Character customization suggestion from a fellow pirate legend!

  • I believe that bringing in a character customization option for face, size, height, etc, would be very beneficial to the game. I believe there are lots of people who would like to be able to change their characters. I have been stuck with the same character from the beginning and i made a meme character assuming this would have been brought in, in the early stages. Having a character that you believe in, will make you want to play more as well as increase the concurrent online player base. This is just an idea, would love to get some feedback from other members of the site, and or Rare. Thanks!

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  • @symbiotictv i reckon they should either allow us to create multiple pirates, or give us the character changing potion that i believe was talked about in the early stages of the game

  • I didn't even realize you could randomize the apperances by clicking Page Down; I thought the game only had the initial 5 characters I was presented with. I made my choice based off of that.

  • @captain-akaza yea its a terrible system, absolutly the worst character selection i have ever seen in any game before in my life. should have allowed the players to customise the characters to their own liking, or given us the option to have more than one pirate, or at least save our pirate so when we delete them they arent gone for forever

  • @symbiotictv I Totally agree with this. I created my pirate as a really fat and ugly one because I got the game from gamepass and decided I want going to play it seriously and just wanted to be silly. I regret this now because I can't do any stealth missions and hide from other pirates, I get called "fatty" whenever I join a boat, and even if the hitboxes are the same for all pirates, I have a major disadvantage because I am super easy to spot considering the size of my character. I am a Pirate Legend 8 and I am not willing to start all over again just because of my character looks

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