New pirate!

  • Ahoy! My Name Is ExternalSugar

    I've come to the Sea of Thieves to meet some awesome people and people to have fun with.

    Me interests consist of making lots of gold and laughing a lot.

    Ps: I'm sort of still new and getting the hang of things. Would really like to have some people on my friend's list to have fun with and play SoT with. We can learn together C:
    Add me and hope to see you soon!
    GT: ExternalSugar.

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  • Ahoy ExternalSugar, welcome aboard!

    Here's an excellent thread if you want to know more about the game, tips, etc :

    See you on the high seas!

  • I’ll add you
    If I see you on I’ll send you a message.
    You got a headset with a mic?

  • @someskinnydudex Sounds good. And yeah I do.

  • hey bro i just got the game whats ur discord and ill add u on their first

  • @externalsugar I've always got room for more pirate mates, I don't mind teaching new pirates on the sea's and having loads of fun.

  • @datingapple6991 ExternalSugar

    @JFrandom Sounds good, add me anytime!

  • @externalsugar Welcome aboard the sea if you would like to sail or need any help/tips send me a message! I hope you enjoy your experience.

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