Addressing the server sizes

  • At this point I assume you've all come across the countless complaints regarding server sizes. People claiming the servers are dead. I would like to stress that the servers are working exactly as the devs intended it when designing the game.

    This is an ADVENTURE game where PvE is equally as important as PvP. Let me quote EP Joe Neate here: "We want encounters to be infrequent, and special when they happen." If they increased the number of players significantly on each server, you would have absolutely no chance of doing any type of PvE.

    What about PvP then? Well... thankfully our dev team are busting their butts off trying to please everyone... and guess what? They're introducing the Arena to please those looking for more PvP combat. They are literally trying to meet all our needs. And meanwhile people with very little insight are out here complaining constantly. Constructive criticism is good – straight up negativity is not.

    Have a little trust. Y'all act like the dev team is working against you...

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  • There were many threads about PvE and PvP servers - but maybe we could have different adventure servers based on the server size?

    For example:

    Small: 6 ships per a server
    Medium: 9 ships per a server
    Large: 12 ships per a server

    Basically an option to adjust the frequency of meeting other players.

  • Well said! I think the vast majority of players feel the same way it just seems like a small percentage enter the forum and use it as a place to vent their frustrations wuthout really thinking logically or rationally. I remember a time when games were made and didn't change or evolve anything like SoT has since release, if at all.
    It's impossible to please everyone and I'm confident RARE have loads of data and stats to prove the game is going great guns!

  • @roxie-vayne

    Have a little trust. Y'all act like the dev team is working against you...

    Excellent post, and this line really drove it home!

  • I like to think of many of the people the OP is referring to as armchair developers.

    As gamers, we all know what aspects we like and what aspects we don't like. Constructively conveying those opinions to developers in a manner that offers alternatives to how things are being done helps the developers improve the game, unfortunately most complaint posts don't offer any reasonable suggestions on how things could be changed. Honestly, reading some of the posts on here I feel like I'm reading news about the current political arena here in the USA; everyone is either on one side (totally casual, make it fun and easy) or the other (make it more hardcore, screw the casual players, etc).

    Since the game's launch, there have been aspects of this game that I have enjoyed and not enjoyed. Most of what I have not enjoyed has been in regards to player encounters more so than game mechanics (the kraken being one of those for me).

    I love the PvE aspect of the game and really dislike the open PvP aspect (but I've learned to deal with it and avoid when possible). Personally speaking, I would have liked it if the Devs had done something similar to what Rockstar did with GTA Online. In GTAO when you start a contact mission or heist you and your crew are taken to a private session, you do the mission then you're dropped back into the public session. For Sea of Thieves, I would have liked it if you start out in public, activate a voyage in which you deal with just AI opponents (albeit more skeletons, stronger Meg, more skeleton ships, etc) but you can't turn any of the loot in until you complete the voyage. One you get the last loot to complete the voyage you are automatically migrated back to the public server and then you have to sail through public/open waters to turn in your loot and hope you don't come across another player ship.

  • Great point... server size is good... saw 2 galleons and 1 sloop last night. That's enough for me. Sloop was hostile and galleons were friendly oddly enough.

  • Couldn't agree more! Rare do a superb job & this game has brought so many people together even within families. We've all heard countless stories of couples, parents with their kids & even grandparents getting involved in their own little adventures out at sea! Such a unique game and experience which is constantly supported by a great Dev team - keep up the great work:)

  • @archaell That idea definitely has potential!

  • I went for a solo sloop yesterday and encountered 3 galleons and a brig all contesting the same fort.. Turn sails and head for the Outpost!! Trust me, this server did not feel empty for the next 3 hours, i had to keep an eye constantly on the horizon as ships were constantly buzzing around me. And other days you get to feel like your the only one on the seas. I am more than happy with the current balance of the server size and have loved this game for 10 months now.
    Those hungry for PVP will soon enough get their desires with The Arena coming, and those that want PVE should be just fine as things are now in adventure mode.

  • i remember strss tests what were exactly about this topic and frequency.
    Now as they added a lot of pve encounters the world doesnt feel empty anymore vice versa some people have trouble when they hit one encounter after another.

    To me all is fine and like it is intended.

    With Arena we will have a lot of PvPers only play Arena and only few pvpirates in the adventure sea.
    But i think even this is maybe a good thing for the game and will balance out.
    Imo it will just add more Players to the game.
    Those who focus on PvP onl y and those who enjoy PvE a little more, but are ok with PvP or players are a possible threat to them.

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