Do you think we will ever get a single player mode?

  • With more npc type skeleton crews out on the sea?

    This would really be the perfect family game if it had it. I think it is a miss chance on making money not having it. PVP is not a very good selling point for a game.

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  • @rager82 said in Do you think we will ever get a single player mode?:

    PVP is not a very good selling point for a game.

    Really? What are you basing that on?

    I do not foresee a single-player mode for SoT. They have been clear about that.

  • @ghostpaw


    PVE games mixed with pvp never has done well. Just look at mmos, and most open world games trying to do pvp focus.

    A pure pvp game like fortnite does well, but it is not a open world content focus game, it is just pvp to live to win.

    Games like this, that mixes pve with pvp has and will always fail down the line. History proves this.

    Also, just because they are clear now does not mean they won't change mind. Share holders, and M$ needs to put pressure on them to do it.

  • Im more up for an Mobile Version, only the Release Vanilla Version, don’t care if Online or Offline, only want to roam the Seas when I’m at Work :D

  • I liked this game for enjoying a adventure voyage with friends, working together and playing smart not to get caught by pirates.

    But i fear where this game is slowly turning in some quik cheap action. Rushing for commendations and pl 10 and popup monster madness.

    We no longer have nice adventure voyages because the risk reward situation makes it so we just rush everything. The popups monsters make it no longer fun to play relaxed and with the arena there be even more quik cheap action.

    I go home from work now i worked all night and im tired. Im really excited to go play sot before i go to bed. No friends are online so i would go play solo catch chickens watch out for pirates and sell some... but i think im not going to play because its a rollercoaster of cheap monster action at the moment. No fun solo not relaxed :(

    So i dunno i hope it get better playable for my likes soon :) for me i dont need single player mode i need a mode without popup madness

  • @ruigtand-nl

    That will never happen you can't control people like that.

    I'm doing some research, and emailing M$ feedback about some of this stuff. If Rare won't give players won't they want, maybe pressure from them would help.

    Options is always good. This game would be so much better without the pvp part for many players.

  • This game will never have single player because its structured entirely as an online only game. Everything requires an online component, from the main screen to the characters, gold, voyages and the world itself.

  • @rager82

    I think the pvp is the power of this game playing smart.

    Most of the pve dangers are just time consuming and learn to beat the game.. new content gets old real quik.

    I think the pve part is only so exciting because you have to play smart not to get caught by real players.

    For pve only there are 1000 better games and for pvp too. Its the balanced mix in this game making it so special i think.

  • @rager82 said in Do you think we will ever get a single player mode?:



    PVE games mixed with pvp never has done well. Just look at mmos, and most open world games trying to do pvp focus.

    A pure pvp game like fortnite does well, but it is not a open world content focus game, it is just pvp to live to win.

    Games like this, that mixes pve with pvp has and will always fail down the line. History proves this.

    Also, just because they are clear now does not mean they won't change mind. Share holders, and M$ needs to put pressure on them to do it.

    Good point its difficult to keep it good balanced and when you make one player happy the other starts complaining.. its like democracy you end up with this soft mix on all issues with no real sollutions. Its more easy to focus on just one type of play say a shooter.

    But to please dad, mom, brother and sister they actually did an amazing job with sot.. got me hooked to something completely different from what i normally played..

    But keeping balance with new content i think this is really difficult for them :")

  • Not sure how many Developer Streams ago it was, but, on one of them, I believe Mike Chapman was talking about the upcoming quest and lore updates they are working on for the future - and he said something about how solo players may really like it, or enjoy it, or something along those lines. (I wish I could remember the exact quote)

    I/we have nooooo idea what he may have been referring to and how much such players would appreciate it, hehe. I can't fully recall, but I remember, at the time, I was thinking it could be something to do with instanced quests or something that solo players could explore/enjoy/achieve without as much danger as they may usually face.

    Anyway, that last bit may be completely off, but his comment stood out to me. It could just be something small, but the way he said it, and the way it sounded... made me wonder.

    I don't want to get anybody's hopes up though... it could have just been that a pet parrot could help keep solo players company and not feel so alone (kidding, lol!).

    Fair winds!

    (Oh, for the record, I don't expect any true solo play mode, but I remember hearing them say what I mentioned above, and figured it could be something that may be of interest. Possibly something to explore the lore while not being in direct danger, perhaps.)

  • I don't think true solo mode is on the agenda, or if it is I don't think it's a priority.

    Rare made and have always said they were making a shared world adventure game. A single player experience isn't their vision for SoT.

    I think it's trying to be its own, new thing. So looking at history only tells you so much.

    I can't think of a single other game where I can sink someone, change my clothes and ship cosmetics, sail up to them again, join an alliance and convince them that I'll help them look for the dastardly pirate that sank them. I've done it in SoT though. It's stuff like this that you'd lose in doing a true solo mode and in my view the game would be less rich as a result.

  • If they were to allow a single-player option, then imo it would have to be one where all achievements are turned off. Everyone else has had to handle the full range of threats to reach the level they're currently at, whether that be the lofty heights of Athena 10, Pirate Legend or just somewhere on the way towards both/either.

    With no threat from other players, despite all the dangers now present in the world since Shrouded Spoils helped bring the world to life... there's still very little risk in a single player environment. With no risk, should come no reward. Gold should still be paid out for anything you hand in but all commendations etc should be negated whilst in an offline mode.

    I personally don't wish for or need a single player mode, I like the game just as it is, however, I can see how some players with very limited gaming time and a love for the game might want such a thing and I don't see why it should be refused them... as long as it doesn't give them an advantage over the players that play the full mode. Well, that's my two doubloons worth anyhow :)

  • @pdt-mindstream "Je ne veux cependant pas espérer que quelqu'un… puisse penser qu'un perroquet de compagnie pourrait aider à garder la compagnie des joueurs en solo et ne pas se sentir si seul " hahahahah NICE !!

  • No, I don't think so and hope we won't get it.

  • Do you think we will ever get a single player mode?


  • @xot3rm1n4t0rox said in Do you think we will ever get a single player mode?:

    If they were to allow a single-player option, then imo it would have to be one where all achievements are turned off. Everyone else has had to handle the full range of threats to reach the level they're currently at, whether that be the lofty heights of Athena 10, Pirate Legend or just somewhere on the way towards both/either.

    With no threat from other players, despite all the dangers now present in the world since Shrouded Spoils helped bring the world to life... there's still very little risk in a single player environment. With no risk, should come no reward. Gold should still be paid out for anything you hand in but all commendations etc should be negated whilst in an offline mode.

    I personally don't wish for or need a single player mode, I like the game just as it is, however, I can see how some players with very limited gaming time and a love for the game might want such a thing and I don't see why it should be refused them... as long as it doesn't give them an advantage over the players that play the full mode. Well, that's my two doubloons worth anyhow :)

    Achievements don't matter so no point taking it away.

    Also they would need to add more npc ships and stuff for sure, but really the more that I think about it. The more I am pretty sure they will add a private game one day. This game design is just too good to not have one, So I am looking forward to it. People say No, but options is always better, and money matters. If this game had solo mode, more people would enjoy it.

  • @xot3rm1n4t0rox said in Do you think we will ever get a single player mode?:

    If they were to allow a single-player option, then imo it would have to be one where all achievements are turned off. Everyone else has had to handle the full range of threats to reach the level they're currently at, whether that be the lofty heights of Athena 10, Pirate Legend or just somewhere on the way towards both/either.

    With no threat from other players, despite all the dangers now present in the world since Shrouded Spoils helped bring the world to life... there's still very little risk in a single player environment. With no risk, should come no reward. Gold should still be paid out for anything you hand in but all commendations etc should be negated whilst in an offline mode.

    I personally don't wish for or need a single player mode, I like the game just as it is, however, I can see how some players with very limited gaming time and a love for the game might want such a thing and I don't see why it should be refused them... as long as it doesn't give them an advantage over the players that play the full mode. Well, that's my two doubloons worth anyhow :)

    Have to say I completely agree, though I'd want the separation to go further in that no gold, rep, items bought in single player/private mode should transfer across to the public mode we have now.

    It will allow folks to enjoy playing the game the way they want, but encourage them to play the game as it was intended - with other players acting as the unpredictable element/threat of the game.

  • Well thats the point it dosent need to be easy and i will answer for everyone with that same view on PVE servers or single mode, there is a certain value for getting gold and purchasing cool skins.
    By the look on someone you can see that he sailed in the dangerous waters for a while and survived to sell his treasure and got rewarded, against players kraken skeleton ships he made it to this point if we will have the abillity to play on PVE servers or single player mode it will be much more easy.
    The seas will be crawling with pirate legends who achieved that easly and to get things will lose their value.
    Just GIT GUD and learn how to defeat your enemies and if you need tips you are more then welcome to ask me, but to make the game easy just because someone sank your ship is a bad solution.

  • @solestone563412 Anything that brings new players in is good.

    I don't know how much money PVE would bring in though. Single player experiences are a one and done kinda thing. Not many people stick around buying skins, pets etc.

    Multiplayer, where you can show off your stuff to other people. That'll keep people coming back. Single player? I'm sure there'd be a couple who stuck around to spend money, but we're not talking Fortnite here (and I bet Microsoft are thinking it)

    I'm not saying playing with friends on the same server isn't in the works (that could be a bit more family friendly), but sailing around on your toblerone chasing chickens and dodging the Kraken? I don't really see it.

    Maybe when they update Adventure mode a single player thing might be more viable, but right now I wouldn't play something like that for more than 5 minutes before I died of boredom.

  • @rager82
    Some players like the PVE side of the game, but the PVP crowd don't see it.
    They don't want PVE servers as they won't have the PVE'ers to steal from, therefore they won't be able to progress unless they do some actual PVE instead of just killing & stealing.
    But it's a pirate game responses will crop up, again this is a croc of cr@p. Pirates were rarely all out bloodthirsty murdering idiots, who sank every ship they came across, but most of the PVPers seem to think that's what they did!
    Hopefully when private servers become a reality then you will get your PVE server, just like PVPers are getting Arena.

  • @sort-out-xplay this is a thread about single player.

    Not your PVE vs PVP pet project.

    Solo players PVP too, some full crews only PVE.

    Solo play is not the same as single player. All PVE in this game still occurs in a multiplayer environment, it's a multiplayer game, much to your distress it would seem.

    I mean I love both aspects of the game, but you went and bought a multiplayer game and as soon as another player comes along to play too you run off screaming "Waaaaah, I don't want to play with people! It's my loot! Waaaaah!"

    That's neither here nor there though because we're talking about a true single-player experience.

    A true single player mode, where there were nothing except NPC enemies wouldn't take anything away from my game. It wouldn't be something I'd be immediately interested in but I'm interested in discussing the idea to see if it could become something worthwhile.

  • @sort-out-xplay said in Do you think we will ever get a single player mode?:

    Pirates were rarely all out bloodthirsty murdering idiots, who sank every ship they came across, but most of the PVPers seem to think that's what they did!

    PvP players are rarely “all out bloodthirsty murdering idiots” who sink every ship they come across, but some players seem to think that is all they do.

    Most players who PvP also do PvE content. It is difficult to progress far just on the loot that drops from player-ships. But keep in mind, this is a game based on thievery, not archeology.

  • @rager82

    This would really be the perfect family game if it had it.

    Games rated T for Teen, and the ESRB can't put ratings on online interactions. Kids aren't the main target for this game.

    PVP is not a very good selling point for a game.

    PvP is some of your biggest most long lasting games to date. They also make up of the majority of Streamed games. Sea of Thieves doesn't have remotely enough content to last for a few years. Voyages are grindy and commendations are just a number. Nothing really hard just time consuming. That isn't to say I don't enjoy the game, and SoT's core aspect isn't lost on me. Without playing with the right people, this game would be forgotten.

    PVE games mixed with pvp never has done well.

    Maybe from a console perspective, but Rust and Ark have pretty strong PvP scenes. Mobas even have PvE elements, and have the largest Competitive Scene.

  • @ruigtand-nl said in Do you think we will ever get a single player mode?:


    I think the pvp is the power of this game playing smart.

    Most of the pve dangers are just time consuming and learn to beat the game.. new content gets old real quik.

    I think the pve part is only so exciting because you have to play smart not to get caught by real players.

    For pve only there are 1000 better games and for pvp too. Its the balanced mix in this game making it so special i think.

    I think this is very subjective and everyone will have a different opinion on it. I prefer to play in the current PvEvP setting. However, I do occasionally get to play with my younger kids. And in those cases, a strictly PvE server would be preferred. Not because I am afraid of some good PvP, but because quite often the PvP includes a lot of toxicity. And quite honestly, all the new AI threats out there, while yes you can beat them, they do offer quite a bit of excitement.

    Edit: I should add, that while I don't shy away from PvP, I play the game for the content and PvE more than anything else. Have been since about a month after launch, and honestly I don't see where it doesn't have enough variations that you can't find fun in it. So from my point of view, I could enjoy tons of playing time just doing the PvE content and never have any PvP, and still enjoy this game immensely. Again, it is all in the eye of the beholder. Just because you don't see the joy in it doesn't mean someone else doesn't. And honestly, it hurts nothing for players to have a choice.

  • @solestone563412 said in Do you think we will ever get a single player mode?:

    And of course, there are also people who just want to smoke a bit of weed and sail around looking at the water.

    That should be the promotional tagline if they ever release it! I am already swayed a little.

  • @Boxcar-Squidy

    @rager82 said in Do you think we will ever get a single player mode?:

    PVP is not a very good selling point for a game.

    I expanded on this point the OP made, so my response is a valid one. If you have a single player mode isn't that in effect PVE mode??
    I am more than capable at both PVE & PVP, i just don't get all the hate for people wanting to play the game how they want, unlike some on here!
    As you can see by my GT, my issue with this game is & always has been the crossplay imbalance & i will fight for that until it's fixed!
    No need to get your knickers in a twist ;)

  • @rager82
    Sir , do you know why this game will never be singleplayer ? Simply...It is too Beautiful to play alone. i think that if this would be a Singleplayer then maybe the most Hardcore player would play around, 40 maybe 50 hours max and then play something different...
    No this game is so Great just because it isn't a Singleplayer game....People like to think in Boxes , let's put this game there and that game there . Adventure ,RPG, Tactical , RTS , Turn Based , Race , Sports and so on and on are the categories , PvP and Pve and all their combinations are popular terms today to define any game...

    This game is different , has something different , and i'm still unable to find the sticker to mark it...This game has it all, from Fun, Epicness , Adventure to ship and melee fights and much more ...But this game outrises itself because of the people you meet . You may start a dull evening in wich you jump from server to server to meet a person that knows how to use a Microphone or the Text chat and suddenly ,just when you're about to give up , you meet him/her or them from whom you will get an evening that you will never forget...You have heaps of fun, laughter , but also thrills if the " enemy " unleashes a volley of cannonballs at yer ship , or if a Megalodonodon is almost forcing yer ship to sink...

    i mean this really, a singleplayer game will never bring out to you what SOT is today ...It would feel like playing second division football, knowing that you're worthy of playing Premier League...

    Maybe you ran in some trollic trouble or maybe the game feels like it has a steep learning curve to you, there 's nothing wrong with that...If i were new on this game i would probably swallow too or maybe after a few attempts in Solo Sloop mode , give up ...But that would be ashame , Sir , if you feel you need help or some guidance then reach out to us, write something down and i'm 200 percent certain that one or more GoodHearted Pirates will spend some time with you in order to " arm" you better to the many Thrilling Perils this game contains...But Singleplayer ...Hum, i'm going to speak against my own Heart but if you really swear Allegiance to a singleplayer game then i can recommend you , with pain in my Heart from losing a Possible Great Pirate , to Assassin's Creed Black Flag, to name one ...But i really do this against my will...i would rather ask you to stay and sail and discover many hidden GameGems and Jewels of Pirates that sail around on the many Seas the servers has to offer you...

    What say ye? Do you want to stick a bit longer and see what this old raving fool is on about? Or do you rather play alone , in wich one day the question will rise in yer head : " What if i had taken the jump ,like that Old Fool asked , and who knows who and what i could have experienced?"...
    The ball lies in yer camp , don't kick it away too fast...Give it a thought ...Please?

  • @nofears-fun

    I agree and sometimes i would like it like this morning when i get home from a nightshift and im tired i would like some relaxed game to play. The same with arena i guess sometimes i will probably like it as a little break play something different.

    Im not opposed to having these versions i just think the mix gives me the most excitement and makes it more special.

    Im really curious what influence it will have on the game when arena comes out or when a pve or single player mode option would be there. I dont know how it will effect the game..

  • @sort-out-xplay no twisted knickers here.

    I do seem to have a more agressive tone today than normal. No offence intended. I'll try to tone it down.

    Yes a single player mode, by nature would be PVE only. It also wouldn't bother me. I'd be against PVE servers, because I think that sounds stupid. Not that it is stupid necessarily, just my opinion on it. I also think people would pick PVE by default and would end up missing out on 2/3 of the game (in my view pure PVE is 1/3, Friendly interaction with other players is 1/3 and PVP is 1/3).

    Single player mode, or even single crew mode, with only PVE threats wouldn't effect me at all. The kind of players who don't want to fight back to the extent that they'd rather be alone on a server aren't the sort of players I enjoy fighting anyway.

    I don't think the current PVE offering would be very good without the PVP threat. If the voyages get a rework, there's more lore and such in the world etc. then perhaps it could be an interesting thing to play.

  • Considering that Rare is dependent on people buying the game to generate income, SP-options or at least PvE-servers wouldn't be a bad idea. It's not F2P after all, which has to fund itself with microtransactions.

    And since Rare has already our money, the current players are more or less unimportant. The only thing that matters is thinking about on how to draw in new customers. Which they are attempting by releasing new content, so that at least those who didn't buy it first might think about it now.

    The pets might get some additional cash in, but I assume they are just peanuts compared to game sales.

  • @rager82 said in Do you think we will ever get a single player mode?:

    With more npc type skeleton crews out on the sea?

    This would really be the perfect family game if it had it. I think it is a miss chance on making money not having it. PVP is not a very good selling point for a game.

    *Waves hand
    "This is not the game you are looking for. Move along."

    alt text

  • The biggest problem with single player is, IIRC, the sea physics in Sea of Thieves is done by the cloud (someone might correct me on this) and so dedicating that to just one player or a crew would be a huge ask.

    What is more feasible, and more likely, is private servers that are rented from Rare for a subscription - similar to Realms in Minecraft.

  • @rager82 said in Do you think we will ever get a single player mode?:



    PVE games mixed with pvp never has done well. Just look at mmos, and most open world games trying to do pvp focus.

    A pure pvp game like fortnite does well, but it is not a open world content focus game, it is just pvp to live to win.

    Games like this, that mixes pve with pvp has and will always fail down the line. History proves this.

    Also, just because they are clear now does not mean they won't change mind. Share holders, and M$ needs to put pressure on them to do it.

    What on earth are you basing failure on here? This type of game has a niche community that loves PvPvE to death. Some people really love open world with PvP focus, just because it's not a massive market doesn't mean it has failed.

  • @rager82 "PVE games mixed with pvp never has done well. Just look at mmos, and most open world games trying to do pvp focus."

    What about WoW? It's been so popular and successful that every game for 8 years tried to be it. They have mixed focus of PvP and PvE with activities at all levels and competitiveness.

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