Possibility of adding Pirate Legend status to your forum profile and being able to access commendations OUTSIDE of the game?

  • As above really. Would it be possible to have our forum profile recognise our progress within game and display Pirate Legend along with any other titles we might have eg. Pioneer, Insider, Boatswain etc? A small feature but one I'm sure many of us would appreciate seeing.

    The other half of the question... could we have access either via our profile or perhaps in a separate web page, or even an app, to our commendation progress without having to fire up the game. I've had several discussions with others recently, whether that be chatting to friends or discussing the game on Twitch etc where commendation progress was brought up and we had to solely go by memory to recall what we'd completed etc. I know I speak for more than just myself when I say that such a feature would be very much appreciated also.

    Many thanks and happy sailing :)

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  • @xot3rm1n4t0rox I think that's a great idea. Should be possible to make some sort of hiscore page with all the commendations.

  • @xot3rm1n4t0rox
    i like the idea of being able to check your commendations outside of the game. Maybe even view your pirate, or change clothes/weapon skins. It would however take money and time to develop something like that. Would probably be possible only if enough people wanted it.

    About the PL badge, I'm not sure. I'm a bit affraid of the effect it would have on discussions. Like "you're not a PL, so your opinion is not important" etc.

  • That is a really good idea and I support it 100%. I remember with GTA V, the socal club, you could access your account's stats online and I loved it. Also the abilty to say your a Pirate Legend or Athenas 10 will also be a spot on abilty aswell.

  • @teck7772 the game that made me think of the feature was the multiplayer part of Mass Effect 3. Being able to check on your unlocks etc OUTSIDE of the game was very useful indeed. REALLY hope someone can do something with this idea and make it a reality. :)

  • @xot3rm1n4t0rox said in Possibility of adding Pirate Legend status to your forum profile and being able to access commendations OUTSIDE of the game?:

    @teck7772 the game that made me think of the feature was the multiplayer part of Mass Effect 3. Being able to check on your unlocks etc OUTSIDE of the game was very useful indeed. REALLY hope someone can do something with this idea and make it a reality. :)

    Yea i'm 100% in.

  • @xot3rm1n4t0rox

    A fair few games have this set up for community members and I think it would be a great way of integrating information all in one location i.e the forums/website.

    Maybe you also have an image of your pirate and what they were last wearing, titles, progress, and the info which you can already access on the xbox app, maybe a place to write a bit of a log or automatic brief details of your last voyage - handed in x chests, sailed x miles on a brig/sloop/galleon, encountered x and x and x beasties, sunk by a volcano.

  • Fantastic idea

  • @sir-lotus

    About the PL badge, I'm not sure. I'm a bit affraid of the effect it would have on discussions. Like "you're not a PL, so your opinion is not important" etc.

    I agree with this. A PL badge would look cool, but at the same time could in itself act as a division in discussions, so perhaps it's not such a good idea.

    As for access to our characters/progression outside of the game. I often find I've run out of forum discussions to look up before my working day is over, so another distraction would be most welcome. ;)

  • Love this idea! Agreed!

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