicity spike, they were never going to be a longterm asset. The disparity between SoT's gameplay and the general approach to a broad audience streaming channel is just too great.

    Could that change with the Arena? Possibly. We may very well see another swell of streamer content with the faster, more action packed atmosphere of the Arena.

    But mostly, with a few exceptions, streamers are not a sustainable resource for a game. New titles are always coming out and most will move on eventually to new pastures or return to the ones that boosted their views in the first place.

    So while the loss of the big name streamers may not be optimal, I always viewed it as inevitable. It's mostly down to what you do with that publicity while you DO have it. Whether Rare exploited it well is up for debate. I think they did alright, but I'm no expert.

    As for the combat changes, I don't have much to say. I only fight skellies and it hasn't changed that much for me. Those who engage in PvP will have to sort that one out, though Rare has said that combat balancing is an ongoing project.

  • Salty people will be salty no matter how much they lose and with what weapon. Everyone has the same options at their disposal and there are no weapon upgrades. I would just ignore the salty people because the game was intended for swordplay at close distances. I actually like the changes minus the unequip re-equip gun after running. I think the switch between guns is fine though. I do think the penalty for missing a swing was fine, the animation now doesn't look good either. But I do think the new combat is more fun overall. I love that the blunder has more power than before and you can quickly dispatch a sword user then switch to your sword which feels great. I have been using the weapon chest a lot more to get the best weapon for a situation and it sucks when you dont have the perfect weapon and need it for the situation your in. This is definitely deeper choice than they had previously.

  • @nofears-fun said in So now what?:

    @straptt Fairly sure Joe said something about the latest quests being more regular. The ones you can buy now from Duke. They are a shaved down version of an Athena quest.

    I must have missed that, thanks for the heads up!

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